
New Year's Resolutions

Post 30425 by MiguelCardoso deleted for the following reason: lame get-rich-quick site, weak premise to converse upon


So Paris Hilton is not a hotel, then.

Post 30359 by nthdegx deleted for the following reason: stupid

Wiccans and Christmas Carols

Post 30352 by StormBear deleted for the following reason: dude, cardinal sin of mefi: don't link to your own shit

He's pissing down your chimney

Post 30351 by angry modem deleted for the following reason: kinda lame + stile porn overload


Droping down to D town where

Post 30345 by DailyBread deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Post-War Reconstruction

Post 30327 by MrAnonymous deleted for the following reason: nice self-link, jerkass



Post 30305 by jackspace deleted for the following reason: bleah

Lest we forget

Post 30304 by CrazyJub deleted for the following reason: I found this in a spider hole


Living large for five feet tall

Post 30278 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: shame me once, and it's my mistake, shame me three times and I'm peter jackson

tough week for ashcroft the crook

Post 30273 by specialk420 deleted for the following reason: I am interested in your bold ideas, where can I sign up for your newsletter?

Ho Ho Ho-mophobia!

Post 30268 by archimago deleted for the following reason: bleah


Wolf in sheeps' clothing

Post 30182 by rhruska deleted for the following reason: http://yahoo.com/

Its a BK Holiday!

Post 30172 by fenriq deleted for the following reason: OH MY GOD TARDS ARE SO FUCKING FUNNY HAHAHA



Historic Tale Construction Kit

Post 30126 by hama7 deleted for the following reason: posted previously on a very special episode

A Creation of Child Pornographers?

Post 30106 by cedar deleted for the following reason: hoax!


Bonkers Donkers

Post 30035 by MintSauce deleted for the following reason: It's olds, not news. OldsFilter!

Smoke Kills

Post 30028 by moonbird deleted for the following reason: previously posted dreck



Post 30014 by crunchland deleted for the following reason: bad software! bad! you go in the corner and think about what you programmed!


Post 30009 by the fire you left me deleted for the following reason: the earlier thread you left me


Unknown unknowns

Post 29951 by jonvaughan deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday