
Barack Obama still loves babies....2016 (and final) version

Post 164294 by bluesky43 deleted for the following reason: I'm guessing this is a mispaste and not some sort of oblique semiotic dissertation on Obama's tenure but I guess drop me a line at the contact form to let me know either way. -- cortex

Cat Facts, meet Cat Objective Key Results

Post 164297 by CrystalDave deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


One last desperate attempt to pull 2016 back from the brink.

Post 164249 by honeybee413 deleted for the following reason: As much as I am in favor of absolutely any reason to discuss good news, we've discussed this before (hello, filling in for vacationing mods!) -- jessamyn


A theory of the mechanism driving our post-factual world.

Post 164223 by MikeWarot deleted for the following reason: Heya, this may be interesting, but if so a post about it with a bit more framing about the content of the 19-minute talk and without the "here's my opinion, discuss" bit would be a better way to go than this. -- cortex


And all its sad goodbyes

Post 164220 by Huck500 deleted for the following reason: Let's wait for a full obituary post. -- restless_nomad


Medicare Risk Adjustment - ChartFast

Post 164199 by bingtx deleted for the following reason: Huh, this looks just like SEO spamming -- taz


Those people have never met Sprocket H.G. Shopcat.

Post 164188 by Pope Guilty deleted for the following reason: Alas, we've dispensed this pellet already. -- cortex

2016 goes for the jugular.

Post 164195 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: This is worrying as heck but let's please not do the race-to-the-goal-line TMZ thing if we can help it, wait till there's some more info and less skeezy sources and think about a post then. -- cortex


Anything that children have access on for pornography would be blocked

Post 164175 by ErisLordFreedom deleted for the following reason: I think maybe let's skip a post about a dumb state bill unless and until there's something more to it than essentially "a dumb state bill exists"; we'd have a ton of these posts otherwise. -- cortex


How can a Nightclub become profitable?

Post 164133 by Sophont deleted for the following reason: poster's request, meant for askme -- LobsterMitten


Get thee (and thy dog) to the airport

Post 164121 by MrBobinski deleted for the following reason: Go ahead and post this over on AskMe. -- restless_nomad


I feel bad for our country. But this is tremendous content.

Post 164094 by naju deleted for the following reason: This seems to be not going over real well, and I don't know that we need a listing of terrible things? Or a fight over whether they're terrible, or if people who don't think they're terrible are themselves ipso facto terrible, or whatever. -- LobsterMitten


Find my phone, the documentary

Post 164073 by Joh deleted for the following reason: Double. -- Eyebrows McGee

Henry Heimlich, inventor of the Heimlich Maneuver, died at 96

Post 164060 by XtinaS deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but if we are doing an obit, let's get something better than a single link post -- taz


Hey, do you have any good romantic comedy sports movies?

Post 164053 by artsandsci deleted for the following reason: Double. deleted double -- Eyebrows McGee


The Jerrys are a beautiful thing.

Post 164000 by amnesia and magnets deleted for the following reason: I am applauding the wonderful stupidity of this thing but it'd be better to have a post about this after the fact if there's good footage or whatever of it rather than right now when it's pretty much just a teaser and a donate button for an active fundraiser. -- cortex


Reed will eat itself

Post 163992 by Cuke deleted for the following reason: Framing something like this as a "did they protest correctly or not" is not going to lead to any sort of enlightening or, indeed, civil discussion, sorry. -- restless_nomad


What is Aleppo.

Post 163960 by adamvasco deleted for the following reason: We have an Aleppo post from earlier today - feel free to drop this stuff in there. Thanks. -- restless_nomad


A genius system entrusted to flawed stewards

Post 163933 by gottabefunky deleted for the following reason: This has been discussed already a fair amount in this thread, better to keep it there. -- cortex

A Hopkins Family Christmas

Post 163923 by secretdark deleted for the following reason: Eh, yeah, I appreciate the basic intent here but there's kinda a streak of not-great LOL REDNECKS vibe in the series that's hard to decipher without context and probably not grounds for doing all that for some random jokey family christmas pics. -- cortex

He put her in a pumpkin shell ...

Post 163938 by wonton endangerment deleted for the following reason: Maybe add this to the ongoing parade of terrible things in the current post-election post. -- LobsterMitten


Dead at 91

Post 163916 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: Enjoy some Take Five covers in place of this nobituary from 2012. :) -- Eyebrows McGee


Truth teller

Post 163901 by youdontmakefriendswithsalad deleted for the following reason: This is already being discussed over here. -- Eyebrows McGee


What is the Minimum Viable Citizen?

