
The world is full of places. Why is it that I am here?

Post 130519 by ocherdraco deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is interesting, but as a single image with no other info is a bit thin for a post; maybe try this again with a little more context? -- taz

All your searches belong to us.

Post 130501 by adamvasco deleted for the following reason: There are open, active NSA-related threads, add this there. This is not the first time we've had to say this to *you specifically* recently about this specific topic. Cut it out. -- cortex

Men vs Women

Post 130494 by bookman117 deleted for the following reason: Double. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


It was the second hexapus ever found

Post 130485 by GuyZero deleted for the following reason: This is not really a good example of the "yes, it's a single link to a outrage-y Daily Mail thing, but this one's really worth a post on the front page of Metafilter" genre. -- cortex

"the lie to the notion that obesity is a closed question"

Post 130466 by andoatnp deleted for the following reason: There is actually an open thread about obesity that is not going so well. If you'd like to post this there, that is fine but we do not need another obesity thread at this time. -- jessamyn


With Friends Like This...

Post 130446 by 1charm1 deleted for the following reason: Maybe try this again without the "Are you trolling or are you telling us he is" framing? If this is worth looking at we can do better than a single Gawker link and snarky phrasing. -- jessamyn


Statins: millions saved or loved for their millions (or both)?

Post 130413 by JiffyQ deleted for the following reason: This is not framing that is going to work out here. -- restless_nomad

Radley Balko, Anatomy of a Right-Wing Activist on the Internet

Post 130404 by ennui.bz deleted for the following reason: Sorry for the delayed action, but this is not a great post for Mefi - ad hominem, via an editorially undiscriminating site, etc - and people are giving strong feedback against it. -- LobsterMitten

It's hot

Post 130401 by RegMcF deleted for the following reason: Self linking is against the guidelines; banned -- taz


"Pepper Pike" seeks compensation for psychological injury

Post 130381 by This, of course, alludes to you deleted for the following reason: This sure seems unwarranted, but beyond that this is a thin story (he's filing, that's it) and I'm not sure that there's anything to discuss here. -- LobsterMitten

Here we go again...but with a twist

Post 130380 by JujuB deleted for the following reason: It is terrible that another incident like this has happened but we have just been through a couple of very lengthy threads about the Zimmerman case, and I don't know that we need to have the exact same discussions over again so soon. -- LobsterMitten


“No! I am really discreet!"

Post 130358 by reenum deleted for the following reason: People really, really not loving this; maybe just not a great post for Mefi. -- taz

The Littlest Mechwarrior

Post 130354 by Sebmojo deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, this is very sad and sweet, but open fundraisers are against the guidelines. -- taz


“The most important thing is to not speak for someone else,”

Post 130352 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz

These are not the briefs you're looking for...

Post 130320 by bitter-girl.com deleted for the following reason: This seems like an unfortunate point-and-laugh situation. "Hard times for grads" is a thing we can talk about, or maybe there's more to this story than just mocking this dude? If so, feel free to repost with more info. -- taz


Financial experts give advice to their 18-year-old selves

Post 130275 by KyleH deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is totally a project your digital marketing company did for a client! That's a big ol' shitty violation of the site guidelines, and you're banned now. -- cortex


One by one, the sweetest days of life go by

Post 130252 by KokuRyu deleted for the following reason: This machine etc etc. -- cortex


Backwards into the future

Post 130214 by adamvasco deleted for the following reason: This is kind of a collection of news articles about backward religious stuff in Brazil, and seems pretty outragefiltery. Maybe better for your own blog? -- LobsterMitten


Pictures of Atoms

Post 130196 by OnceUponATime deleted for the following reason: Hey, we've seen the main A Boy and His Atom movie link here before. Some of these other links are great, though, so maybe edit and put it a new version tomorrow? You can also reach us through the contact form. -- LobsterMitten

Vitamin Supplements are Bad for You

Post 130195 by Cosine deleted for the following reason: Looks like we had a discussion of another Paul Offit opinion piece on vitamins just a month ago. -- LobsterMitten


Archeologists: We've Found King David's Palace

Post 130174 by bookman117 deleted for the following reason: This is a super thin article - a better-sourced and fleshed-out post on this would be cool, but this isn't enough. -- restless_nomad

Sloooow motion

Post 130170 by elgilito deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Post 130166 by adamvasco deleted for the following reason: This is the third Snowden-related post by you in the last few weeks. Please add this stuff to one of the existing threads, this is not your blog. -- cortex


Fly Buy (get raped, jailed and fired) Dubai

Post 130138 by iviken deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is a horrible thing that happened but doesn't make for a good post or discussion. -- mathowie

It Dropped!

