
San Francisco like you've never seen it before

Post 103053 by SpacemanStix deleted for the following reason: Double post. -- restless_nomad

Ex post facto abortion?!

Post 103052 by markkraft deleted for the following reason: "I'm highlighting an obvious discrepency" + filicide? stuff is an oddly aggressively editorial approach to a metafilter post vs. a personal blog post. If this merits an FPP there's got to be a better way to frame it. -- cortex

This is how to do stuff

Post 103043 by Sexy Motherfucker deleted for the following reason: A site with half a dozen posts really isn't substantial enough to go on with. -- restless_nomad

People don't always suck as much as we think

Post 103038 by Glinn deleted for the following reason: But it's an AWESOME double. -- restless_nomad


Royal Wedding Party - Scottish Style

Post 103023 by kellytom382 deleted for the following reason: "partyers get drunk" sort of thin for a new royal wedding thread? -- jessamyn

In the event that the Companion Cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

Post 103022 by gerryblog deleted for the following reason: This would fit just fine in the existing thread. -- restless_nomad

Dubstep parrot.

Post 103015 by molecicco deleted for the following reason: That parrot sure gets around. -- restless_nomad

The Royal wedding as public ritual

Post 103000 by xtian deleted for the following reason: appreciate the effort but this may be something that needs more than five jpgs and find a way to link to stuff that's on the web. -- jessamyn


Empire State Building Retrofit

Post 102975 by JessJanes deleted for the following reason: Aaaand you're banned for self-linking. -- cortex

"We had to teach her how to use the stairs over again."

Post 102962 by EmpressCallipygos deleted for the following reason: I'm quite fond of HaaH but we've seen it a bunch of times. -- cortex


Just for me

Post 102950 by Wash Jones deleted for the following reason: just not for us -- jessamyn

Descarte's Error: I emote therefore I am.

Post 102945 by lazaruslong deleted for the following reason: I am a post denialist, personally. -- cortex

Go the Fuck to Sleep

Post 102941 by yiftach deleted for the following reason: A link to an amazon product page is basically never gonna work as a post. -- cortex

"Pervy" girls looking at guys

Post 102933 by SylviaAspevig deleted for the following reason: This dailyxw article appears to be your own work. Self-links are a bannable offense on Metafilter. -- cortex

President Obama releases his birth certificate.

Post 102930 by andreaazure deleted for the following reason: No Trump dump bumps! -- cortex

Barack Obama Releases Long Form Birth Certificate

Post 102927 by mccarty.tim deleted for the following reason: Being actively discussed just down the page a little. -- cortex

Petition for the Release of Ai Wei Wei

Post 102925 by stocknowledge deleted for the following reason: appreciate the thought but "sign my petition" posts are not good for the front page. Perhaps make a post about Ai WeiWei? -- jessamyn


They're Coming for You, Barbara!

Post 102919 by Weebot deleted for the following reason: Sorry but this is a zombie post -- vacapinta

[NSFW] Just Fucking Fuck Me, Already

Post 102914 by jason's_planet deleted for the following reason: three year old best-of-craigslist? -- jessamyn

Jersey Shore, vulgarity or voice for our age?

Post 102897 by Dodecadermaldenticles deleted for the following reason: Either this double goes, or I do. -- cortex

Cured Ham Recipe

Post 102895 by joygustilo deleted for the following reason: Happy birthday to me, you colossal twit. -- cortex


What do you mean you never knew your mother? Or you're adopted? TERRORIST!

Post 102871 by bitter-girl.com deleted for the following reason: maybe this post should be re-made with links to actual information and less luzly/flighty title. Please? -- jessamyn


Artificial leafs

Post 102847 by juanillogg deleted for the following reason: This is kind of a thin post that could use a few more supporting links fleshing out the process. -- mathowie

Russell Stover's Solid Milk Chocolate Cross

Post 102845 by Bushmiller deleted for the following reason: A single link to a purchase page of a pretty quotidian item isn't really right for Metafilter. -- restless_nomad

The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science

Post 102844 by reenum deleted for the following reason: Double post -- restless_nomad

The Usability of Passwords

Post 102835 by Deathalicious deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Oll Raigth

Post 102831 by Rock Steady deleted for the following reason: this is the deletion reason for this post -- cortex

But what do they do with their legs?