Post 163819 by I_Love_Bananas deleted for the following reason: The problem described is interesting but the article is full of prime fight-starting material and doesn't really offer any useful suggestions as an answer to the question, seems like a recipe for a lot of heat and little light. -- LobsterMitten

Carryon Shame

Post 163818 by Foci for Analysis deleted for the following reason: Sorry, eh, we've had the fight about reduced space in airplanes a lot, plus this seems to be from a couple years ago, and public-shamey-photos stuff is always sort of dicey in the first place. -- LobsterMitten


Amazon Go

Post 163782 by asymptotic deleted for the following reason: what? -- cortex

Cave of Munits

Post 163802 by jorgemontenegro deleted for the following reason: This is a self link, which is prohibited here, and you are banned. -- LobsterMitten

Like watching a train wreck in slow motion

Post 163799 by louigi deleted for the following reason: Sloooowly crashing into this post from earlier today -- LobsterMitten

Fake News Explosion Near End of Election

Post 163793 by xammerboy deleted for the following reason: This is of a piece with a lot of stuff that's been discussed in a few recent threads, probably better as a link in e.g. this or this. -- cortex



Post 163769 by yoga deleted for the following reason: eh -- cortex


Now is the time

Post 163753 by infini deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, "how must we respond to this election" thinkpieces should go in the current post-election thread. -- LobsterMitten

No Stranger to Truth and Bullshit

Post 163752 by xtian deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, we're still corralling stuff about this into the post-election threads, so bring your links over there. -- LobsterMitten

Pastor Jim Bakker Helps You Prepare For Trump's America

Post 163760 by Mr.Pointy deleted for the following reason: Most of these links are either doubles or Trump-related and can go in the election thread -- Eyebrows McGee


The Eric Clapton Collection

Post 163748 by growabrain deleted for the following reason: this is interesting, but with the way it's framed, people are reading this as a direct ad and it's getting a lot of flags. Maybe repost tomorrow with some more context (like an article about the sale) and/or different wording to make it a little clearer -- or contact us and we can edit right away and undelete. Thanks. -- taz

So a comedian and a hatemonger are sitting next to each other on a plane

Post 163747 by not_on_display deleted for the following reason: Better to add this to the current ongoing discussion about election results, Trumps, etc. Thanks! -- taz


Post 163740 by Johnny Wallflower deleted for the following reason: This is kind of a compilation of all possible fights on Metafilter without any real commentary or additional value. -- restless_nomad


Pony Request: Different timeframe options in popular section

Post 163727 by mulligan deleted for the following reason: Go ahead and make a MetaTalk post about this and/or send us a note at the contact form. -- restless_nomad

Buzz Aldrin evacuated from South Pole

Post 163708 by easily confused deleted for the following reason: I like basically all the nouns in this post but this is a pretty thin press-release sort of thing at this point. Maybe revisit if there turns out to be more meat to it than "ill famous person evacuated from place with limited medical resources". -- cortex

Hottest Lexus Ever

Post 163725 by gryphonlover deleted for the following reason: This is funny but not really enough of anything but clever marketing to sustain a post. -- restless_nomad


Screws fell from the mainmast like raindrops

Post 163692 by Chrysostom deleted for the following reason: Sorry, looks like there are several previous posts on this. -- LobsterMitten


Useful: GAO email for addressing auditing Trump's conflicts of interest

Post 163669 by Geameade deleted for the following reason: Sorry, Mefi isn't for posting this kind of thing as an FPP. Election stuff can go in the current election thread, calls to action can also go in this Metatalk. -- LobsterMitten


The Cats in the Hats

Post 163642 by carter deleted for the following reason: Cats in Hats so Nice we Posted them Twice (Sorry! go ahead and add extra links over there!) -- taz


Finally some good news

Post 163628 by philip-random deleted for the following reason: this is pretty thin -- taz

2016's Spiral Jetty

Post 163616 by standardasparagus deleted for the following reason: Yep, mixed this yesterday too. A post about it once it's not fundraising anymore would be fine. -- cortex

Ron Glass: 1941 - 2016

Post 163619 by catlet deleted for the following reason: Man, that's a bummer, but let's maybe wait for something slightly less perfunctory/blurby to build a post around. -- cortex


This was just empty land. Now there’s a hole there. That’s life.

Post 163604 by numaner deleted for the following reason: yeah, god bless 'em and all but I think we can pass on this as a candidate for an exception to the fundraiser proscription -- cortex

I am a Marxist-Leninist, and I will be a Marxist-Leninist until the last

Post 163612 by googlebombed deleted for the following reason: Deleted earlier; let's get something a little better -- taz

Fidel Castro (August 13, 1926 - November 25, 2016)

Post 163610 by Ouverture deleted for the following reason: Please let's construct an actual post around this, not just an announcement. -- restless_nomad

Daddy what else did you leave for me?

Post 163605 by Lanark deleted for the following reason: You can go ahead and throw this in the current election thread - we're trying to avoid the front page becoming All Trump All the Time. -- restless_nomad


Igor Stravinsky having another creepy breakfast

Post 163594 by Rumple deleted for the following reason: This is great but a double. -- LobsterMitten

New & rare Star Wars prints out in Japan ahead of 'Rogue One' release

Post 163582 by HitchJpn deleted for the following reason: This doesn't really work as a post here, sorry. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


I wonder if this is enough to get me onto the ...

Post 163542 by Jonathan Livengood deleted for the following reason: This is disturbing and I'm not sure we should be giving this project direct traffic. -- LobsterMitten


Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Post 163506 by LuckyMonkey21 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we're keeping post-election madness mostly corralled in single threads still - current one is here. -- LobsterMitten

"...he'll go down in history as a great president."

Post 163514 by Room 641-A deleted for the following reason: Double. Awesome photos but unfortunately a (slightly repackaged) double -- Eyebrows McGee


[INTERLUDE] Weeknd - I Feel It Coming (feat. Daft Punk)

Post 163474 by panaceanot deleted for the following reason: This is a no-go, links must be to publicly available stuff. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


And Now We're Talking About Internment Camps?

