

Post 128606 by QueerAngel28 deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this isn't getting any better with repeated posting. -- restless_nomad


Post 128597 by slater deleted for the following reason: Double. -- restless_nomad


Post 128579 by lemuring deleted for the following reason: THERE in the world is Carmen Sandiego. -- cortex

Griner smashes records, builds bridges, comes out, signs with Nike

Post 128574 by goofyfoot deleted for the following reason: Great post, but a wee bit late! Please go ahead and add your nice links to that thread. -- taz

WW III over bees?

Post 128571 by scottymac deleted for the following reason: If this is actually a thing, maybe try again with some info from more trusted sources? -- taz


Be it resolved, tax the rich (more)... #munkdebate #taxtherich

Post 128560 by HLD deleted for the following reason: A livestream is a little weird, plus we just did have a post on this topic and maybe this could be a comment in the existing thread. -- mathowie

Car Washing = NCAA Violation? Asking Who Texted You Too?

Post 128549 by theichibun deleted for the following reason: less editorializing more "this is something I found on the web that I'd like to share with people" -- jessamyn

Neil Morrison keeps the track record alive.

Post 128546 by rough ashlar deleted for the following reason: skip the editorializing please. just make a post if it's a think you think people would be interested in. -- jessamyn

Profile of a Scam and a Scammer

Post 128530 by bloomington deleted for the following reason: You seem to be insistently spamming the site. Banned. -- taz



Post 128518 by Julian Marsh deleted for the following reason: This is a copypasted article form the new yorker on some totally anonymous blog that exists only to copy this one new yorker article. That is maybe too sketchy for here. -- jessamyn

Cute cake packs mean number of calories

Post 128510 by Dansaman deleted for the following reason: This is basically a personal blog entry, this is not a good Metafilter post. -- cortex

Never Go Full Palin

Post 128493 by mcstayinskool deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is pretty heavily OP-editorialized / two-minute hate with the batshitinsane tag, etc. -- maybe try again with something a little more substantial? -- taz


Do you permit domestic servants to touch YOUR audio equipment?

Post 128489 by JimInLoganSquare deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, this framed in a pretty editorial way, and furthermore looks like it's mainly a "hey look at these assholes" kind of post, which are both things we try to avoid here. -- LobsterMitten

The most misguided compilation CD of all time

Post 128478 by mediocre deleted for the following reason: Double. -- mathowie

Interstellar Space Station planned for 2100

Post 128466 by Narrative_Historian deleted for the following reason: Interesting stuff but a single press release is a bit thin for a post. Maybe try again later with some reaction from sources other than the organization itself on the feasibility (or lack thereof) of such a project? Feel free to hit the contact form to run a draft by us or if you have any questions. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


A well made chair and a sweet bear.

Post 128462 by quin deleted for the following reason: Ok, I'm going to belatedly collapse the cute-bear-friendship-or-result-of-animal-cruelty-set-to-music superposition here. -- LobsterMitten

Do Teach, Don't Tell

Post 128451 by timsteil deleted for the following reason: "We should have a debate about this" is not a good reason to make a Metafilter post and really needs not to be the text of a post, and this is a wee little writeup of what sounds like a crappy situation but isn't really obviously good post material in its own right. -- cortex

“.. its not so much about the shoes, but the person wearing them.”

Post 128450 by eenagy deleted for the following reason: This reads kind of like you wanting to talk about what you dislike about what other people are talking about. If there's something here beyond that that merits a post, the post needs to be framed a lot differently. -- cortex

the multitude of challenges

Post 128446 by andoatnp deleted for the following reason: I kinda feel like this is a "two op-eds do not make a right" sort of situation. -- cortex

Behind the scenes in Afghanistan according to Vice

Post 128436 by panaceanot deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz


Gold Bugs

Post 128421 by absalom deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

"We Make Propaganda"

Post 128418 by blankdawn deleted for the following reason: This is pretty editorial framing, which is discouraged here. -- LobsterMitten

