
The Age of the Demagogues

Post 155123 by Bron deleted for the following reason: Probably better to put this in the open Trump thread. -- LobsterMitten

James Deen accused of rape.

Post 155122 by Xavier Xavier deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for Metafilter, and certainly not when framed as some kind of gotcha of Mefi members -- LobsterMitten


Unethical Hacks: life hacks for those not adverse to being a dick

Post 155090 by filthy light thief deleted for the following reason: This seems like a mix of interesting stuff with pretty gross stuff in the guise of "I'm just telling it like it is" from MRAs or something? -- LobsterMitten

People are violent because their morality demands it

Post 155084 by Shouraku deleted for the following reason: I completely understand that you are posting this as an interesting article, but it's basically an open invitation to fight about pretty much All The Things, and with several very difficult threads about violence going on we just don't have the bandwidth for that kind of moderation-heavy discussion. Maybe another time? -- taz


One Pill, Two Pill / Red Pill, Blue Pill

Post 155071 by ChurchHatesTucker deleted for the following reason: nah -- cortex

"I’ll take this one…according to prophecy."

Post 155070 by storybored deleted for the following reason: nope -- cortex


Honor Living Native Americans

Post 155045 by stoneweaver deleted for the following reason: Poster's request - we'll try this again when everyone isn't desperately looking for an argument to distract them. -- restless_nomad

Hard Core Slow!

Post 155055 by Katjusa Roquette deleted for the following reason: Go ahead and try this tomorrow - feel free to use the contact form if you need a refresher on linking. -- restless_nomad

How Adele's Rolling Stone cover destroys the male gaze

Post 155054 by St. Peepsburg deleted for the following reason: Hyperbolic headlines help no one, and this thread seems doomed to die under the weight of "ironic" humor, sorry. -- restless_nomad

How We Used To Eat - US Nightmare Edition

Post 155050 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


Good luck filling this position

Post 155029 by cynical pinnacle deleted for the following reason: Someone did a bad thing here, but I'm not convinced that it's got enough to it to be worth a whole thread, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Opposition to Golden Rice has cost 1,424,000 life years in India alone

Post 155010 by Blasdelb deleted for the following reason: We've discussed this topic an awful lot, and at this point let's stick to bigger news / developments on the GMO front rather than a flamebait-titled Op/Ed and another round of the exact same arguments we've had over and over. -- taz


A famous librarian takes your questions.

Post 154983 by nevercalm deleted for the following reason: Let's corral all the discussion of this over here. -- LobsterMitten

Donald Trump: The man, the mystery, the fascist?

Post 155001 by internet fraud detective squad, station number 9 deleted for the following reason: This is a better-constructed post than the last one, but we have a Trump post from yesterday that this would go better in. -- restless_nomad

An Ethos

Post 155000 by grobstein deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is awfully thin. -- restless_nomad

How America Bought and Sold Racism, and Why it Still Matters

Post 154972 by roomthreeseventeen deleted for the following reason: This is mashing up a kind of academic discussion of historical and contemporary racism in the US with a just-happened terrible bit of racist violence in a way that makes for a not super clear post and less than ideal kickoff for a discussion of either of those two things. -- cortex

Yoga cancelled.

Post 154970 by MisantropicPainforest deleted for the following reason: This feels a lot more like a "taken from a distance, this makes for a juicy and topical subject to argue about" sort of situation than a "the core event here is itself substantially interesting" kind of deal, and given that the larger subject is a messy one that we've have some pretty bumpy and difficult discussions about already recently this seems like not really a great idea for a post. -- cortex

Sad Weird Al

Post 154991 by numaner deleted for the following reason: Heya, yeah, this seems to be sort of early in the cycle for this to be a post - maybe revisit this later, once there are a bunch of good images? -- LobsterMitten


The Clinton email saga, seen in a different light.

Post 154920 by markkraft deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is not clear at all. A post that seemingly begins about Anita Datar smashed up with a link about HRC email server doesn't work. Additionally, we currently have two open posts on Clinton, and new one needs to be a lot more substantial than this. -- taz

Naming at Princeton

Post 154926 by kingless deleted for the following reason: Hey there, the personal framing here is a bit off Metafilter form for posts, which aren't really meant to be much like personal blog entries. Please contact us, and we can work up a quick edit! -- taz

"Maybe Big Brother isn't the bad guy -- if he protects us from ISIS."

Post 154922 by 0bvious deleted for the following reason: This seems basically like "random guy comes up with terrible plan that also promotes his 'my transhumanism, let me show you it' PR goals" rather than a serious issue we need to fight about? If there's more to it, maybe some more context will help. -- taz


We need more freedom of information rather than less.

Post 154915 by Grangousier deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is either super editorializing ("waste of flesh") or, if that bit is an actual quote from the podcast it needs to be clearer. Please go ahead and repost tomorrow with better framing or contact us to edit right away. -- taz

750,000 aliens

Post 154914 by growabrain deleted for the following reason: Sorry, framing this as side-taking in some kind of notional Mefi vs reddit thing isn't great, the imperative at the end isn't really Mefi form, and "here are just a bunch of random good things from reddit" is too loose a net. -- LobsterMitten

"Not in my name."