Post 163461 by onecircleaday deleted for the following reason: We're still mostly corralling election-related posts and individual outrages will go best there. -- restless_nomad

“Look at how much the city people have driven us into the ground.”

Post 163449 by SinisterPurpose deleted for the following reason: Please go ahead and put this in the main election thread (also, just for future info, "here are my own thoughts / reactions" sorts of framing for posts don't really work here.) -- taz


They basically go in a straight line or are totally unwieldy indoors

Post 163430 by Etrigan deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is an interesting observation, but is a bit thin for a post unless i'm missing something? -- LobsterMitten


Thank you, Mr. Pence, from the bottom of our...

Post 163417 by I_Love_Bananas deleted for the following reason: This is great but for the time being without something more substantial to separate it, it's still the sort of thing that should go in the current election-centric thread. That's here at the moment. -- cortex



Post 163408 by mattdidthat deleted for the following reason: Seems like a live Kickstarter, which is a no until it closes. -- Eyebrows McGee

Box of Broadcasts

Post 163403 by feelinglistless deleted for the following reason: This is super-cool but I think unfortunately too widely blocked. Maybe if there's an article ABOUT the service it could work as an FPP even if people can't access the main content? -- Eyebrows McGee


I'm not giving up and neither should you

Post 163393 by Slarty Bartfast deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but we're keeping all the post-election stuff together for now over here -- taz

Free Chelsea

Post 163383 by AElfwine Evenstar deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is incredibly awful, but we had a thread on her previous attempt and the total inhumanity of the conditions, and I don't know what else there is to say beyond, this remains totally awful. -- LobsterMitten

Old you. Can't run you. Sober you. Peaceful You.

Post 163389 by vapidave deleted for the following reason: Not really a Mefi post -- LobsterMitten


The Endless Forest at 10 looks to the future

Post 163371 by dreamling deleted for the following reason: Heya, Endless Forest is great and this project sounds really interesting, but, yeah, let's hold this post until after the active fundraising campaign is over. I heartily encourage you giving this another go in (checks) about 18 days. -- cortex

Rule #1: Believe the autocrat. He means what he says.

Post 163370 by Automocar deleted for the following reason: Let's keep this to the current thread. -- cortex

"Dreamers can maybe stay."

Post 163367 by Foci for Analysis deleted for the following reason: Sorry for the delayed delete, but for now we're keeping post-election / Trump stuff in the post-election thread. -- taz

From Henry Lee to Fishing Blues, The Anthology of American Folk Music

Post 163375 by y2karl deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

People are a**holes.

Post 163374 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: Those people are indeed assholes, but this isn't something we need a post about. -- cortex


Grow Old Stay Cool - German Electropunk

Post 163354 by Megustalations deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, open fundraisers (even for a good cause!) aren't allowed. -- LobsterMitten

Data monopolies call for a consumer data union

Post 163350 by igman2001 deleted for the following reason: It's prohibited to link your own project on Mefi -- LobsterMitten

Leonard Cohen Dies at 82 Years Old

Post 163361 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: Single-link obits are really not ideal -- restless_nomad

You Want it Darker

Post 163360 by [expletive deleted] deleted for the following reason: Obits aren't a race. Let's put together something of substance. -- restless_nomad

You Want it Darker?

Post 163359 by waitingtoderail deleted for the following reason: Obits aren't a race. Let's put together something of substance. -- restless_nomad


"How could that happen?"

Post 163345 by rednikki deleted for the following reason: We're going to be on the one-election-thread thing for a while yet, and this is maybe not the right sort of framing to support it. -- restless_nomad


Μη Πολιτικά Ζώα

Post 163324 by Johnny Wallflower deleted for the following reason: Poster's request bc USA Today trolling us with the cute aminals -- taz

Looking for last minute voting advice for the US election? Ask Batman!

Post 163312 by womprat78 deleted for the following reason: We are keeping election discussion in one place at a time, so please add this to the current ongoing election thread -- taz


One weird trick to frustrate the hell out of a Marxist bro

Post 163272 by koeselitz deleted for the following reason: Now go away, or I shall taunt you a Žižekond time! -- cortex

The myth of the conservative

Post 163286 by Brian B. deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, we're trying to corral all election posting to one post at a time, and hte current one is here. If you want to revise this to not be about Trump, Clinton, reactions to the election, etc, that would be fine. -- LobsterMitten


Melvin and the Chipmunks

Post 163262 by not_on_display deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

The Only Article You Need To Read About Why Trump Voters Are Angry

Post 163252 by TheProfessor deleted for the following reason: Sorry one election thread at a time -- LobsterMitten


Soap Molecule That is Better For the Environment

Post 163175 by grobertson deleted for the following reason: Looks like there are malware problems with this link. -- taz


The Chicago Torture Archive

Post 163148 by zarq deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

The Case Against James Comey

Post 163159 by Lycaste deleted for the following reason: Heya, let's keep this rolled into the current election thread. -- cortex


Thanks for the me

Post 163124 by Potomac Avenue deleted for the following reason: Double- LobsterMitten

In The Hollow: The changing face of Appalachia in the presidential race

Post 163119 by I_Love_Bananas deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we're trying to corral all the election stuff in the current election thread; better to pop this as a link in there. -- LobsterMitten

What Drives Donald Trump?