Myth Busters Gives a Home To Judi Bari Bombing Conspirator

Post 128416 by BillW deleted for the following reason: There may be a good post lurking here, and you're welcome to try again, but it's a bit misleading (Doyle has been working with Mythbusters for a while), and it's not clear why this is framed as a "calling out Mythbusters" thing. Maybe make a post about the actual incident and people involved rather than Mythbusters OUTRAGE? -- taz


Visit Your Local Ford Dealer

Post 128398 by krunk deleted for the following reason: Let's keep the discussion all in one place in the open thread. -- LobsterMitten


Reddit and misogyny, an ongoing saga

Post 128392 by adrienneleigh deleted for the following reason: We've kind of gone into the reddit-is-really-misogynist quagmire many times before, not really anything new here. -- mathowie


Post 128380 by jbickers deleted for the following reason: Upon consideration, basically a channel of self-harm, so maybe not the kind of thing we want to be driving traffic to. Sorry for the delayed delete. -- LobsterMitten

"Why We Won't Say Torture"

Post 128376 by blankdawn deleted for the following reason: You are not really understanding the leave-yourself-out-of-posts thing that is important with posting to the front page. If you want to talk to the mods about site policy, write to us at the contact form or open a Metatalk thread, but do not do this. -- cortex


Maybe it's the fedora?

Post 128356 by eviemath deleted for the following reason: I get that this is meant to be an amusing light satire, but there's really nowhere to go with a discussion on this that isn't the same old tired "friendzone" fight we've had a million times. Maybe this could work as part of a different kind of post, but as is it's kind of straight-up fight fodder. -- taz

" [the wagon stops, the scene is in color now] We are home!"

Post 128351 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we don't do posts on in-progress Kickstarters. -- mathowie

...to know which way the wind blows

Post 128348 by bitmage deleted for the following reason: This would work better as a comment in the existing thread about the OK tornado. -- mathowie

"Why We Can't Say Torture"

Post 128337 by blankdawn deleted for the following reason: If you want to have a discussion about this here you need to make a post that is different from this, with less editorializing. Trust the users to understand the points. -- jessamyn

The White Student Union: KKKoming to a Campus Near You?

Post 128333 by Rykey deleted for the following reason: Vice reports on complicated race issues is probably not a great way to open a conversation about the complicated issue of white supremacy in the US. Otherwise this is just an excuse for a two minute hate which is not super constructive. -- jessamyn


This has to be the worse news of the millennium for Islam.

Post 128312 by onemelonicecream deleted for the following reason: Again, this is blurby news-of-the-weird, not good post material. -- cortex

Man killed in deadly terror attack in London street

Post 128311 by Conductor71 deleted for the following reason: Maybe save a post about this for when there's a little more info, and skip the confusing mashup of brutal killing + social media faux pas gossip? -- cortex

Amazon announces Kindle Worlds

Post 128305 by Sokka shot first deleted for the following reason: ONE TRUE POST -- cortex


You don't have to answer everything I say

Post 128295 by Rory Marinich deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

Sadly, not a FunnyOrDie link.

Post 128292 by mediocre deleted for the following reason: This appears to be a non-link. -- cortex

Tokyo City Symphony

Post 128291 by stavrosthewonderchicken deleted for the following reason: Neat but ya got beat. -- cortex

Navy dolphins find antique torpedo

Post 128285 by onemelonicecream deleted for the following reason: This is a super thin little blurb of an article, not really good post material. -- cortex


Post 128281 by Colossus, Inc. deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for MetaFilter. -- jessamyn


Optimus Prime Welcomes Industrious Workers to Yunan Truck Factory!