Post 154906 by Sir Rinse deleted for the following reason: This is pretty slight for a post; maybe better as a comment in one of the ongoing terrorism or Islam in Europe threads? -- LobsterMitten


nothing to think about

Post 154893 by breadbox deleted for the following reason: This is not a kind way to frame this, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Video Brochures from China

Post 154826 by markswann deleted for the following reason: spam, banned -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Life as a drone operator

Post 154842 by AGameOfMoans deleted for the following reason: Hey sorry, this kind of "my personal take on it" framing isn't a workable form for a Mefi post. -- LobsterMitten


Tutorial to Download How to REDACTED Torrent/Full Movie for F

this post was issued a dmca takedown for linking to a page that linked to something that contained instructions for downloading some shitty movie, maybe. i'm pretty sure that is not a violation of copyright infringement, but i have better things to do than deal with this bullshit. fuck you, congress, for passing this shitty law. first against the wall and all that.

The Deadliest Day In Modern Paris?

Post 154814 by blankdawn deleted for the following reason: This is interesting and worth a post, but the proximity to the recent attack and the sort of "well, actually" framing of the article itself make this feel a little weird to post right now. Maybe revisit it a little ways down the line? -- cortex

“I just don’t think surgery turns a man into a woman.”

Post 154804 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: We have had a *bunch* of campus protest related stuff recently, and on top of that I feel like the context of this post being Greer's position getting pushback is going to inevitably invite exactly the kind of "okay but lets argue from scratch about whether trans women are reaaaaallly women" thing that's been hurtful as hell to our trans members in particular in past threads. Probably better to give this one a miss. -- cortex


"It's a hard three letters to absorb."

Post 154776 by Sir Rinse deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this framing is going to start this off more contentiously than it needs to on an already sensitive subject. -- LobsterMitten

Student Activism is Serious Business

Post 154792 by yueliang deleted for the following reason: We have another post on student fragility from earlier today - one is probably enough. -- restless_nomad


Six Degrees of Verification: truth about late Pope John XXIII

Post 154745 by bunky deleted for the following reason: This is not a good use of MetaFilter. -- cortex


Marsupial Mischief in Melbourne

Post 154696 by esto-again deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Attack on Paris

Post 154692 by SageLeVoid deleted for the following reason: Oof, yeah, this looks like a pretty awful thing going down. That said, probably better to wait a little bit to put together a post once it's clearer what the deal is, vs. just linking a liveblog. -- cortex


"the expression 'Israeli settlement' or equivalent needs to be added"

Post 154672 by hoist with his own pet aardvark deleted for the following reason: Man, it's hard to hold a non-hyperbolically-awful discussion about Israeli politics when the leader of the state is the worst offender with the over-the-top hyperbole, but I don't see this as being worth the fight. -- restless_nomad


Man Saves World And Keeps It Secret For 50 Years

Post 154623 by blankdawn deleted for the following reason: Looks like you missed your launch window. -- cortex

The Gay Men Who Hate Women

Post 154637 by crossoverman deleted for the following reason: I think this is a subject with room to discuss nuances, but it does not look like this article with this presentation is going to create that conversation. -- restless_nomad

3 x 3 = Gender Equality

Post 154635 by troll deleted for the following reason: This is not well-presented. -- restless_nomad


A woman's rebuttal on her refusal for services for a gay wedding.

Post 154604 by singmespanishtechno deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this framing isn't the way we do things here, plus this article isn't going to go over the way you're hoping. -- LobsterMitten


A campaign to erase Stanley Marsh III.

Post 154568 by Bee'sWing deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

"In 2015, ladies shout at dudes too, okay? It’s just how things work."

Post 154575 by phunniemee deleted for the following reason: Eh, this is kinda thin. -- cortex


Homemade Jet Ski

Post 154526 by jason's_planet deleted for the following reason: This is kind of ehh and the cat looks actually sort of badly treated/stressed in the name of internet yuks, which is never great. -- LobsterMitten

Tweet your period

Post 154522 by cynical pinnacle deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, no petitions in front page posts here. It's fine to revise and repost without that link. -- LobsterMitten


Basically chickens in dinner suits

Post 154491 by ChuraChura deleted for the following reason: Nice, but does look like we had a post about this a few weeks back. -- cortex

It's not those kids on your lawn, it's you.

Post 154507 by Johnny Wallflower deleted for the following reason: I feel like we've done the Boomers: Are They The Worst? thing a number of times and it's not something we do a great job of; another post on that front should probably hold off for something that feels a little less like just a warming-over of the same editorial again. -- cortex

Gael-Rafael Choresharer Blogprofiter is a robust option

Post 154504 by prize bull octorok deleted for the following reason: I star heart the Toast, but it feels like we've been having a lot of stuff from there recently; maybe something to throttle back on a little bit if it isn't something particularly exceptional. -- cortex


We’d rather just ignore those folks trying to make themselves heard.

Post 154468 by roomthreeseventeen deleted for the following reason: Pullquote here is really sending this whole thing down the wrong path; consider reposting with a different framing? -- LobsterMitten

Unkind Faith

Post 154481 by Sir Rinse deleted for the following reason: This is not presented in such a way that it's going to lead to a productive discussion, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Sexual assault case at Stanford reversed

Post 154451 by BibiRose deleted for the following reason: We've had some fraught discussions about (accusations of) sexual assault recently, with members expressing a sense of exhaustion with the topic. That said, to be clear there is no wholesale ban of any sort on posting about this. But considering that and the mixed reception this is getting I'm inclined to push back a bit on posts of an "update on a specific case/incident" type, I hope you understand. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


NOT trembling with trepi...

Post 154412 by joseph conrad is fully awesome deleted for the following reason: Hey, probably better to put this in the open thread about the Laverne Cox RHPS from a few days ago. -- LobsterMitten


Trapped In Florida

Post 154383 by the man of twists and turns deleted for the following reason: This is a mix of things with maybe too much explosively ugly point-and-laugh or point-and-gawk potential to go well; maybe in a while when there's time to have more detached reporting on it? -- LobsterMitten