Post 163118 by exhilaration deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we're trying to corral all the election stuff in one thread, and this is the current election thread, best to pop this as a comment in there. -- LobsterMitten

Mahleur Occupiers Not Guilty of Conspiracy

Post 163133 by Oyéah deleted for the following reason: Let's wait on this until it's a little further developed, thanks. -- restless_nomad


Monster Drawing Party

Post 163097 by Nogamii deleted for the following reason: Linking to your own work is a bannable offense. -- cortex

The five writers of this proposal are all first-time offenders.

Post 163095 by Karaage deleted for the following reason: Looks like we saw this a couple days ago. -- cortex

"an ode to reason, rationality, humility, and delayed gratification"

Post 163093 by doctornemo deleted for the following reason: Heya, looks like a good read but we are continuing to consolidate US election-related stuff to the current thread, which right now is this one. -- cortex


To explain NATO’s Article V to President Trump, click here.

Post 163062 by Sleeper deleted for the following reason: Hey we're keeping the election related stuff mostly corralled in one thread at a time, so please add this to the discussion here -- taz

Can Theo do it again?

Post 163077 by artsandsci deleted for the following reason: Hey, probably better to pop this as a comment in the World Series thread from earlier today. -- LobsterMitten

A Frank Exchange of Views about Pronouns

Post 163081 by ovvl deleted for the following reason: I don't see how this can go anywhere but to a terrible nasty fight, illuminating nothing. -- LobsterMitten

The Epidemic of Worry

Post 163064 by schroedingersgirl deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but we're keeping election discussion in the election thread, and while a post on anxiety could work, this one is specifically about the election and conversation has already become about that. Maybe post this main link over there, or contact us to discuss possible edits / repost on the anxiety topic. -- taz


The story of a date, a creep, and a bar’s truly heroic staff

Post 163041 by Lanark deleted for the following reason: Gimme a story, and make it a double. -- cortex

"Roofline soup?"

Post 163058 by Artw deleted for the following reason: Looks like this is drawn from the McMansion Hell blog -- LobsterMitten

Steven Den Beste has died.

Post 163054 by Bruce H. deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this belongs on Metatalk, not the front page -- LobsterMitten

Child Labour In Turkey

Post 163047 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: marienbad, this is a topic we've already talked to you about ceasing to axe-grind on. No more. -- LobsterMitten


The Internet got taken down by security cameras and DVRs.

Post 163022 by signal deleted for the following reason: Already discussing over here! -- taz


Dems Squeak Ahead in Control of Senate, Now "Lead" 50/50

Post 163016 by blalien deleted for the following reason: Y'all, we banned your self-link-rules-violating spammer asses once already, we're just gonna keep doing it. Stay the fuck off MetaFilter already. -- cortex

Leaning in so far you fall flat on your face.

Post 163005 by howfar deleted for the following reason: This is pretty thin; just a super short blurb about a NYT mixup. If there's more to it than that, maybe repost with more info? -- taz


WHO: Inability to find a sexual partner could be considered a disability

Post 162980 by Willow Jane deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is an interesting thing but I feel like the telegraph article and hed set it up with kinda off-to-the-side framing that's not gonna help a good discussion happen easily; someone taking another shot at this with some more detailed framing/sourcing is probably the way to go. -- cortex

Later, Jesus......

Post 162995 by strelitzia deleted for the following reason: This isn't framed in a way that leaves room for discussion, sorry. -- restless_nomad


"Would you care for some venom with your steak tartare?"

Post 162975 by lattiboy deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we really do need to stay consolidated. Current thread is covering this thoroughly! -- restless_nomad


Iraq + 100

Post 162924 by Celsius1414 deleted for the following reason: This sounds like an interesting project, but Mefi posts need to have some content that folks can discuss, and this is really just a brief description of the book with no excerpts etc. -- LobsterMitten

Mosul battle: EU 'should prepare for returning jihadists'

Post 162920 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: Just because the BBC has chosen a clickbaity headline for this doesn't mean we need to follow suit. -- LobsterMitten

Shame on Y Combinator

Post 162929 by Foci for Analysis deleted for the following reason: Sorry, probably better to lump this into the current election thread. -- LobsterMitten


To Sleep, Perchance to Meme

Post 162907 by Artw deleted for the following reason: I dig it but as a short thign that's tied pretty tightly into the ongoing alt-right Trumpiness of stuff probably best to just add it to the current election thread. -- cortex

Brentwood No. 24

Post 162902 by codacorolla deleted for the following reason: Looks like we had a post about this a week or so back; go ahead and add anything new here to that extant thread. -- cortex

Mag Lev turntable floats on thin air

Post 162915 by IndigoJones deleted for the following reason: Sorry, no open Kickstarters. Fine to repost once the funding period closes. -- LobsterMitten


Lost in a Fake World

Post 162888 by Doktor Zed deleted for the following reason: I think we're going to hold off on this until it's available outside the UK; with most of the site unable to view the documentary, it's just going to be people talking unrelatedly about the US election. Please repost it when it's available more broadly! -- Eyebrows McGee


Unbearable News

Post 162869 by guiseroom deleted for the following reason: Eh, that's shitty but I'm not sure CNN Reports Bear Dead is really great for a post either. -- cortex

Dems Take Aim At Senate and House as Trump Implodes

Post 162867 by tgards79 deleted for the following reason: Self-link, banned. -- cortex

