
Jump rope.

Post 98049 by Sticherbeast deleted for the following reason: Yeah, looks like the exact same video was posted last year. -- mathowie

Breakfast fortress!

Post 98044 by zerobyproxy deleted for the following reason: The time for epic meals is past! -- cortex

About that coup in Honduras...

Post 98041 by eviemath deleted for the following reason: There's a recent thread about the cables, it's fine to mention this there. -- cortex

Sick beats, Mary

Post 98035 by Taft deleted for the following reason: bang bang -- mathowie

A Brief History Of Male And Female Sex Toys

Post 98018 by nam3d deleted for the following reason: More history and less SEO, maybe. This is just way too flatout linkbait spambloggy as is. -- cortex

It's the climate, stupid

Post 98017 by nickrussell deleted for the following reason: an Editorial hung together with weather and wikipedia links? No thanks. -- vacapinta


What of the man behind the curtain?

Post 97997 by zug deleted for the following reason: We've had a couple of pretty Assange-centric posts and the subject comes up in every wikileaks thread we have as well, so maybe just add this to the most recent thread. -- cortex

A (Literate) Prostitute's Blog

Post 97996 by hpb2earnest deleted for the following reason: I think you just blatantly linked your own website. -- cortex


Princeton Public Speaking

Post 97985 by ppspeaking deleted for the following reason: Spam -- vacapinta

Definitely SLYT

Post 97975 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: That's kind of overselling an amateur recording of a singalong with zero background info for what's going on or why it's notable. -- cortex

The answer to quite a few AskMe asks

Post 97973 by sweetkid deleted for the following reason: Nice idea but the content seems a bit crap and the whole thing oozes SEO linkfarmery. -- cortex

htaccess: Redirect all urls containing "x" to "specific_img.jpg"

Post 97970 by B(oYo)BIES deleted for the following reason: I think you meant to post this over at Ask. -- pb

Theres a hole in it

Post 97963 by adamvasco deleted for the following reason: Post about it when it's out. When it is out is the time to post about it. Etc. -- cortex


what does Wikileaks have?

Post 97956 by sarastro deleted for the following reason: For god's sake, post about something when it happens, not beforehand. The Insurance file was covered here four months ago. -- cortex


Post 97947 by washburn deleted for the following reason: A little context for this probably would be a good idea, yeah. -- cortex

Schadenfreude on a Sunday

Post 97945 by numberstation deleted for the following reason: Maybe wait until the release has actually happened and you can link to actual coverage by the newspapers instead of to their home pages? -- cortex

The More You Hate Us The More You Love Us

Post 97943 by Xurando deleted for the following reason: Kind of feels like this post isn't what it's about. -- cortex


Holiday Gift Guides 2010

Post 97928 by Geoffk deleted for the following reason: Yeah, I noticed you slipping your own site in there. Happy holidays. -- cortex

And it is time for those who talk about family values to start valuing families. -- John Kerry

Post 97921 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for metafilter -- vacapinta


Get it and save it while it's hot

Post 97919 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: This is one of those things that may turn into an interesting and discussion-worthy thing sometime soon but is in it's current state sort of a non-story situation that's not really what Metafilter is for. -- cortex

Another Superfluous Post About Hipsters.

Post 97917 by MHPlost deleted for the following reason: Yeah sorry but this sounds more at home on your personal blog than here -- mathowie

Eliza's Exclusion

Post 97912 by softriver deleted for the following reason: nothing like a good old fashioned editorilized front page post to liven up my turkey day. -- jessamyn


Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things

Post 97889 by joeclark deleted for the following reason: Yeah, we pretty much saw this back when the source pictures got a post. -- cortex

Cross-Congo Roadtrip

Post 97886 by jefficator deleted for the following reason: and they got all the way across the Congo before they realized they left their wallet at home and had to do it all over again, yes -- cortex

No Trip to London

Post 97876 by three blind mice deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for metafilter. -- cortex


Is the Church speeding up?

Post 97857 by hankercranker deleted for the following reason: This can probably just go in the Vaticondom thread from a couple days ago. -- cortex

'My tiny junk is offended'

Post 97852 by jourman2 deleted for the following reason: Yeah this is six months old -- mathowie

Does North Korea want the US to Invade?

Post 97849 by viralceo deleted for the following reason: there is an open thread on this topic and a single link about something big an important is not a grat way to go about making a post. -- jessamyn


Reference ranges for blood tests by molarity.

