
Make Me Beautiful

Post 140345 by greenish deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz

I second that emotion?

Post 140343 by flapjax at midnite deleted for the following reason: You can go ahead and add this in the open thread. Thanks! -- taz

Us vs our lack of mutual understanding

Post 140341 by Athanassiel deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is maybe a little thin for a familiar concept we've discussed an awful lot on the site; maybe consider making this a part of a more in-depth look at the issue? Let us know if you have questions. -- taz


tiny little planets

Post 140326 by the man of twists and turns deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie


Fuck the Police

Post 140318 by Golden Eternity deleted for the following reason: This is carefully framed to provide maximum outrage, which does not lead to good discussions. -- restless_nomad

Britannia does not rule the waves of sperm

Post 140301 by XMLicious deleted for the following reason: This might make a good, slightly more in-depth post, but presented as a jokey "Ha-ha-they-said-Sperm" thing, not really so much. -- taz


Is your vocabulary more 'male' or 'female'?

Post 140293 by infini deleted for the following reason: Fun test but we've seen it before. -- LobsterMitten


Just the tip

Post 140256 by alfanut deleted for the following reason: Sorry, no open fundraiser posts here. -- mathowie

WARNING Persons denying the existence of Robots may be Robots themselves

Post 140252 by Naberius deleted for the following reason: This is a little too "look at the crazy person!" to work well, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Cannabis fundamentals for people who find funny the word 'connoisseur'

Post 140241 by LetsKa deleted for the following reason: This is a bit thin for a front page post, sorry. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


The hardware and tactics of the war zone are quietly proliferating

Post 140236 by adamvasco deleted for the following reason: Double. Yeah, pretty much covered the same subject a couple weeks ago. -- mathowie

The Other Luis Suarez

Post 140218 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: Hey there, we've had a ton of World Cup posts in the last few days; we need to start combining some of these discussions, it's not sustainable to just have a new post for every match. -- LobsterMitten


You are not special. And yet, you are incredibly important and unique.

Post 140194 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: We do not need to hash out every single essay or op-ed on sexism that appears on the internet, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

Post 140181 by pjern deleted for the following reason: This is rather insubstantial as discussion fodder, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Prick Up Your Ears

Post 140179 by wensink deleted for the following reason: If this is going to work here, it needs to not have the egregiously offensive parts as the excerpts. It may not work, regardless. -- restless_nomad

I am a good dog

Post 140167 by MartinWisse deleted for the following reason: Sorry for the late delete, but it looks like this is turning out to be a problem with the kind of awful "gotcha" aspect that isn't revealed in the post. If you want to repost later, it should probably be fairly clear either what the comic is about, or that it might be upsetting. -- taz


Rejected Disney Princesses

Post 140164 by Mistress deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

Barrett Wilbert Weed sings "Lost"

Post 140150 by nicwolff deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie

Collateral Damage

Post 140144 by nooneyouknow deleted for the following reason: As a single-link Op/Ed blog post sort of thing, this isn't really great as a post about an interesting topic. Maybe put together something a bit more in depth? -- taz

Gotta go fast... For charity!

Post 140139 by sparkletone deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but live fundraisers are against the guidelines. Perhaps repost with highlights after the fundraising period is over? -- taz

Thinking about breaking up with someone? Flip a coin

Post 140138 by rmhsinc deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is a super short little blurb of an article and the post framing seems to make it more about your thoughts (and about Ask Metafilter, which would be better as a Metatalk comment). Maybe add it to this thread? -- taz


The "Williamsburg Effect"

Post 140135 by monospace deleted for the following reason: Reads like NY Post troll-bait, sorry -- mathowie

Meta-analysis claim: Cell phone use => reduced sperm motility/viability

Post 140134 by aleph deleted for the following reason: Maybe repost when the full article is available somewhere? -- mathowie


US Trader Grabs Gold Deal with BWT’s Standby Letter of Credit

Post 140122 by bwtrade deleted for the following reason: Spammer; banned -- taz

How the Left lost teen spirit.

Post 140115 by VikingSword deleted for the following reason: An oped from 11 years ago isn't really a great post. -- mathowie

Up off the couch!

Post 140111 by chocolatetiara deleted for the following reason: This is more appropriate for a personal blog post than MetaFilter, sorry. -- mathowie


Funny video about SF rent

Post 140102 by pando11 deleted for the following reason: This is not really enough for an fop, sorry. -- restless_nomad

All kinds of crazy crap

Post 140095 by Clustercuss deleted for the following reason: A silly craigslist ad to be sure, but not sure if it's mefi post worthy. -- mathowie

Transfixed by Change, Blind to Continuity

Post 140090 by chavenet deleted for the following reason: Double. maybe add the additional links in the older thread? -- mathowie

Look There... Fruitloop

Post 140086 by quin deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie

Rock Band Recital Fail

Post 140076 by hapax_legomenon deleted for the following reason: I dunno, this feels like laughing at kids which seems pretty uncool. -- mathowie


trigger warning

Post 140021 by and they trembled before her fury deleted for the following reason: A thread about rape/trigger warnings isn't going go well there. -- mathowie

You Don't Have to Apologize for Being White

Post 140017 by rcraniac deleted for the following reason: Looks like this came up already in the discussion thread of the thing it's responding to. -- cortex

"what every Palestinian and many Israelis already know"

Post 140015 by davidstandaford deleted for the following reason: You know, looking at this, it feels like not a great idea to approach this with a stern editorial pullquote and a sort of framing-free Here's Some Links About Israel/Palestine stuff. -- cortex


How did syphilis influence Joyce's creative process?