Post 102812 by brett deleted for the following reason: Double! -- restless_nomad


Next Gen, Nuke-Powered Rover Will Search For Life On Mars

Post 102800 by ZenMasterThis deleted for the following reason: Looks like this fits pretty well into the already open thread -- restless_nomad

Good news, everybody!

Post 102798 by anigbrowl deleted for the following reason: previously. -- jessamyn

Apple and Goog Collect User Data

Post 102790 by dougiedd deleted for the following reason: probably needs to still be in the open and still-moving thread otherwise it's just sort of updatefilter -- jessamyn

Put it on my tablet

Post 102773 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: FPP built around a TechCrunch post is probably not a good post for metafilter -- vacapinta


Privileged Med Students Behaving Badly

Post 102771 by fernabelle deleted for the following reason: this is a single link editorial to a fox news article. -- jessamyn

Obama team to probe oil market manipulation

Post 102767 by Vibrissae deleted for the following reason: as much as I sympathize with this article, it's a sinfgle link editorial that you've quoted at length on MeFi which is probably best suited to your own blog where you can editorialize all you want. -- jessamyn

Police Try To Confiscate Cell Phone Video Of Arrest

Post 102761 by Leisure_Muffin deleted for the following reason: One bit of video with no context is way thin for a post. -- cortex

Does anyone want to be "well-read?"

Post 102760 by stbalbach deleted for the following reason: Pretty much covered recently in this post. -- cortex


Insert Imaginative and Witty Wordplay Involving Doctors and Cover Songs Here

Post 102739 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: repost in the open thread... -- mathowie

What It Says on the Tin. No, Really.

Post 102733 by bwg deleted for the following reason: You had me at "tired of posts" -- jessamyn


Post 102729 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: Yeah, still no. -- cortex

People and animals.

Post 102725 by VikingSword deleted for the following reason: I kind of feel like "oh and here's a video of a dog humping a dude" needs to have a little more substantial reason for being a post than vague conceptual juxtaposition. -- cortex

Goodbye Sarah

Post 102712 by Old'n'Busted deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta

The Mountain

Post 102711 by seanyboy deleted for the following reason: Mountain Deux -- cortex


The D

Post 102703 by tomswift deleted for the following reason: we've seen these before -- jessamyn

No deposit poker bonus

Post 102690 by iustinu10 deleted for the following reason: oh come on. Portal 2 is doing terrible things to productivity here. -- jessamyn

Awesome Downhill Bike Race in Chile

Post 102683 by exogenous deleted for the following reason: doubles! -- mathowie

Carrot Top's Mane Tamed

Post 102672 by littlemanclan deleted for the following reason: Single image of man with one characteristic hair style wearing a different hair style for once: way, way too thin for a front page post. -- cortex


The Last Meal

Post 102658 by reenum deleted for the following reason: this is all in the last post as near as I can tell -- jessamyn

Predictions Trends Inventions

Post 102655 by netbros deleted for the following reason: this looks like SEO spambait and I've clicked around it a whole bunch. If there's something really going on here, please find a way to make that clear in your post. -- jessamyn

Help Me, AskMe! My computer is borked!

Post 102644 by madred deleted for the following reason: sorry, not really funny, and The Oatmeal is kind of played out. -- mathowie

Exactitudes: (exact + attitudes)

Post 102635 by rozomon deleted for the following reason: Neat but saw it previously. -- cortex


Should children get the proxy vote?

Post 102619 by maiamaia deleted for the following reason: If the article is uninteresting, it's probably not a good post for Metafilter. -- restless_nomad

having a child

Post 102613 by skauskas deleted for the following reason: sort of sweet but also a meh weird email chain letter thing. -- jessamyn



Post 102600 by puny human deleted for the following reason: Granted, it's a poignant clip from a movie, but there's just not much there. -- restless_nomad

Pedal Driven: A Bikeumentary premiered yesterday.

Post 102590 by jeffmac deleted for the following reason: I'm not seeing anything here that makes this less thin today. -- restless_nomad

Click the Squares

Post 102587 by meadowlark lime deleted for the following reason: Double -- restless_nomad

Food and bevarage .Cured ham it is an european invention.