Post 97838 by jjray deleted for the following reason: This doesn't really make sense out of context. Maybe with a few explanatory links to pages featuring a special message from Jimmy Wales? -- mathowie

Birth or Not

Post 97832 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: This seems like the worst attention-seeking crappy site imaginable. -- mathowie

Why You Shouldn't Become an Archivist

Post 97824 by elder18 deleted for the following reason: Imagine a circumscribed D -- cortex

Neil Gaiman's The Price

Post 97817 by MaiaMadness deleted for the following reason: there are a million worthy kickstarter projects, this doesn't really rise above to something noteworthy -- mathowie

Barack Obama Inc.

Post 97814 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: Joe Beese, I think we've heard enough about Obama from you. -- mathowie


Lap, lap, lap.

Post 97799 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

Naked on Pluto

Post 97798 by yaxu deleted for the following reason: You seem to know the guys who made this pretty well in a way that makes this not really okay given our No Friend-Links rule. -- cortex


Most of us have wondered what...

Post 97794 by will wait 4 tanjents deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is a pretty standard sky dive video, not really noteworthy. -- mathowie

An honest and true resumé

Post 97792 by antgly deleted for the following reason: craigslist urls are temporary, the resume isn't that creative -- mathowie

... invented by Kilpatrick MacMillan, A Blacksmith from Dumfries, Scotland

Post 97777 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: Already posted a few days back -- mathowie

You can't take the shoes off, though.

Post 97775 by St. Alia of the Bunnies deleted for the following reason: Yeah, old and seen it at least twice. -- cortex

Baby girl names sugestion

Post 97773 by flx89 deleted for the following reason: what? -- jessamyn


Why You Shouldn't Become an Archivist

Post 97757 by marxchivist deleted for the following reason: I think these xtranormal videos are kind of played out. -- mathowie

funky dancing

Post 97737 by parallax7d deleted for the following reason: Thanks. This woke me up. -- vacapinta

People Are Angry About Airport Security

Post 97701 by honey-barbara deleted for the following reason: Wacky Taiwanese Animation is pretty thin for a post. -- cortex


How The Lord of the Rings should have ended.

Post 97690 by St. Alia of the Bunnies deleted for the following reason: Kind of ancient web video -- mathowie

Touching Penn's Bic

Post 97685 by nushustu deleted for the following reason: this happened years ago. Is there an update? -- jessamyn

Come up with some kind of game you're trying to play with the child

Post 97684 by ArkhanJG deleted for the following reason: I really feel like we're playing "who can make a TSA post that's not deleted" here. Longer pullquotes don't really keep this from being a "here's a few fucked up examples of something the TSA did" and pullquotes from year old articles. -- jessamyn

I'm Sorry You Were Angry

Post 97671 by keratacon deleted for the following reason: There's really not any news news beyond what was already covered in the previous thread. Unless something more significant than a weird self-pitying half-apology comes along, we probably don't need a second post for this. -- cortex

Tomorrow is just another day. That you'll never forget.

Post 97669 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: I've Got a Feeling this has been posted before -- vacapinta


Bravery personified.

Post 97667 by skepticallypleased deleted for the following reason: A bit too much editorializing… -- mathowie

She really just doesn't get it, does she?

Post 97664 by IAmBroom deleted for the following reason: this probably should go in the open thread from last week. Appreciate the research/links you brought to it, but it's all over 'cept the pile-on and maybe not such a grat idea to do in an all new post. -- jessamyn

The Minds Of Dogs vs Cats.

Post 97653 by philipy deleted for the following reason: Yeah, no biggie but this is pretty old email-forward stuff. -- cortex


Post 97650 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: please give yourself the "try harder on I/P posts" reason for deletion drill. -- jessamyn

Buy Silver - Crash JP Morgan Chase

Post 97646 by Flood deleted for the following reason: this is a little too "sign my petition" activist-editorial for a post on MetaFilter. -- jessamyn

The Beatles at the Washington Coliseum

Post 97645 by rolo deleted for the following reason: PETE BEST SENDS HIS REGARDS -- cortex

The Israelification of Airports

Post 97643 by swift deleted for the following reason: Please add one-off "here's another link about airport security related stuff" to one of the existing open threads. -- cortex

It is a touchy subject.

Post 97640 by valkyryn deleted for the following reason: We're pretty much aware of David Thorne at this point. -- cortex


A Building Too Fast?

Post 97636 by Galen deleted for the following reason: I realize you may not have been going for this exactly, but the framing of this post really does read pretty bad and people seem to really not be okay with that. -- cortex

Jeremy Messersmith - Tatooine

Post 97628 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: posted previously but there weren't many good tags so I added a few but I'm still deleting this, sorry about that, I do love this video. -- jessamyn

Keep this away from the children!