Post 128266 by blankdawn deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is a bit thin and a bit 'ain't the Chinese weird,' when most of these are no weirder than public art anywhere else. -- LobsterMitten

Prime Numbers are the Atoms of Arithmetic

Post 128264 by Tell Me No Lies deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn

Mercury VS Mars

Post 128253 by flyblackbox deleted for the following reason: Hey, Mercury colony might be a neat thing to post about but you've got a bunch of non-linked URLs here and this reads kind of like a personal blog post. If you want to reach us at the contact form to talk a little about how to put together a post for the front page of Metafilter, that's totally fine. -- cortex

Rare Pic: Marine Holding Umbrella With Left Hand

Post 128250 by snaparapans deleted for the following reason: If there's something post-worthy and interesting about this whole silly thing it needs to be a lot clearer in the post what it is. -- cortex

The importance of backing up your files - in more than one location

Post 128241 by twamoran deleted for the following reason: This is a really thin article, and written in a style better for your own blog -- taz


Please tell me where this island of men is. Thanks. - George Takei

Post 128237 by filthy light thief deleted for the following reason: I love Takei as much as anyone, but this is still Buzzfeed linkbait. -- restless_nomad

Think of the children

Post 128220 by disillusioned deleted for the following reason: Pointing out a single apparently outrageous situation is probably not the best way to go with a post on this subject; maybe try this again, with a larger-picture sort of post? Contact us if you have questions. -- taz


"You would like me if you met me."

Post 128214 by Kitty Stardust deleted for the following reason: We're not really cool with doxxing even when it's someone else doing it. -- restless_nomad


All Our Viral Heroes Are Weirdos

Post 128175 by DirtyOldTown deleted for the following reason: This is sort of a mega-"news of the weird" post that doesn't really add much to the extensive previous discourse about any of these people. -- restless_nomad

Big Pharma is turning eccentricity into mental illness.

Post 128163 by leahzero deleted for the following reason: No big, but short opinion piece with "buy the book!" behind it is kind of not great post material. -- cortex


A rose by any other name...

Post 128147 by QueerAngel28 deleted for the following reason: I think making a joke about a dead guy's name in a post about his suicide is a very very bad idea. Maybe you should rewrite this for tomorrow? -- jessamyn

Arise, ye rappers from your slumbers

Post 128133 by MartinWisse deleted for the following reason: It's really unclear from this really short article that anything like what you said is happening is what happened. Maybe make that a little more clear tomorrow? -- jessamyn

Deadly Sex via Hornets

Post 128109 by QueerAngel28 deleted for the following reason: This is a super thin news-of-the-weird blurb, not really solid post material. -- cortex

Vaccines exposed

Post 128098 by 00dimitri00 deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for Mefi -- taz

I always thought a napsack was a backpack

Post 128095 by Yellow deleted for the following reason: kind of an amusing item, but just linking to catalog pages with items for sale is a pretty thin post for Metafilter -- taz

it's like having a mango in your mouth

Post 128087 by GDWJRG deleted for the following reason: This is already linked in the open Arrested Development thread here; maybe add your highlights there? -- taz

Easter Egg

Post 128086 by PinkMoose deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz


I'm picking up good vibrations / This cabinet's got wood mutations

Post 128073 by codacorolla deleted for the following reason: Looks like we saw this a couple months ago. -- cortex

My Medical Choice by Angelina Jolie

Post 128058 by infini deleted for the following reason: Double. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


A Nation of Wimps

Post 128047 by reenum deleted for the following reason: As astute readers pointed out, this article is from 2004, and in fact we've discussed it before. -- LobsterMitten

I see you as YOU!

Post 128041 by girlmightlive deleted for the following reason: Single-link facile Buzzfeed listicle standing in for actual discussion about race issues probably not a great conversation starter here. -- jessamyn

No reservations: Narnia

Post 128038 by Adridne deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn

Covered in Band-Aids

Post 128021 by Blasdelb deleted for the following reason: This is a terrible story, but highlighting a blog that does specifically make one-sided accusations against a named person without benefit of a trial doesn't seem like a good post for Metafilter. -- taz


I’ve had a couple of drinks

Post 128002 by fearfulsymmetry deleted for the following reason: Yeah, after sitting with it for a while, this still seems to be just a bit too laugh-at-someone's-bad-day. -- LobsterMitten

Does mental illness really exist?

Post 127999 by Hartham's Hugging Robots deleted for the following reason: We just had a post on a US research body making the same move last week, maybe you could put these links in the open thread? -- LobsterMitten



Who cares about Benghazi?

