
Real Life Tetris

Post 132451 by paleyellowwithorange deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

CTA Blue Line train crash

Post 132442 by omredux deleted for the following reason: Heya, that's scary stuff but maybe wait until there's a little more concrete information about this instead of just "this happened, nobody is sure why" before deciding whether or not it's something that should have a post on the front page? -- cortex


Bill Burr, "You People Are All The Same"

Post 132421 by paleyellowwithorange deleted for the following reason: "Here is a thing that is for sale" doesn't make a good Metafilter post, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Collaborating with a 4-year-old

Post 132420 by cashman deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


GMail IS wiretapping, it seems...

Post 132397 by Samizdata deleted for the following reason: This is not the way to frame something like this, and may be too early to make a solid FPP anyway. -- restless_nomad

But why let facts get in the way of a good story?

Post 132387 by Megami deleted for the following reason: As a single-link Op/Ed, this is not really great for a post; maybe try again with something more in-depth on the topic, or else just link this in the still open Navy Yard/Alexis thread, so we don't just set off yet another gun control flamewar here for lack of more discussion fodder. -- taz


10 Awesome Tricks with Vinegar for Helping Around the House

Post 132370 by quin deleted for the following reason: This is pretty meh cookie-cutter list stuff and the last third of the video is just a long boring pitch for Audible.com. Eh. -- cortex


Mouse + Cheese

Post 132353 by JujuB deleted for the following reason: Hmm, it's kind of three years old and not really going over well. -- mathowie

another reason to understand how Microsoft has gone off it's hindges

Post 132352 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: Pretty short quote and article, not sure what the post is even supposed to mean either... -- mathowie

Barilla pasta, how filled with hate!

Post 132337 by ChaoticIndustry deleted for the following reason: Nope. If this is more than "here are another group of assholes" please feel free to make a more fully fleshed out post about it Otherwise it's just a five minute hate excuse and we sort of don't need another one. -- jessamyn


Projection mapping in 3D

Post 132315 by Confess, Fletch deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn

Luckily, most Canadians have never heard of him either

Post 132311 by KokuRyu deleted for the following reason: This is basically "look at this asshole" and we've deleted it once already today. -- jessamyn

"I’m not interested in teaching books by women."

Post 132307 by AmandaA deleted for the following reason: Guy having a weird opinion and a couple of short responses to that opinion by people who think it's weird feels kind of like it's both not much of a thing on its own and not a really substantial Metafilter post to make up for that, kind of just "look at this asshole" territory. -- cortex


Meet the Dance of Life Dancer

Post 132280 by kdern deleted for the following reason: Yeah, probably this wasn't your intention, but this ends up being sort of "look at this odd lady", which is not so great. -- LobsterMitten

Just don't call it the "A" word.

Post 132278 by AlonzoMosleyFBI deleted for the following reason: Enjoyably preposterous though this is, we still don't do active Kickstarter campaigns here. Maybe once the campaign is closed. -- LobsterMitten

Seeing Stars: Sex in Interstellar Space

Post 132262 by OMNI Reboot deleted for the following reason: Self-link, banned. -- cortex

Modern Maelzel

Post 132256 by 23 deleted for the following reason: Being discussed in this thread. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Like Chocolate and Peanut-Butter

Post 132252 by quin deleted for the following reason: Yup, double. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Killer Quantum Queen

Post 132248 by coriolisdave deleted for the following reason: Double. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Apple TouchID has been foiled

Post 132242 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: This is framed in a pretty editorializing way, and there are already several open recent iPhone threads. -- LobsterMitten

Grieving, atheism

Post 132224 by xm deleted for the following reason: Short op-ed taking a stance on a button-pushing topic is not really a great idea for a Metafilter post. -- cortex

Female inmates' move to Alabama prison delayed

Post 132220 by oceanjesse deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is sort of interesting stuff but one link to a short-ish article plus no background/context makes this on the thin side for a post. Maybe see if there's some additional resources you could fold into a somewhat more elaborate post about the situation and history/policy side of it and try again? -- cortex

Beauty shines from inside out

Post 132218 by Yellow deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is a nice story and good news, but a plain cut-n-paste headline from the news isn't really a great post; maybe think about putting together a little more info on this and reposting? -- taz

#2. Stop Thinking About Sex Like a Treat That You Can Get

Post 132216 by quin deleted for the following reason: Sort of cute, but still a single-link Cracked clickbait thing covering items we've discussed hundreds (and hundreds) of times before. -- taz


American gun use is out of control. Shouldn't the world intervene?

Post 132187 by ellieBOA deleted for the following reason: This can go in the still open and active Starbucks / gun control thread. -- taz



Post 132179 by Conspire deleted for the following reason: This is less of a neat thing on the Internet and more of a debate prompt, which we've had a lot of lately. -- restless_nomad

Upscale Mall Becomes War Zone in Kenya Terror Attack

Post 132172 by nowhere man deleted for the following reason: Metafilter is not designed for urgent news. Anything worth a post can wait for a good post. -- restless_nomad

How about a nice game of chess?