Post 139984 by genben9 deleted for the following reason: Posting links to publications you work at violated the rules you agreed to when you posted. -- restless_nomad

Seat of learning - studying Pippa Middleton's bottom

Post 139981 by KokuRyu deleted for the following reason: This seems like a thin bit of satire without much to really discuss about it -- restless_nomad


Ant architecture

Post 139916 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: Looks like we've covered the molten ant hill thing before -- taz

Set fire to something that was once beautiful

Post 139915 by philip-random deleted for the following reason: Kind of a goofy little blog post, not really enough to hang a post on. -- mathowie

The Evolution of the Zombie

Post 139912 by Renoroc deleted for the following reason: Probably best to post this when the series is complete? Feels a bit unfinished at the moment. -- mathowie

"But that sounds crazy!" the dudes protest.

Post 139897 by hal_c_on deleted for the following reason: This is interesting as a sort of quick, short "Here's the problem, and a couple of things that might help," but may work better as part of a more in-depth post that might offer more discussion fodder than people agreeing/disagreeing, critiquing and doubting, since we have a few of those sorts of threads simmering right now. -- taz


Someone do this at King's Cross station NOW!

Post 139882 by mysticreferee deleted for the following reason: when I dial the doublephone / nobody's home -- cortex


The world's oldest subway tunnel

Post 139815 by zarq deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie

Snapping Up Funny Cat Pics For Yourself

Post 139800 by funnycatdotpics deleted for the following reason: This is very much not how we do things here. -- restless_nomad


The CIA all social and witty

Post 139787 by anothermug deleted for the following reason: Cute but super thin for a post. -- cortex

Women. Food. Relationships. Weight.

Post 139773 by still_wears_a_hat deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

Pay attention to the background scenery.

Post 139770 by MisantropicPainforest deleted for the following reason: This is a topic we've seen before and it has the unavoidable aspect of "look at these assholes" even though that isn't the intention of the links or necessarily this post. -- restless_nomad

The Turing Test

Post 139766 by spaltavian deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz



Post 139751 by Scattercat deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz


Beat down

Post 139741 by whyareyouatriangle deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

Calvin, get the door

Post 139740 by Brandon Blatcher deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

(Hint, hint: It’s almost “Bill” backwards.)

Post 139735 by mrjohnmuller deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie

Bill Watterson is the Bigfoot of cartooning

Post 139733 by nwduffer deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


Post 139728 by nickheer deleted for the following reason: It is an awesome thing but we've already been talking about it in this thread. -- cortex


Did someone say Donkey Sauce?

Post 139707 by feckless fecal fear mongering deleted for the following reason: This seems like a "let's all point at laugh at this guy" post, sorry. -- mathowie


The Mountie always gets his man

Post 139693 by wensink deleted for the following reason: Heya, I know it's an awful thing that happened but if there's a post to be made about this it needs to be framed a little more substantially than as a reiteration of a tweet. -- cortex

Scientists discover one weird trick to boost your metabolism.

Post 139690 by cherrybounce deleted for the following reason: Eh, this seems like pretty dubious pop sci bloggery. -- cortex

Fictitious Dishes

Post 139658 by paleyellowwithorange deleted for the following reason: Delicious leftovers, but leftovers still I'm afraid. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Three Mounties killed in Moncton, NB. Shooter still on the loose.

Post 139657 by peterdarbyshire deleted for the following reason: This is awful breaking news, but you might want to wait until it is over to make a post about it. -- mathowie


More than one can say.

Post 139623 by Algebra deleted for the following reason: Sorry, not really making sense. -- mathowie


NRA asks Texan gun activists to tone it down

Post 139580 by d. z. wang deleted for the following reason: I know there's a sort of frisson to Even The NRA Says You're Being Dumb With Your AR-15, but we've had a bunch of gun talk recently including discussion of the "smart gun" stuff this piece leads with and this doesn't seem like a super compelling reason for another thread about gun stuff right now. -- cortex

How are you part of rape culture? Well, because you're a (hu)man.

Post 139572 by filthy light thief deleted for the following reason: We really, really do not need every bit of commentary about rape to become a Metafilter thread. -- restless_nomad


Our Words Are Our Weapons

Post 139554 by trip and a half deleted for the following reason: We've already got a big active thread going on about this. -- mathowie