Post 97613 by knz deleted for the following reason: This post reads more like a personal editorial statement than really makes sense for the front page, setting aside the question of whether six and a half minutes of deadpan xtranormal speech synthesis is a good way to present information. -- cortex

I found this page through my own hard work

Post 97611 by ThePinkSuperhero deleted for the following reason: I don't have to wait for the men to tell me that this is a day-old blog without a lot of context on a touchy issue and maybe not so great for here. -- jessamyn

"Are nailclippers and aftershave the tools of terrorists?"

Post 97606 by The Winsome Parker Lewis deleted for the following reason: Ample open TSA threads, please add to one of them instead of starting a new one. -- cortex


Put on a kilt, and strike a blow against stupidity!

Post 97598 by krautland deleted for the following reason: There's an Opt-Out Day post already and I think at least two other open TSA posts, maybe add this to one of those. -- cortex

Moral heuristics, public policy, and self-defeating tribalism

Post 97589 by kliuless deleted for the following reason: this is again seeming like a giant linkdump of articles loosely based around a theme that is again somewhat inscrutable given the framing. This seems like a grwat post, but for some other site. -- jessamyn

This city deserves a better class of criminal.

Post 97586 by d. z. wang deleted for the following reason: there are several open TSA threads, please put this in one of them. -- jessamyn


How does Google work?

Post 97575 by Phire deleted for the following reason: No offense Phire, but this is infographic blog spam for a skeevy pay per click blog. -- mathowie

The Panopticon finally pays off

Post 97573 by mecran01 deleted for the following reason: not actually stolen (that's scott in the photo) and he's not in Vermont either (bay area, California) -- mathowie


mini time travel

Post 97545 by mdn deleted for the following reason: This was just posted yesterday. -- mathowie

Comic People

Post 97544 by Dim Siawns deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this should be a comment in yesterday's thread about it. -- mathowie

take this beard and shove it!

Post 97542 by analogue deleted for the following reason: News of the weird stuff usually isn't great for mefi and this doesn't seem like an exception. -- cortex

Postal Worker Secretly Films Customer's Racist Rant

Post 97532 by ericb deleted for the following reason: Random crazy racist woman establishes herself as shitheel on camera, sure, why is this good for the front page of mefi? -- cortex


Advertising in context - one day only, presumably

Post 97506 by bhb deleted for the following reason: Buh? -- cortex


Post 97503 by DMan deleted for the following reason: I hear Robert Downey Jr. didn't even read the previous post. -- cortex

Actress Michelle Nicastro, Soap star, "When Harry met Sally," & Eponine dies at 50

Post 97496 by randomkeystrike deleted for the following reason: Not a big deal, randomkeystrike, but if there's gonna be an obit post for Nicastro it might need to be something with more meat and context than a short Variety blurb. -- cortex

Curtis Got Slapped By A White Teacher

Post 97495 by Drainage! deleted for the following reason: This is a little too Something-Awfulish. -- cortex


Anxiously awaiting the results of this case...

Post 97453 by greatgefilte deleted for the following reason: Manitwoba -- cortex

Explaining SE Asian politics through the medium of naked women

Post 97438 by Paul Slade deleted for the following reason: Tin probably needs to be presented a lot more clearly and with some context. -- cortex


"An Unbelievable Case of Concealment."

Post 97333 by ericb deleted for the following reason: sorry, just missed it. -- mathowie

Toby Jones Big Ass Post & Commentorium

Post 97325 by Rat Spatula deleted for the following reason: Twoby Jtwos -- cortex


No more shines, Billy.

Post 97294 by apranica deleted for the following reason: Sorry, I gotta whack this one. -- mathowie

Windmill, windmill. sigh

Post 97279 by vapidave deleted for the following reason: you might need a little more context with this one. I'm all in favor of SLYT posts, but folks aren't getting this one. -- jessamyn


Black Man Loves Pokemon

Post 97263 by livejamie deleted for the following reason: eh -- cortex


"I wanna screw the whole world"

Post 97249 by ReWayne deleted for the following reason: right now this is a three post blog and a "coming soon" link, can you post a link to it when there's something there? -- jessamyn

Coolest marijuana invention ever

Post 97246 by Gregstonificatore deleted for the following reason: wikipipe seems to be trying to spam us. -- jessamyn


The World of Legal Drugs

Post 97212 by bhb deleted for the following reason: so high right now -- cortex

Understanding italian politics in two words.

Post 97210 by - deleted for the following reason: despite the title, this post still needs more than this to make it explicable to most people, if not everyone. -- jessamyn

Anything worse than this isn't fun

Post 97198 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: Daily Mail is kind of a famously bad source unless you've got a specifically good reason to link to it, in which case saying why is probably a good idea. More generally, you do indeed have control over the framing of your post and putting this in a more explanatory context and skipping the crappy-hed stuff would make the post a lot more workable. -- cortex