Post 132163 by tonycpsu deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

a simple low voltage switch that failed to flip

Post 132156 by flapjax at midnite deleted for the following reason: Looks like the NC incident is being discussed in this recent thread -- maybe add these links over there? -- taz

Spoiler alert: it's the second thing

Post 132154 by showbiz_liz deleted for the following reason: This is sort of single-link op/ed outrage bait; maybe try again with something more in-depth? Contact us if you have questions. -- taz


Realigning My Thoughts On Jasper Johns

Post 132150 by Specklet deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

Between a Rock Paper Shotgun and a Hard Place

Post 132125 by gilrain deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is already being discussed in the still open PA / PAX thread, so let's go ahead and keep the conversation there. -- taz


This Machine Destroys EVERYTHING

Post 132111 by flapjax at midnite deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie

Where Is the Octopus?

Post 132089 by quin deleted for the following reason: This has actually been posted a couple times before; different urls make it hard to find. -- taz

Reactance is a source of motivation.

Post 132086 by curuinor deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but you have several super short abstracts and a couple of excerpts from a book here, which makes it difficult for folks to engage in a discussion on the links (and offering to send to individuals isn't really a workable solution). Maybe there's another way to do this that's more in line with a typical Metafilter post. -- taz

Disordered World

Post 132085 by Homemade Interossiter deleted for the following reason: Links that are mainly promos for someone's book is probably not the best way to go with this. -- taz


There's never a good reason not to be clicking cookies

Post 132069 by slogger deleted for the following reason: Oh, Cookie Clicker, I love you so, but we've seen you before. -- cortex

Creative Thievery

Post 132065 by bearwife deleted for the following reason: Breathless network news bit isn't super great post material, maybe if there's something more substantial out there about the phenomenon (and to what degree it is a phenomenon) there's a meatier post someone could put together. -- cortex

"You know you've really made it in this world when you get Candida."

Post 132064 by mcstayinskool deleted for the following reason: This seems kinda on the thin side. -- cortex

Medieval people really went through some shit.

Post 132053 by flyingsquirrel deleted for the following reason: Eh, it's sorta cute but it's also pretty lightweight and we did just see these folks' last post as well. -- cortex

An unsavoury enterprise

Post 132049 by acb deleted for the following reason: This doesn't seem to be going very well at all. I thought it was worth waiting and seeing how the discussion would pan out, but upon reflection I don't really see what could be accomplished here. Sorry to have vacillated. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Introducing the Amplituhedron.

Post 132047 by empath deleted for the following reason: We're keeping the newer post, thanks empath. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Why stop?

Post 132042 by SkylitDrawl deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

The world's single most famous cat.

Post 132038 by thewalrus deleted for the following reason: If it were up to me, every post would be a Maru post. But Mefi is a vale of tears, and this is apparently a double. -- LobsterMitten

Costa Concordia Upright!

Post 132013 by Yellow deleted for the following reason: There's an open Costa Concordia post here. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

"Containers for coins, keys, and candies for cuties"

Post 132011 by orange swan deleted for the following reason: They predicted this post in 2011, etc. etc. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Check These Checks

Post 131991 by analogue deleted for the following reason: Look neat but we've got a no-active-fundraiser policy for posts to the front page of Metafilter. Would be fine to make a post a month or so from now when the kickstarter is done. -- cortex

it begins again...

Post 131979 by lapolla deleted for the following reason: This is just a tiny little news blurb that doesn't really tell us anything; if there's more / something new to discuss, feel free to repost with more info. -- taz


Public assertions of privilege

Post 131961 by MartinWisse deleted for the following reason: I appreciate the effort to try to put something together here, but we had the whole huge, angry "lava balls" discussion not so long ago, and have a bunch of huge angry sexism/gender threads currently boiling. Maybe we need a bit of a break from huge angry sexism/gender threads that aren't bringing much new to the table. -- taz


Run run run run BOOP

Post 131957 by griphus deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

Hulk's Essential Reading List

Post 131941 by Going To Maine deleted for the following reason: Hey there, linking to a pastebin file you have made is still against the self-linking rules. If it's ok with you to remove that link and repost, reach me by MefiMail or the contact form in the next little while. -- LobsterMitten

Lego my smartphone.

Post 131939 by Strange Interlude deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten


Project HIMANK is known to have humorous road signs

Post 131934 by maiamaia deleted for the following reason: A single Wikipedia article subsection is not enough to sustain an FPP, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Sweet chilli sauce, shredded coconut and blue swimmer crab

Post 131921 by Omnomnom deleted for the following reason: Now we're cooking with dos! -- cortex

R.I.P. Ray Dolby

Post 131915 by Dean358 deleted for the following reason: Pouring one out for Ray, but a little six paragraph obit is pretty thin for a post. Maybe someone can put together something a little more substantial about his life and work? -- cortex

Chip-Chan does not lead a normal life

Post 131911 by andoatnp deleted for the following reason: There's an interesting story in here potentially but right now nobody seems to know what that story is so we're left with just kinda This Lady Sure Seems Crazy material right now. -- cortex


What makes a marine biologist scream?