Post 130114 by AzraelBrown deleted for the following reason: Poster's request. -- jessamyn


No Woman's Body Found Today

Post 130094 by nicebookrack deleted for the following reason: We've got another ortberg/toast link up today already. Nothing personal at all, but maybe save this for later or post in the open thread? -- jessamyn

Racial profiling: "Thinking the issue through"

Post 130075 by Mr.Know-it-some deleted for the following reason: There's multiple Zimmerman/Martin threads open and pairing a couple of opinion pieces with an incendiary pullquote does not seem like a good reason to start this up as an ancillary addition to that pile. -- cortex

one stop shop

Post 130074 by four panels deleted for the following reason: If there's more to this than just sort of a press release "this event will occur here" level of info, maybe rework this with some more substantial content? -- cortex

Wow, you CAN survive without the internet!

Post 130068 by Yellow deleted for the following reason: Oops, looks like this has been covered a couple of times before. -- taz


T-Model Ford Has Died

Post 130046 by zzazazz deleted for the following reason: Sad to hear but obit posts really ought to have a little more meat to them ideally than a single short article. Maybe someone can give this another go. -- cortex


Haha, that's hilarious.. wait, this IS satire.. right?

Post 130004 by mediocre deleted for the following reason: This is kinda just "store that sells expensive shirts sells expensive shirt with celebrity endorsement", yes? -- cortex


I'd like to honor this conversation with some gentle mirroring

Post 129986 by Potomac Avenue deleted for the following reason: This seems to be coming across as meanspirited rather than funny, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Laywers Gone Wild?

Post 129985 by juiceCake deleted for the following reason: Ok, yeah this looks like a pretty squalid thing, let's not contribute. -- LobsterMitten

Glee star Cory Monteith has been found dead in a Vancouver hotel

Post 129979 by I_Love_Bananas deleted for the following reason: Hey, if you'd like to make an obit post, it needs to be more than just a single link to a news story. Maybe try again? -- taz

Maybe It IS The New Trans-Fat

Post 129978 by FrankBlack deleted for the following reason: Looks like this is sort of old news that we've discussed before. If there's something new to add, you can go ahead and rework this and post again tomorrow. -- taz

Stand Your Ground

Post 129975 by Artw deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is really, really framed in an inflammatory "outragefilter" way, with two short blog posts and a news link. If you want to rework this, please contact us. -- taz


This is a terrible thing that happened

Post 129973 by cashman deleted for the following reason: This is in fact a terrible thing, but this is not the post to make about it. -- restless_nomad

George Zimmerman found not guilty in Trayvon Martin murder

Post 129971 by cupcake1337 deleted for the following reason: There's an open thread about this case - if we're going to have a new thread it needs to be more than just a newsfilter link -- restless_nomad

Ho Lee Fuk

Post 129946 by janey47 deleted for the following reason: This is tragically hilarious, but not substantial enough for a whole post. Feel free to drop it in the existing thread though. -- restless_nomad


A cure...for cancer?

Post 129913 by bhb deleted for the following reason: This is a little bit thin, just a press release about a paper. Maybe link to more sources with explanations of what it means as well as the original research? -- mathowie

The Ballad of the Wayfaring Stranger & the Dead Man's Whore

Post 129892 by Paul Slade deleted for the following reason: You can't post links to stuff from people you know. -- jessamyn

"I’m an endangered species. I shouldn’t be anymore."

Post 129888 by MartinWisse deleted for the following reason: If this is a conversation MetaFilter is going to have that is going to go well, you need to start with a different post than this. Leave the edgy make-people-mad quotes out of it and explain why it's something interesting you think people will want to talk about. -- jessamyn


The Vocal Fry Epidemic

Post 129880 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: This topic is interesting but the video is a little thin; just her demonstrating and saying it's annoying. Maybe try again with some additional info? -- LobsterMitten

"By Any Serious Examination this Man is a War Criminal"

Post 129874 by gman deleted for the following reason: Hey, I agree with much of the sentiment in the speech, but still, it's sort of too thin - a non-US politician making a speech against US foreign policy, describing things most of us know about and agree are bad - and grarbaity to go well as a post here. -- LobsterMitten

He likes a raspberry mustard. The kind U find at a specialty store.

Post 129873 by .kobayashi. deleted for the following reason: turns out to be April Fool's joke; poster request -- LobsterMitten

Happy BasTeal day*, MetaFilter!