Post 127957 by postel's law deleted for the following reason: This is confusingly framed and not really the best way to make a post about the subject. -- restless_nomad

Depression Part Two

Post 127948 by antiquated deleted for the following reason: Allie is awesome but we've got an existing post to talk about this. -- restless_nomad

View cramped Hong Kong apartments directly overhead

Post 127938 by rageagainsttherobots deleted for the following reason: Looks like we saw this recently with different links. -- cortex

The all-powerful hand

Post 127936 by Mr. Anthropomorphism deleted for the following reason: Very cool but we've seen it previously. -- cortex


This beats NASCAR any day of the week

Post 127902 by Renoroc deleted for the following reason: Nope. -- jessamyn

Maybe everything isn't hopeless bullshit

Post 127890 by 1970s Antihero deleted for the following reason: Being discussed in the somewhat gun-jumping open thread form yesterday -- jessamyn


Success and the closet.

Post 127840 by skepticallypleased deleted for the following reason: This is an interesting subject but the post has some weird personal/editorial additions in the below-the-fold portion; maybe repost without that stuff tomorrow? -- LobsterMitten

Smoking in China

Post 127835 by Bosko82 deleted for the following reason: This is some super-thin clickbait stuff, not really post material for Metafilter. -- cortex

C'mere kitty kitty

Post 127828 by special-k deleted for the following reason: I just hope you don't come away from this experience feeling cheetah'd. -- cortex

"I like guns because guns are fun," said 9-year-old Kaykay Mace.

Post 127822 by fearfulsymmetry deleted for the following reason: Apologies for what feels like a late delete, but this seems like it's basically just a short Wonkette rundown on "NRA Are Still Terrible, Guns Still Problematic Part Of American Culture" and we've had these discussions an awful lot already. -- cortex


Science: All about coulda, not about shoulda.

Post 127791 by mediocre deleted for the following reason: Am I missing something or is this article not available? A single abstract isn't really much to go on for a MeFi post. -- jessamyn

Challenge of the Super(adorable) Friends

Post 127788 by Etrigan deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn

This obit contains some names you might recognize

Post 127771 by stenseng deleted for the following reason: It's fine if someone wants to do a slightly more substantial post about this, but a photograph of an obit clipping from the paper is not really enough. -- cortex


Life and love in a Mumbai slum

Post 127751 by puffl deleted for the following reason: Self-link, banned. -- restless_nomad


Israel bombs the outskirts of Damascus, targeting Iranian missiles

Post 127724 by Whitall Tatum deleted for the following reason: This appears to be the sort of breaking news item that we would rather discourage, sorry. -- restless_nomad

A Boy And His Atom

Post 127710 by deathpanels deleted for the following reason: Double. -- LobsterMitten

I'd like to read what she's reading, please

Post 127702 by Purposeful Grimace deleted for the following reason: Covered before. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


If you can see this post, you've been approved.

Post 127693 by threeants deleted for the following reason: This would fit on MetaTalk, it's not really right for the blue. -- restless_nomad

The Day Charlie Brown Changed

Post 127671 by COD deleted for the following reason: It looks like one link is missing from the post, and one maybe not working or intermittently working. Try again tomorrow, or whenever things are stable? -- taz


Sissyfight 2000 Rides Again

Post 127655 by Foam Pants deleted for the following reason: Sorry, live in-progress kickstarter links are kind of forbidden on MeFi. -- mathowie

My First Rifle

Post 127642 by DecemberBoy deleted for the following reason: Broken links and "ugh this is a terrible gun related accident" are a bad combo for a post about this topic. -- jessamyn


Post 127638 by flapjax at midnite deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn


We don't need more lawyers

Post 127623 by special-k deleted for the following reason: Double. -- jessamyn

State of Cinema 2013

Post 127593 by AceRock deleted for the following reason: Double. -- taz

Rashomon: Ag-Gag Style

Post 127585 by Peemster deleted for the following reason: Seems like these op-eds are pretty thin, maybe find better material and do another ag-gag post? -- LobsterMitten