Please Don't Take My Man

Post 162866 by 4ster deleted for the following reason: Neat but something we've seen before in a bit more depth. -- cortex


This is not about the new series of Twin Peaks

Post 162863 by toycamera deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this isn't how the site works. Metafilter isn't for making your own personal blog posts / articles. -- taz

Ched Evans Found "Not Guilty"

Post 162856 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: This is a thing that happened, but it's not clear why this is a good post for MetaFilter, seems likely to incite a really crappy thread. -- LobsterMitten


How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

Post 162806 by AFABulous deleted for the following reason: We're continuing to direct election-related stuff to the current election thread, which at the moment is this one; feel free to add this as a comment there if it's not in the thread already. -- cortex


The real true hillarious Time of My Life

Post 162793 by sammyo deleted for the following reason: Sorry, election stuff (even silly fun video) goes in election thread. -- LobsterMitten


Clinton Regains Total Command of Electoral College: And That's Pre-Tape

Post 162771 by tgards79 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but we're keeping election threads a bit coralled rather than new posts for each bit of news; the current one is here -- taz


"Fuck your Tic Tacs"

Post 162766 by The Ardship of Cambry deleted for the following reason: Sorry, no fundraisers and in any case this should go as a link in the election threads instead. -- LobsterMitten


A Force of Nature Himself

Post 162736 by hawkeye deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Can't We Just Drone This Guy?

Post 162692 by jackbrown deleted for the following reason: This is a super weird "somebody said she said a thing" to hang a post around; topic's already been discussed in recent election threads and should go ahead and stay there. -- cortex


Get the f-ck out of my house

Post 162669 by toycamera deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this sounds like an interesting subject for a post, but all I'm getting at the link is a paywall. Let us know if there's a non-paywalled link let us know in the next hour or so (or feel free to repost yourself tomorrow). -- LobsterMitten


Sometimes, they do the right thing.

Post 162664 by Marky deleted for the following reason: Hey, fine to make a post about this, but Metafilter standard is that you link to a good / interesting source or sources, rather than writing it up as an article yourself (better for your own publishing venue). Feel free to contact us to discuss and work out how it can be edited. -- taz

Bread as a cultural force in early England

Post 162661 by Lexica deleted for the following reason: This seems like it's a cool project, but maybe better to post once there are some posts people can look through. -- LobsterMitten

Sam Harris is neither a philosopher nor a neuroscientist.

Post 162658 by Charlemagne In Sweatpants deleted for the following reason: This is a hit piece from an unknown source, not clear why it's a great post for Mefi. -- LobsterMitten


“...young kids who don’t fit in the tidy boxes of “boy” and “girl.””

Post 162627 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: As a rule of thumb I kinda feel like a post about trans issues built around the "some people say" counterpoint structure is pretty much doomed to not be so great for MetaFilter. -- cortex


a folk literature of the Web

Post 162615 by the man of twists and turns deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

Somehow this will be called patriotic

Post 162622 by splitpeasoup deleted for the following reason: This is being discussed in the current election thread. -- Eyebrows McGee


Who plays Trump in the movie?

Post 162605 by judson deleted for the following reason: This is not a good front page post and I am now not 100% convinced you aren't Kellyanne Conway playing a super long game. -- cortex

Sentamu: Shengen Countries Responsible for Calais Situation

Post 162598 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: Feels like it needs to be a lot clearer whether there's something actually newsworthy here or just Notable Guy Talks Some Shit; three short articles all reporting the same thing doesn't really do anything more there than one would, and given how difficult a topic this has been in general this feels like poor footing for a new post. -- cortex


First 2016 Pres. Debate Closes In

Post 162518 by mr_bovis deleted for the following reason: Heya, I appreciate the effort here but we're gonna hold off on a debates-centric post until much closer to the actual scheduled air time; there's some discussion about it here on MetaTalk. -- cortex


That famous Canadian-Japanese politeness

Post 162508 by zippy deleted for the following reason: Without some further context, I'm afraid this is too thin for a post. -- Eyebrows McGee


I tried it myself!

Post 162495 by Literaryhero deleted for the following reason: Please add this to the still open iPhone thread -- taz

Hate us on Yelp

Post 162492 by Foci for Analysis deleted for the following reason: Oops, looks like we've seen it before. -- LobsterMitten


Cyberpunk Future: VR and Political Trolling

Post 162456 by CrystalDave deleted for the following reason: This can go in the current election thread -- restless_nomad

The Theranos of Mayonnaise

Post 162450 by kevinbelt deleted for the following reason: Oops, double - we had a Just Mayo/Hampton Creek expose thread in August. -- LobsterMitten

You've Got Mail

Post 162449 by Diskeater deleted for the following reason: Hey sorry, we're trying to keep election stuff corralled in one thread at a time, and here's the current election thread -- go ahead and post this in there? -- LobsterMitten


I, Racist

Post 162411 by Bella Donna deleted for the following reason: This thread got off on a derail immediately and the entire discussion is about the derail rather than the article; let's try it again tomorrow. -- Eyebrows McGee

An Excellent Cartoonist

Post 162407 by Oyéah deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, the "here's my personal take/personal connection" framing here isn't the right way to present this for Mefi. Fine to repost without that stuff. -- LobsterMitten

Voters, Assemble!