Post 131901 by wilful deleted for the following reason: looks like the octopus was in camouflage mode -- taz

How I Inadvertently Aided and Abetted My Own Debit Card Fraud

Post 131899 by paleyellowwithorange deleted for the following reason: oops, yeah, it looks we had a post about this guy's story earlier -- taz

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Post 131891 by SkylitDrawl deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie

Steve Buscemi: Not just an actor.., also a Heroic human being

Post 131864 by Faintdreams deleted for the following reason: Love Steve Buscemi, but a post that is just a Snopes thing about him pitching in on 9/11 is awfully thin. -- taz

Cats Reacting to their Owners' Homes Being Obliterated

Post 131863 by GoingToShopping deleted for the following reason: Second City Network is very well known here, Sassy Gay Friend and Key & Peele vids have been posted before, and Kickstart WWIII isn't really a great post on it's own with so many active Syria / war threads open. -- taz


Please Help the Maria Kaupus Center

Post 131857 by TardisCompanion deleted for the following reason: you can't do fundraising here. -- jessamyn

Pi meets 12 Angry Men? A film about governmental cyber espionage.

Post 131851 by bob_london_13 deleted for the following reason: This might be right up MeFi's alley but it is also your film and you are banned. -- jessamyn

Evidence of Lasting Damage

Post 131849 by hal_c_on deleted for the following reason: Nope. Please drop us an email for expansion of "Nope." -- jessamyn

No one has to take your order while you are on the phone.

Post 131841 by griphus deleted for the following reason: Looks like we pretty much saw this before, yeah. -- cortex

Initial Estimates Of Iraq War Costs Off By A Mere %100,000

Post 131822 by blankdawn deleted for the following reason: There are quite a few open Syria threads; a post on the financial cost of the Iraq War should probably be a bit more substantial than just a single short article, sorry. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Like An Arrow

Post 131818 by timsteil deleted for the following reason: Discussed previously. It's been long enough that posting it again might be okay but considering the complexity and sensitivity of the topic, maybe not as a single link. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

C is for sharing

Post 131808 by arcticseal deleted for the following reason: D is for double and that's good enough for me. -- cortex

And that's where babies come from

Post 131800 by MartinWisse deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn

"Why don't you just go to Massachusetts and go to school?"

Post 131760 by Miko deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz

Woman gave neighbor cupcakes, then stole his car.

Post 131741 by Shouraku deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is kind of crummy-news-of-the-weird, which isn't a great basis for a post. -- LobsterMitten

Wakeskatting in cranberries.

Post 131727 by JPowers deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad

Art, Religion, Tragedy and the WTC

Post 131723 by snaparapans deleted for the following reason: This reads more like a post for your own blog, expressing your own views of all this, which is not how MeFi posts are framed. Plus this is a confluence of subjects that make it very hard for a post to go well in the first place.-- LobsterMitten

"Australia is under new management."

Post 131717 by rhombus deleted for the following reason: Maybe better to bring this discussion back over to the open Australia election thread from yesterday.-- LobsterMitten

Chickity china the chinese chicken...

Post 131712 by candasartan deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry but the OP editorializing here makes this a no-go; maybe try again without the personal commentary? -- taz

Drummer imitates auctioneer

Post 131702 by klausman deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


Post 131690 by quin deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

I may be a “guy’s guy,” but that doesn't mean that my son has to be.

Post 131683 by barnoley deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is a pretty short op/ed sort of thing covering territory we've discussed extensively before, and there isn't much to say about this than congratulating or criticizing this one guy's parenting choices. -- taz


"First, the machine is no good. It sucks."

Post 131642 by Gelatin deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz

Marilyn enjoys stump burger

Post 131637 by onesidys deleted for the following reason: This is far too thin and contextless to work as a post. -- restless_nomad


Amazon Matchbook offer bundles print and ebooks

Post 131620 by SpacemanStix deleted for the following reason: MatchPost -- cortex

Extraordinary beauty in ordinary circumstances.

Post 131606 by shiu mai baby deleted for the following reason: Looks like we've discussed this before. -- taz


Whoops...The correct answer was Double Dutch

Post 131571 by fix deleted for the following reason: Wonderful but seems to be either slow or broken and keeps dying on me mid-game. Maybe re-post tomorrow so more people can Czech this out and actually Finnish the game? -- goodnewsfortheinsane


A feminist Robin Thicke parody

Post 131563 by Devika deleted for the following reason: Sorry, yeah, we've kind of had the full feminist-Robin-Thicke-parody post experience already. -- LobsterMitten

Exploring the provocative side of disability

Post 131551 by oregonsarah deleted for the following reason: Heya, sounds neat but we've got a firm "no active kickstarter/fundraiser" policy for the front page. You're welcome to give this another go after the kickstarter campaign has closed down. -- cortex

No lads' mag in a modesty bag

Post 131544 by anothermug deleted for the following reason: Eh, this is a wee little blurb of a thing, pretty darned thin for a post. -- cortex


Kids Night at the Casino

Post 131531 by cjorgensen deleted for the following reason: I don't know, it's kind of a "look at these jerks" post that isn't that interesting. -- mathowie