Post 129856 by wensink deleted for the following reason: Heya, I think you meant to post this over on Metatalk. -- cortex

Because this is what monopolies do

Post 129851 by mightygodking deleted for the following reason: This feels a little like outrage-bait from an interested party; maybe there's a better post to be made about Amazon's pricing practices that isn't so much just one link to a blog by a however-justifiably-annoyed publishing house's digital media guy? -- cortex

My life would be ... worthless without music

Post 129847 by fantabulous timewaster deleted for the following reason: Very cool but we saw it late last year. -- cortex

Happy Birthday App Store!

Post 129816 by littleap71 deleted for the following reason: Free stuff is nice but this needs more of a "here's an interesting thing on the web" angle to be a good post, sorry. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Ryan Davis (1979 - 2013)

Post 129794 by Gin and Comics deleted for the following reason: Beaten by a few minutes. -- cortex

pet project

Post 129783 by four panels deleted for the following reason: C'mon. -- cortex


"Stellar Alchemist" by The Impossible Girl

Post 129773 by Ardiril deleted for the following reason: The link doesn't appear to work. -- restless_nomad

F2P game developers are literally satan

Post 129762 by The Devil Tesla deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten


pet project

Post 129751 by four panels deleted for the following reason: This is going to need some different framing to be more than outrage-bait. -- restless_nomad

Plane crash at SFO

Post 129748 by crazy with stars deleted for the following reason: Things are still very uncertain with this story and the first link isn't actually a link. Let's hold off a bit on this. -- restless_nomad


4th of July DUI checkpoint slash constitutional rights violation

Post 129724 by AceRock deleted for the following reason: "Cops do something bad" is the sort of flashpoint rage fodder that needs a lot of support to work at all here. -- restless_nomad

1979: Making bagels by hand in Brooklyn, NY

Post 129721 by DarlingBri deleted for the following reason: You go round and round the bagel but you just end up right back where you started. -- cortex

They were raised to believe—or have now been convinced...

Post 129713 by roomthreeseventeen deleted for the following reason: This feels more like an argument being had by proxy than an interesting thing on the web. -- cortex


Around 70 percent died to the first Goomba

Post 129699 by cashman deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad



Post 129686 by four panels deleted for the following reason: There is an open thread about the Arizona fire and it may be too early to start the politicking threads while people are still raw form the tragedy. -- jessamyn

The psychological dynamics of sexual assault

Post 129683 by gemutlichkeit deleted for the following reason: This is an interesting essay that may need some more framing and might go better at a time when we don't have multiple active threads about various assault/harassment/rape topics. Maybe it might go better in one of those threads for now? -- jessamyn

Live from Tahrir Square

Post 129668 by ding-dong deleted for the following reason: Hey, it seems like neat tech but your disclaimer basically makes this completely not an okay for you to be posting to the front page of Metafilter. -- cortex

kidnapping a President to search for a fugative

Post 129664 by el io deleted for the following reason: This feels like something that could probably just go in an existing Snowden thread instead of being a whole new post. -- cortex

I always say the most important thing is to speak to your baby.

Post 129659 by Yellow deleted for the following reason: Heck of a story, yeah, but looks like we've seen it a couple of times. -- cortex

I don't remember the last time I went on an actual date

Post 129648 by sunset in snow country deleted for the following reason: This appears not to be very well-received. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


yes Russians, nyet Russians, maybe Russians?

Post 129643 by Jacen deleted for the following reason: Looks like your post didn't get properly previewed, but it also seems to be just a misunderstanding arising from infowars.com? If there's a real story here, better to wait until there's something from a firmer source about it. - LobsterMitten

Sweet Home Stink Onions

Post 129629 by dry white toast deleted for the following reason: Neat project, but looks like we did basically see this previously. -- cortex

HPV vaccine developer speaks out

Post 129620 by whalebreath deleted for the following reason: This is about something that happened in 2009 and doesn't seem to have gained a lot of traction. Maybe a larger post about this issue but single link sensational articles about vaccines are sort of a no-go here. -- jessamyn

Journalists Against Journalism

Post 129606 by MeanwhileBackAtTheRanch deleted for the following reason: Unless I'm misreading this "wall of shame" has only two entries. Seems a bit thin especially considering the topic. Maybe post it as a comment in the existing Snowden thread. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


In memoriam, and awe of their courage

Post 129591 by IAmBroom deleted for the following reason: Heya, there's probably a little more meat that could go into this than a single CNN link. -- cortex