FaveRunner: The Video Game Of Missing The Point Of Metafilter
Post 107904 by East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94 deleted for the following reason: I love you, man, but this is probably kind of inside baseball for a front page post. -- cortex
The Cubastinians Are Coming!
Post 107839 by Man with Lantern deleted for the following reason: Candidate Say Nutty Thing gossip does not make for good posts. -- cortex
"Is My Son Gay?"
Post 107812 by ericb deleted for the following reason: This is basically a fart piano app except with a wrongheaded quiz instead of musical fruit toots, yeah? It's easy Gakwer fodder but I'm not sure there's really a Metafilter post if "this tasteless thing exists in a sea of crappy apps" is really the whole story. -- cortex
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing you can do
Post 107780 by Artw deleted for the following reason: Feels like we're getting another flyby every ninety minutes or so. -- cortex
Post 107763 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: Looks like we've seen this a couple times already. -- cortex
He didn't offer his victim the privilege of choosing a last meal
Post 107747 by Renoroc deleted for the following reason: Pretty much the same reason as this one. -- restless_nomad
New hope for disgruntled Netflix users
Post 107736 by Clustercuss deleted for the following reason: This is interesting news but it needs to be phrased less ad-like and more "this is neat stuff for MeFi" like. Maybe try again tomorrow? -- jessamyn
Vasily Grossman's Life & Fate now on BBC Radio
Post 107719 by Paul Slade deleted for the following reason: She don't use butter / she don't use cheese/ she don't use jelly / or any of these / she uses Vaaaah-aaah-aaaaaaaaaah-si-lyyyyyyyy -- cortex
Hey man, that's like my bag. Man
Post 107717 by zombieApoc deleted for the following reason: Eh, people not really loving this whole Cheech & Chong Make A Fiber Ad situation seems like. -- cortex
Local Farmers Market Discriminates Against Transgendered Community
Post 107689 by DorothySmith deleted for the following reason: This is way too bloggy and personalized to work as a Metafilter post. -- cortex
How many licks?
Post 107656 by andreaazure deleted for the following reason: eh, maybe reserve the how many posts for good stuff? -- mathowie
If one guy starts playing it, you ALL have to play it.
Post 107651 by phunniemee deleted for the following reason: If folks aren't cutting this out on their own at this point, I think we're firmly into "post this again tomorrow without the 'how many' framing" territory now. -- cortex
Don't forget me when I come crying to heaven's door.
Post 107621 by williampratt deleted for the following reason: This is terribly sad but a but thin for a post where the only reasonable response is "this sucks" and also "suicide sucks" -- jessamyn
If you’ve got that magic killing touch, everyone around you will sense your manly power.
Post 107604 by Lovecraft In Brooklyn deleted for the following reason: This is kind of "look at this blogger looking at these assholes", honestly. -- cortex
"Fighting is in their nature."
Post 107590 by VikingSword deleted for the following reason: The combination of animal abuse and odd leading headline make this post a poor fit for MetaFilter and a thread that is going poorly. -- jessamyn
4 Easy Steps To Becoming A Bluesman
Post 107579 by Tweachzone deleted for the following reason: Self-linking: 1 Easy Step To Becoming A Banned Man. -- cortex
Facebook FAQ
Post 107563 by bobbyelliott deleted for the following reason: self-linkish looking. banned. -- jessamyn
It's A Film About Boron?
Post 107557 by Lovecraft In Brooklyn deleted for the following reason: This is a pretty thin post for Metafilter. -- vacapinta
Cat v Printer
Post 107552 by The Devil Tesla deleted for the following reason: I like a good cat video as much as anyone, but come on, man. -- restless_nomad
A Lion Makes For A Heck of a Burglar Deterrent
Post 107508 by 2manyusernames deleted for the following reason: This isn't even "news of the weird" as "news of the thieves with a clever excuse for failure" -- restless_nomad
Stepmom Pleads Guilty To Murdering Disabled Stepdaughter
Post 107481 by HermanoBluth deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for metafilter. This is a nearly single-link post about a horrible crime, basically a single link blog op-ed and there's not much to talk about. -- jessamyn
Democracy at work
Post 107468 by knz deleted for the following reason: "Sign my petition" does not make for a good Metafilter post. -- restless_nomad
Lady Gaga: You’re sort of obnoxious, but people can’t help but like you.