Post 162425 by Bora Horza Gobuchul deleted for the following reason: This can go in the current election thread -- restless_nomad


Rio Paralympics 2016

Post 162365 by msmryh deleted for the following reason: Looks like this was meant to be posted in Ask Metafilter. You can go ahead and post over there! -- taz


"Fathers are biological necessities, but social accidents."

Post 162363 by Johnny Wallflower deleted for the following reason: Sorry but while it seems like this might be a cute thing with willing participants, it's not really clear if some or many of the photos are of unsuspecting people (&/or ganked photos), and therefore more "shaming" and less gentle, loving "laughing-with." If you find more context about that, just let us know! -- taz

make tech rude again

Post 162362 by Charlemagne In Sweatpants deleted for the following reason: This is centered around the iPhone headphone jack thing, which is already being discussed here. Please go ahead and add this there. -- taz


The Man Who Has It All

Post 162340 by a strong female character deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


The LaySee Pillow - The pillow for people who wear glasses

Post 162313 by snow_mac deleted for the following reason: Heya, no biggie but we've got a firm No Currently-Active Kickstarters rule for the front page. -- cortex

Johnson and Stein Will Miss First Presidential Debate

Post 162332 by mr_bovis deleted for the following reason: Pop it over here ... trying to keep all the election stuff in one thread! -- Eyebrows McGee


Deafblind Awareness

Post 162257 by aniola deleted for the following reason: While awareness is great, a short PSA doesn't leave much room for conversation. -- restless_nomad

RadioLab's "Eye In the Skye"

Post 162238 by TheSillyman deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this "here's my take on it" framing isn't suitable for a Mefi post. -- LobsterMitten

Dogs and cats living together!

Post 162246 by cmoj deleted for the following reason: Eh, this has been discussed some in the mega election threads and I'm not sure I see a separate thread on it being productive of much. -- LobsterMitten


And yet I swear this oath— America will be!

Post 162217 by tivalasvegas deleted for the following reason: Ack! Missed it by thiiiiis much! -- taz

The next stop is super awesome.

Post 162232 by KevinSkomsvold deleted for the following reason: The "asleep person" aspect of this is kind of taking over from the "funny monsters" aspect, so maybe better to give this a pass. -- LobsterMitten

"I work for the US but they don't realise it."

Post 162230 by kliuless deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, if we the main links are all paywalled so we have to resort to caches of everthing, that's probably too much; maybe you can repost with other sources on the same topics and the paywalled ones as mere supplemental ones? -- LobsterMitten


♬… D a v i d … ♩♪

Post 162140 by books for weapons deleted for the following reason: Sorry, jokey or surreally-maybe-jokey-is-it-or-isn't-it suicide content isn't a great fit for Mefi. -- LobsterMitten


Fidget in Style

Post 162112 by BuddhaInABucket deleted for the following reason: That looks like some solid fidgetin' but we've got a no-ongoing-Kickstarters rule for the front page. -- cortex


Framed: A Mystery in Six Parts

Post 162095 by ClaudiaCenter deleted for the following reason: Oops, already posted here. -- LobsterMitten


This is the real danger

Post 162026 by dov3 deleted for the following reason: Heya, this has been discussed a bunch already in this current election-related thread, probably don't need a new one just for this. -- cortex


Why Can't Johnny Live?

Post 162003 by Potomac Avenue deleted for the following reason: We've had a hundred million threads about boomers vs millennials, and this article really seems to be just reiterating all the same stuff. -- LobsterMitten

A life lived in full

Post 162000 by acb deleted for the following reason: Hey there, this is an interesting person but in general, a single Wikipedia link isn't enough for a post here; maybe find other links and repost tomorrow? -- LobsterMitten

Margaret Qualley is bored at the dinner speech, steps out...

Post 161992 by Wordshore deleted for the following reason: «Double» — a new fragrance, for MeFi. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Stranger Things, Season 2

Post 161979 by onecircleaday deleted for the following reason: I am stoked as heck too but this is preeeeetty thin for a post. -- cortex


It begins with a ‘t’, Dan.

Post 161955 by Shmuel510 deleted for the following reason: An apt dissection of a truly sucky thing, but we've had this discussion a million times. -- LobsterMitten

Roman Hands and Russian Fingers- I give you the 2016 Election!

Post 161946 by LuckyMonkey21 deleted for the following reason: Please post this in the current US election thread where we're keeping the discussion all together -- taz


“A wall is better than fencing, and it’s much more powerful."

Post 161944 by wilful deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is both pretty old and has been discussed a lot already (the actual logistics of an actual Trump wall) and probably belongs in the general US election thread in any case. -- taz

Generate your own little story out of any image

Post 161942 by deeplearner deleted for the following reason: Spam, you are banned. -- restless_nomad

Lake Agassiz was a very large glacial lake located in the middle. Sort o

Post 161941 by vapidave deleted for the following reason: Single Wikipedia articles don't really make for good FPPs. -- restless_nomad

And color my world Black Gold

Post 161927 by Fritz Langwedge deleted for the following reason: Hey, this looks like a great topic, but it's not clear if you are quoting a source ... or if you're not, this is more like an personal review / article, which isn't really the convention for MeFi posts. Please contact us and we can work together to fix the problems. -- taz

Gene Wilder (1933-2016)

Post 161940 by storybored deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten


Can I get a whoop whoop?

