

Post 97181 by crunchland deleted for the following reason: posted last month -- mathowie

"Imagine, in just two weeks of your spare time...."

Post 97174 by harold_dumbacher deleted for the following reason: This doesn't make a good post for metafilter. -- vacapinta -- jessamyn


Gulf Disaster Continues

Post 97159 by hippybear deleted for the following reason: let's go with the one after this one. -- mathowie


Women's Rights Revolutionary

Post 97136 by experiencehunter deleted for the following reason: This is a weird spammy give me money/links for a cause kind of thing. -- mathowie


I Had a One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell

Post 97108 by reenum deleted for the following reason: single link blog tawdry whatever - this is really thin for MetaFilter. -- jessamyn

"a group of unqualified, unstable individuals who will do what they are told, in exchange for money and power, and march this nation as far backward as they can get"

Post 97105 by Senor Cardgage deleted for the following reason: single link tea party is really not okay for MeFi anymore. There are six open tea party threads. -- jessamyn

1928 Time Traveller with cell phone

Post 97095 by mecran01 deleted for the following reason: Posted previously -- mathowie

Mapped Travel - Cairo

Post 97084 by groggi42 deleted for the following reason: Self-link -- vacapinta


Geek Fun!

Post 97067 by will wait 4 tanjents deleted for the following reason: probably best as a comment in the still open thread about this. -- mathowie

Too fat for TV?

Post 97057 by fermezporte deleted for the following reason: Crappy op-eds don't make for great posts. -- cortex


1928 Calling

Post 97032 by Hop123 deleted for the following reason: posted a few days ago -- mathowie

"I have a bit of a headache."

Post 97024 by Uther Bentrazor deleted for the following reason: It's an awful scene and I know it's making the poliblog rounds, but it's also basically "here is an awful thing that happened" without any meat to it and folks who are paying any attention to this election cycle are pretty likely to see it themselves at TPM or elsewhere. -- cortex


Ford Fiesta

Post 97009 by mightygodking deleted for the following reason: this is a sort of messed up post. If you write for the torontoist you can't make posts that link to it and you can't get around this by posting a link to a blog you write for in the comments, sorry. -- jessamyn

Apparently I have a problem.

Post 96994 by seagull.apollo deleted for the following reason: I do not know why this would be worth posting. -- cortex

The Grayson Album

Post 96990 by swift deleted for the following reason: No, 96990, I am your post id. -- cortex

Making ourselves comfortable

Post 96985 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: we've politely said "give it a rest" vis a vis this topic and you, this is not really giving it a rest, additionally, it's sort of a single link news article on the same old topic. -- jessamyn


Nothing good can come from a conversation thats starts with "I met a guy names Cooter"

Post 96968 by flyfsh_peter deleted for the following reason: meh, robot comedy isn't that interesting. -- mathowie


Learn Greek on Skype!

Post 96940 by tatiana7 deleted for the following reason: Spam. -- pb


The New York City Subway System: A Retrospective

Post 96935 by Heliochrome85 deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie

Bieber's biography, as read by Gordon Pinsent

Post 96934 by James Cooper deleted for the following reason: already posted earlier today -- mathowie

Welcome to Rapture

Post 96931 by mhum deleted for the following reason: Yup, came up in a previous thread. -- cortex

Clarence Thomas' ex-girlfriend speaks out

Post 96928 by JABof72 deleted for the following reason: there's an open CT thread from two days ago, maybe drop this there? -- jessamyn

I want my hover cars!

Post 96927 by empatterson deleted for the following reason: Been there, vaporwared that. -- cortex

Hollywood Blockbusters Spawn New Religions

Post 96903 by tsagis deleted for the following reason: This is a self-link and you are banned. -- cortex


Tea Party Nationalism

Post 96890 by ejfox deleted for the following reason: I think we've got enough open discussion of the Tea Party phenom, maybe drop this in one of the open threads? -- jessamyn

Is Thatcher dead yet

Post 96877 by acb deleted for the following reason: This is pretty damn grim. -- cortex


High test jello.

Post 96868 by jacquilynne deleted for the following reason: post it in the open jello thread, is a great link. -- jessamyn

RAH RAH! Fuck you.

Post 96847 by auralcoral deleted for the following reason: oh good, the texas/outrage/rape trifecta. Really this is not a good post for MetaFilter. -- jessamyn

What to do when Clarence Thomas's wife calls you...

Post 96842 by treeshar deleted for the following reason: Pretty dang thin. -- cortex

The RZA's movie that never was.

Post 96837 by James Cooper deleted for the following reason: Uh, it looks an awful lot like you know and have worked with the guy who made this. -- cortex

"This is indeed a clash of civilisations, not between Islam and Christendom but between reason and superstition."

Post 96828 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is a lame op-ed on a crazy controversial subject -- mathowie


An Unexpected Friendship

Post 96819 by bearwife deleted for the following reason: loved previously -- jessamyn

His mustache is too damn ridiculous

Post 96818 by schmod deleted for the following reason: Post Is Two Damn Many -- cortex

Christine O'Donnell questions separation of church & state

Post 96813 by livejamie deleted for the following reason: LOLCRAYZEE thread is fun for co-hating but otherwise pretty thin on postworthiness. -- jessamyn



Post 96789 by Avenger50 deleted for the following reason: Whatever this doesn't seem to be doing anything right now. -- cortex

More forbidding than a zebra or a newspaper...

Post 96774 by h00py deleted for the following reason: advertwosing -- cortex


Turtles all the way down...