Post 107440 by Lovecraft In Brooklyn deleted for the following reason: No biggie, but the linked site seems like kind of cheesey linkbait SEO stuff just trying to run with someone else's riff in a way that feels kind of skeezy. -- cortex
CNN/Tea Party Debate Audience Cheers Letting Uninsured Comatose Man Die
Post 107417 by jhandey deleted for the following reason: People we hate do things we hate isn't really a great way to start up a MeFi post and this is, as framed, just outragefilter. If you want to make ap ost about the complicated political mess the US is in, do it without pre-GRARing your post. Thank you. -- jessamyn
Troll Trolled
Post 107410 by Lovecraft In Brooklyn deleted for the following reason: This maybe needs to be rewritten tomorrow with accurate information and maybe more backstory. Otherwise this is just "asshole guy gets in trouble" and feels a little axe-grinding. -- jessamyn
NatGeo: How the Earth changed history
Post 107370 by 00dimitri00 deleted for the following reason: There's nothing here to actually see. -- vacapinta
In Case of End Times, Please Press Play
Post 107359 by TheOtherGuy deleted for the following reason: I kind of feel like the whole pop-eschatalogy-from-Left-Behind-folks thing is so on the radar at this point that a post about just yet another tidbit of it is scraping the barrel. -- cortex
And then there were none
Post 107344 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: Eh. If your intent is really to discuss the movie, surely you can come up with a less inflammatory way of framing it. -- vacapinta
10th anniversary of 9/11
Post 107336 by Surfin' Bird deleted for the following reason: For a topic people are as tired of as 9/11, posts need to be much less thin than this. -- restless_nomad
Cliff Robertson Gone
Post 107318 by nj_subgenius deleted for the following reason: Maybe find a few more sources and make less of a mystery meat post? -- mathowie
An interview with James Hufferd Ph.D
Post 107309 by nam3d deleted for the following reason: In the inevitable deluge of 9/11 posts, a brief article with a single person reiterating long-held fringe beliefs seems a little too much to bear. -- restless_nomad
How to Measure a Storm's Fury One Breakfast at a Time
Post 107259 by reenum deleted for the following reason: Got talked about a bunch in this previous related post. -- cortex
@brandonnn's Venus Patrol
Post 107231 by sleeping bear deleted for the following reason: If there's a way to make this post without it being a Kickstarter post, please do so, but "fund this project" not okay for MeFi FPPs. Sorry. -- jessamyn
"Looks like you just earned the 20 million dollars."
Post 107222 by ocherdraco deleted for the following reason: Classic but we've been there before. -- cortex
AC/DC vs the Defibrillator
Post 107152 by rudhraigh deleted for the following reason: Do not post your own work to the front page. That's explicitly against the rules and is a good way to get banned from Metafilter. If you want to toss a note in the askme where you asked for help on this, that's fine, but this is very much not. -- cortex
The Farting (Director's Cut) Trailer
Post 107148 by planetrain deleted for the following reason: kind of meh. probably a self-link -- vacapinta
Having Kids Will Ruin Life
Post 107142 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: This is a lot of editorializing for topic we've covered pretty thoroughly. -- restless_nomad
Subprime Meltdown Redux?
Post 107121 by noaccident deleted for the following reason: single link talking points memo editorialized. Maybe make a more MeFi-like post about this important issue? -- jessamyn
The Ultimate Homeopathic Lunacy
Post 107106 by 2manyusernames deleted for the following reason: Axe-grindy "let's point and laugh at the crazy people" posts aren't a great fit. -- restless_nomad
The Mystery of Steve Jobs’s Public Giving
Post 107105 by joannemullen deleted for the following reason: This is sort of a weird "We don't have any evidence that he beats his wife" attack article and it's not going super well here. -- restless_nomad
Strippers are out to get you (in ways they didn't even know about)
Post 107092 by drdarknuss deleted for the following reason: I'll take strippers any day over someone self-linking on the front page. -- cortex
#ANTISEC Messes with Texas
Post 107069 by ichimunki deleted for the following reason: Generally posting compromised sites is not a great idea, particularly without any other context. -- restless_nomad