Post 161917 by anarch deleted for the following reason: Whoops! -- LobsterMitten

We checked on Yelp!

Post 161921 by Marinara deleted for the following reason: Unless there's more to it, this seems like "ha ha teen dummies"; if this more notable or more interesting than I'm seeing, it's fine to put together a post that reflects a little more of the context. -- LobsterMitten

How we survive in the Age of the Internet

Post 161918 by CrystalDave deleted for the following reason: Sorry for the delayed delete. This seems to be just kicking off a very familiar set of "people don't understand how DOOMED we are" vs. "people only say that because $bad motives" arguments, and despite the author's reassurances, I'm not sure the essay really offers a lot to dig into to get us beyond those responses. -- LobsterMitten


Donald Trump Broke The Conservative Media

Post 161890 by hippybear deleted for the following reason: As much as I can sympathize with any particular "yeah, but THIS one" instincts, we're pretty serious about keeping the election-an-such stuff to the current election-and-such thread, which at the moment is here. -- cortex


Sleeping under the stars - in town .

Post 161868 by LuckyMonkey21 deleted for the following reason: Hey there, this is a more personally-editorial framing than is conventional for the Mefi front page, and also this is an issue we've just had a couple of other threads about -- so probably better to pop your links as comments in this other recent thread. -- LobsterMitten


Where's the best place to sell old coins?

Post 161849 by shawnmcnulty deleted for the following reason: Looks like this was intended for AskMe -- restless_nomad



Post 161822 by ArticTusk deleted for the following reason: This seems to be a stunt post -- LobsterMitten


The Myth of Millennial Entitlement

Post 161781 by He Is Only The Imposter deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is a pretty short single-link Op/Ed covering basic stuff we've discussed in depth quite a lot, including just last month -- taz

Not Exactly News

Post 161798 by Michele in California deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten


Post 161795 by Wordshore deleted for the following reason: Sorry, it's hard to see where this can really go other than making fun of this lady and then fighting about whether people should make fun. -- LobsterMitten


Obliterate Donald Trump

Post 161773 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: To keep the Trumpmania somewhat corralled, I think you can post this either here or here -- taz


Dr. Martens and Cheap Monday as the new fedora

Post 161751 by acb deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, it seems like this is basically revisiting an often-fighty set of tropes we've discussed pretty extensively in recent years; I'm not sure this essays adds a lot more. -- LobsterMitten


Internet off Links

Post 161731 by ArticTusk deleted for the following reason: This is super unclear and the first link goes to a blind installation prompt. -- cortex

Gender and fairness at the Rio Olympics

Post 161724 by brozek deleted for the following reason: Seems like the flat categorization of Semenya as intersex is kind of murky and not a matter of self-identification, which makes it a fairly problematic hook to build the post around, much as I appreciate the effort to put something substantial together here. -- cortex

Where do we draw the line?

Post 161722 by kersplunk deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is a bit difficult to parse. Feel free to repost tomorrow with the quoted parts marked as such. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

"Where's the wine?"

Post 161735 by nevercalm deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


NO is a special place of course, Trombone Shorty is as well.

Post 161712 by vapidave deleted for the following reason: Yeah let's not post "download whole album" links. -- LobsterMitten


'It is unprecedented for us to focus so much [...] on a single story'

Post 161651 by cendawanita deleted for the following reason: oops, already being discussed here -- taz

Addressing the Address Problem

Post 161668 by Michele in California deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


CO2 is bad for you

Post 161629 by MrVisible deleted for the following reason: This is a little odd to have following up on your own recent Ask on basically the same subject; one or the other would be basically fine but both feels like it's getting into kind of odd hobbyhorsing territory that'd be better to avoid on the site. -- cortex


What would happen if Trump won?

Post 161615 by Foci for Analysis deleted for the following reason: This is going to go all politics, so go ahead and put it in the current election thread. -- restless_nomad

Birth In Nature

Post 161623 by Michael Tellurian deleted for the following reason: This is going over like a lead balloon, and the editorializing in the post isn't helping. -- restless_nomad

Trombone Shorty Backatown - Full Album

Post 161621 by vapidave deleted for the following reason: Hey, it's not super clear why a contextless and not-necessarily-legally-uploaded album will make an FPP, sorry. -- restless_nomad


But do they have pockets?

Post 161590 by wonton endangerment deleted for the following reason: This seems like empty fightbait? -- LobsterMitten


The rise and fall of the Gopher protocol

Post 161561 by Wordshore deleted for the following reason: Yeah, probably better to sort out the "is this too problematic to make a good post" question first and post second; revisiting this after sussing out a better framing makes sense. -- cortex

Going and going and going...

Post 161549 by Urban Winter deleted for the following reason: Yeah this is a bit on the thin side, sorry. If this checks out feel free to flesh it out a bit and repost. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Hit and run. And nobody cares.

Post 161570 by raider deleted for the following reason: There's no conversation to be had about this other than "how horrible" - that's not what we're looking for in a post here. -- restless_nomad


Shit floats up in the Register of Language

Post 161482 by Oyéah deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is a little bit on the opaque and "here's my personal opinion" side for the framing of a post on the front page. If there's something specifically interesting here in the links themselves above and beyond just "shit" being in print in this context, maybe give this another go that conveys that in a more straightforward fashion. -- cortex

The Voice

Post 161498 by mattdidthat deleted for the following reason: Sorry, trying to contain all Trump and election stuff in one thread at a time - maybe put these in the current election thread. -- LobsterMitten


"Chinese food, as with any part of a living culture, is not static."