Post 96745 by daHIFI deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

It's Time To Forgive George Lucas

Post 96743 by zooropa deleted for the following reason: this is too GYOBloggy for MetaFilter -- jessamyn

What it was

Post 96738 by timsteil deleted for the following reason: This is a pretty opaque lede-burying way to post a couple links to football comedy routines. -- cortex


Some etchings by Roman Haubenstock-Ramati

Post 96730 by montoia deleted for the following reason: Seriously, Aditya, stop trying to sneak back on to Metafilter. This is fucking ridiculous. -- cortex

Little Superstar

Post 96705 by mippy deleted for the following reason: the guy must be in high school by now -- jessamyn


Jeremy Messersmith.

Post 96686 by Blogwardo deleted for the following reason: posted previously... -- mathowie

American Ph. D. Program Rankings (but who's Number One?)

Post 96671 by JL Sadstone deleted for the following reason: This post is ranked number two in being posts about this according to the National Jokey Deletion Reason Council.. -- cortex

The God of Cake

Post 96669 by cherryflute deleted for the following reason: It's a great blog and all but we've seen it several times before. -- cortex

The 2010 brooklyn space program

Post 96663 by Rinku deleted for the following reason: Awesome but seen it. -- cortex

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Post 96645 by kliuless deleted for the following reason: I know you must have spent a bunch of time on this, but a megapost on a complex of fight-starting subjects isn't a great idea for the front page. -- cortex

There There Are No Facts, Only Interpretations

Post 96643 by cruelshoes deleted for the following reason: Self link, banned -- mathowie


The Case for Working With Your Hands

Post 96616 by nicolas léonard sadi carnot deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


Where's the note?

Post 96608 by Substrata deleted for the following reason: Maybe just add this to this post from three days ago. -- cortex

How To Brew Beer In A Coffee Maker

Post 96576 by BZArcher deleted for the following reason: Coffee Beer II: Urn Brew -- cortex

Girl Crazy: Women Who Suffer from Gender Disappointment

Post 96575 by Chuckles deleted for the following reason: Glossy mag article from apparently unreliable author posted on nutso tarpit political site is adding up to a lot of Not Great here. -- cortex

Punk as fuck.

Post 96567 by auralcoral deleted for the following reason: Many, Many people honestly believe this is not FPP worthy -- vacapinta


Can wind farms cause local warming?

Post 96544 by Madaman deleted for the following reason: Self-link, adios. -- cortex


Dick jokes are forever

Post 96519 by The Whelk deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Hey, Homer's got one of those robot cars. One of those American robot cars.

Post 96510 by domnit deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today -- mathowie

Insane Clown Pose: And God created Controversy

Post 96507 by hippybear deleted for the following reason: If you wanna make a post but the post's mom is there post the mom. Or something. -- cortex

Finally !

Post 96500 by lobstah deleted for the following reason: Tiny news of the weird articles make for poor metafilter posts. -- cortex


Smell Like A Monster

Post 96487 by will wait 4 tanjents deleted for the following reason: there is a monster at the end of this double post -- jessamyn

Leah Piepgras

Post 96473 by loggy23 deleted for the following reason: It looks an awful lot like this is someone you know. -- cortex

Grace on 90th & MacArthur

Post 96465 by tula deleted for the following reason: Posted previously.... -- mathowie

All Creative Works Are Derivative

Post 96460 by jabberjaw deleted for the following reason: All curvilinear area-measurement functions are integral! -- cortex


Better than an iPad?

Post 96446 by WoodChuck deleted for the following reason: this appears to be a self-link to a video about your own product and you are now banned. -- jessamyn -- jessamyn

"It just looks like a giant crack in the ground."

Post 96442 by jjray deleted for the following reason: What? -- cortex

The Last Kamikaze

Post 96413 by aeroboros deleted for the following reason: We kind of need more than wikipedia to go on here -- mathowie


Polish poet Piotr Sommer on PennSound

Post 96410 by nicomachus deleted for the following reason: unless i am confused about something, this is a link to a project you were involved in. -- jessamyn

The Great European Shouting Match

Post 96406 by WalterMitty deleted for the following reason: Here Be Doubles -- cortex


$402 Billion, with Interest

Post 96336 by Chinese Jet Pilot deleted for the following reason: I just hope this post isn't the Franz Ferdinand of the blogosphere or I'm gonna feel pretty silly about deleting it as a double when the bombs start falling. -- cortex

May the least bad candidate win

Post 96333 by simms2k deleted for the following reason: Short op-ed and a couple of wikipedia links is a bit on the thin let's-chat-about-politics side for a post. -- cortex


OHCHR Report on the Gaza Raid

Post 96264 by griphus deleted for the following reason: I realize you may have completely missed this recent metatalk thread, but we're feeling like another post about this is not a great idea in the best case and leading off posts with bloody pullquotes is really kind of a bad idea for any subject. -- cortex

Free Music. That is all.

Post 96252 by MikeF7033 deleted for the following reason: Jesus christ, congratulations on getting banned for self-linking for the second time, jackass. -- cortex

What sort of senility is softening up the frontal lobes of America's palefaces?

Post 96247 by desjardins deleted for the following reason: Maybe add this to the thread from a couple days ago, if it's not already there. -- cortex

You know how to whistle, right?

Post 96245 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: ganked content on someone's tumblrblog + a whole lot of flags = not so great for MetaFilter, sorry. -- jessamyn