Post 102577 by radvla deleted for the following reason: Hamon spam: the newest delicacy -- mathowie



Post 102565 by fearfulsymmetry deleted for the following reason: Oh look, my first double post deletion! -- restless_nomad

The most out there Batman album ever..

Post 102559 by lumpenprole deleted for the following reason: Holy replicatin' linkifications, Batman! -- cortex

Pedal Driven: A Bikeumentary

Post 102554 by jeffmac deleted for the following reason: Jeff, old pal, I love ya, but this is more material for an email instead of a post to mefi. -- mathowie


Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris

Post 102483 by kliuless deleted for the following reason: Something like an in-depth look at the change in the youtube video popularity landscape and view-growth curves over time would be neat, but ten super-popular vidoes lined up just to say "here's the current snapshot" is pretty thin stuff. -- cortex

"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime"

Post 102476 by From Bklyn deleted for the following reason: Posted previously -- vacapinta


Click! Click! Click! Oooohh...... pretty......

Post 102439 by She Talks To Angels deleted for the following reason: Tenori On And On And On -- cortex


Photoshop for iPad, it means this.

Post 102392 by killtheliterate deleted for the following reason: single link gizmodo is a little thin, maybe this is better for your own blog? -- jessamyn


Post 102389 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

Catching up with Henry and Aaron

Post 102382 by honey-barbara deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry but this is just not that funny once you take the gay jokes out of it and it's sort of bumming people out. -- jessamyn


Big Butts

Post 102361 by puny human deleted for the following reason: we sort of have to draw the line at every single thought-provoking AskReddit winding up here. -- jessamyn

Now, You're Thinking With Portals

Post 102360 by empath deleted for the following reason: portal tag is your friend -- jessamyn


One Long Sentence About Handjobs and other literary masterpieces

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.


Post 102338 by hermitosis deleted for the following reason: Feel like this can't help but be in sort of weird LOLBADPARENTS/LOLLAZYKIDS territory, intent in posting notwithstanding. Fine for a tumblr blog, maybe not great for a mefi post. -- cortex


Dogs and cats sleeping together, pandemonium! No, wait...

Post 102303 by IAmBroom deleted for the following reason: It's an interesting discovery, but this is one teeny news blurb. Maybe do this again with some sort of substantial link in the future? -- cortex

Maybe he should change his law to "Don't be a molester."

Post 102299 by Kitteh deleted for the following reason: a single link to a popular blogger's blog does not change this from being essentially a TSA outragefilter post. -- jessamyn


Don't mess with Soros

Post 102269 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: if your tags are "piece of shit" you may want to ask yourself if what you're posting will make a good post for MetaFilter. In this case, the answer is "no" There may be a good post that can be made about this, but this isn't it. -- jessamyn


He finally gets what he wants

Post 102240 by Netzapper deleted for the following reason: wrap wrap that rascal rascal -- jessamyn


Online Therapy

Post 102205 by lambertrina deleted for the following reason: this appers to be your own site, so this post is deleted and you are banned. -- jessamyn


Doorknob Girl

Post 102147 by puny human deleted for the following reason: Those girls sure are licking those doorknobs. -- cortex

Republicans rush to trample women's rights

Post 102146 by Tarumba deleted for the following reason: Op-eds aren't great post material genearally speaking. -- cortex


Insert Russian Inversion Here

Post 102124 by imperium deleted for the following reason: I've been staring at the deletion reason field for like two minutes now trying to think of a Tetris joke and the best I can do is "more like Alexey PajitNOT amirite" and that's just embarrassing. -- cortex

pole dancing for Jesus

Post 102119 by flex deleted for the following reason: just because you didn't mean this to be an lolxians joke post doesn't mean it isn't one. thin "news" in any case. -- jessamyn

NYT gets punked

Post 102110 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: I think it's about this point that we draw the line in the sand for HEY IT IS APRIL FOOLS DAY SO HERE'S A ONE-LINKER TO ANOTHER MEH APRIL FOOLS THING posts. Sorry to all the folks who slept in, but if it's still worth posting about make a good post out of it. -- cortex

Urban Hardcourt Bike Polo

Post 102096 by bboyberlin deleted for the following reason: Uh, you work for Brooks England. Not cool. -- cortex