Post 161466 by Room 641-A deleted for the following reason: It's great that the writer is having these realizations, but I think this is going to strike folks as pretty obvious in a way that's going to lead to repeating some very rancorous fights we've had too-recently. -- LobsterMitten


More proof that you shouldn't exercise

Post 161459 by tel3path deleted for the following reason: This is not a good way to present an article that probably isn't FPP material. -- restless_nomad


Police deactivate Korryn Gaines' Facebook uploads before killing her

Post 161417 by splitpeasoup deleted for the following reason: This is truly awful, but also is one of those cases where a truly awful real phenomenon intersects with weird circumstances of the particular example case, in a way that often makes threads on a particular case go really badly. -- LobsterMitten


Finding Dory

Post 161384 by sexyrobot deleted for the following reason: Eh, it's a tough crowd I'm afraid, maybe just go and get a snack. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Trouble Coming Every Day,

Post 161409 by Oyéah deleted for the following reason: The first-person editorial tone isn't how it works here, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Let's Give a Big Hand

Post 161404 by musofire deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we don't need another venue to talk about Trump. Go ahead and put this here. -- restless_nomad


Bio Gear Solid

Post 161371 by Devonian deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

“But they don’t stay small for long.”

Post 161362 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten


"A bit tasteless ... a little out of line, but that's what comedy is"

Post 161346 by anothermug deleted for the following reason: Assholery v. Free Speech is a fraught pairing pretty much always, and not sure this is a great case to plow through all that again. In any case, linking a related fundraiser is definitely a non-starter. -- cortex

Hillbillies, Donald Trump, and a Culture in Crisis

Post 161354 by bookman117 deleted for the following reason: Heya, Trump stuff goes in the open election thread, and if this is instead more in depth about Appalachia, let's do that without the digs at Coates that will immediately derail the post. -- LobsterMitten

Turtles all the way up.

Post 161344 by ocschwar deleted for the following reason: Sad to hear he's passed on, and a post about him and his work seems like a great idea, but a single link to a short wikipedia page is not enough of a post for that. -- cortex


Picture of huge Dimensions

Post 161336 by storybored deleted for the following reason: PhDouble -- cortex

Trump & Putin? Yes, it's Really a Thing.

Post 161333 by BentFranklin deleted for the following reason: Let's keep this to one of the several open election-related threads. -- cortex


Where is Satan?

Post 161312 by Timmoy Daen deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

Refugees to compete at Olympics

Post 161309 by maurreen deleted for the following reason: Lovely story but it looks like this is a double post. -- LobsterMitten

What would Trump do? What could Trump do?

Post 161318 by Mr.Know-it-some deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, we're corralling election and Trump content, so better to bring these links to the open election thread -- LobsterMitten

Which is safer living in East London? Shadwell, Stratford, NewCross/Lewisham?

Post 161316 by sam3cat deleted for the following reason: Hey sorry, looks like you meant to put this on AskMetafilter - go ahead and repost it there. -- LobsterMitten


This News Brought To You By The Letters "F" and "U"

Post 161254 by EmpressCallipygos deleted for the following reason: With the AV Club article this ends up being pretty fightbaity "with us or against us" stuff, and I'm gonna say we don't need a fight about Sesame Street today. -- LobsterMitten

Donald Trump and the Dementia Question

Post 161268 by haleassociations deleted for the following reason: This is awfully dubious on a subject we're corralling. -- restless_nomad

Broadway stars perform 'What the World Needs Now Is Love' at DNC

Post 161249 by I_Love_Bananas deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, we're trying to corral all the convention stuff into daily threads, and yesterday's performances are in here. -- LobsterMitten


Joy is not a drowning substance. Let it soak you.

Post 161209 by roomthreeseventeen deleted for the following reason: Heya, we maybe don't need another looky-loo article about trans people and how cis people have rude questions about sex and feelings about pants-contents and whatnot. -- LobsterMitten

The musical of the Obama era

Post 161220 by The Devil Tesla deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we're corralling election stuff, and this article has already been discussed in the election thread over the weekend. -- LobsterMitten


From Russia, with Trump

Post 161195 by el io deleted for the following reason: Current general election chatter thread is here, let's keep it to there. -- cortex

Chase The Clouds Away

Post 161192 by cooker girl deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but we're waiting on this until closer to show time, to avoid 1000 comments before anything is actually happening with the event -- taz

"I want to be treated as a person, not as a woman or a man.”

Post 161190 by Kitteh deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this seems like yet another sort of looky-loo Trans! clickbait article that doesn't really offer much depth on the topic. Maybe as a part of something that takes a wider look at gender diversity it might work better. Or if the main topic is supposed to be Jack Munroe, again something more fleshed out could work. -- taz

Self-imposed destruction

Post 161189 by Shikantaza deleted for the following reason: Please add this to either one of the open US election threads, and/or one of the Brexit threads. Thanks. -- taz


Bernie endorses DWS to leave the DNC

Post 161184 by Monkey0nCrack deleted for the following reason: Heya, we're corralling election stuff in here for now. -- LobsterMitten