
Apple to Provide Live Video Streaming of September 1st Event

Post 95301 by antgly deleted for the following reason: sorry, this isn't really a good post for metafilter. -- mathowie

Makes Me Think...

Post 95299 by lauratheexplorer deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is pretty much a collection of ho-hum boring tweets. -- mathowie

The Sistine Chapel

Post 95284 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: this post is reaching out and just touching the tip of its finger to that of this post -- cortex


US DOJ fails to act to prevent prison rape

Post 95278 by GnomeChompsky deleted for the following reason: A short single-link editorial is rarely a good post. Including explicit metacommentary about how the site works in a post is pretty much an instant delete. We're totally fine talking about the subject via the contact form or in metatalk if you want to, but this is not the way to do it. -- cortex

Rule for dealing with Evil Overlords

Post 95273 by governale deleted for the following reason: No biggie, but this was already old back when it was old. -- cortex

Stripped of Dignity

Post 95272 by reenum deleted for the following reason: this is a recreational outrage/sign my petition post. -- jessamyn

doot doo doo doot

Post 95259 by divabat deleted for the following reason: Maybe just add this to the Gaga thread down the page a bit? Don't think we really need two on the same day. -- cortex


The Pirate Bay Documentary

Post 95234 by NotSoSiniSter deleted for the following reason: single link to fundraiser page, not so great. maybe link to some more information about this and make a fuller post out of it tomorrow? -- jessamyn


Ten great designs of 2010

Post 95210 by vhof deleted for the following reason: you are not allowed to link to your own things on metafilter. this is a self-link. you are banned -- jessamyn


A collaborative music/spoken word project

Post 95191 by thsmchnekllsfascists deleted for the following reason: Great project, but it was posted before. -- pb


America the Dumb

Post 95165 by IvoShandor deleted for the following reason: Eh, there's a lot to be depressed about on this front but a Newsweek slideshow clickfest is kind of weaksauce for a post about it. -- cortex

Yeah. Why "Bless You?"

Post 95136 by dzaz deleted for the following reason: One slight blog post is generally not a good metafilter post. -- cortex



Post 95128 by lauratheexplorer deleted for the following reason: Kinda sketchy ad-laden site and it's throwing up malware warnings on some of the internal links. -- cortex


Child Protection Laws

Post 95093 by lauratheexplorer deleted for the following reason: this seems more like a recreational outrage sort of post than something that will make a good post for metafilter. -- jessamyn

Anti-semitism, party of 1

Post 95074 by Sophie1 deleted for the following reason: please link to this in one of the many open threads on the Park 51 project, there are several. Thanks. -- jessamyn


Inception explained for Mac users

Post 95054 by feelinglistless deleted for the following reason: Eh, this is pretty thin for a post. -- cortex

A letter to a 6th grader.

Post 95050 by electricsandwich138 deleted for the following reason: framing matters - if you're going to draw some sort of Obama connection don't be coy SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, otherwise leave it off, it's distracting and confusing and detracts from what might otherwise be an interesting essay. -- jessamyn

fancy menu for our times

Post 95039 by kingfish deleted for the following reason: single link blog post with sort of one-off joke. Not terrible. Not great. -- jessamyn


Russia in Color, c. 1900

Post 95029 by outlandishmarxist deleted for the following reason: I don't know what other tags to add to the existing most recent post, but we have really really seen this. -- cortex

Inside the Mind of Simon Cowell

Post 95027 by lauratheexplorer deleted for the following reason: Not that funny or interesting of a short video about a pop star judge. -- mathowie

Christwire Addresses the Moral Dilemmas of Our Day

Post 95026 by reenum deleted for the following reason: I've taken a poll and popular support is swinging toward Barrabuswire.com. -- cortex


It's a Magical World, Chewie, Ol' Buddy...

Post 94994 by cerebus19 deleted for the following reason: single link t-shirt post not great for metafilter. -- jessamyn


Incredible Russian Photographs

Post 94984 by BZArcher deleted for the following reason: Neat but we've seen it several times before. -- cortex

But it is just a hood

Post 94974 by COD deleted for the following reason: Not to say someone couldn't in theory put together a good post about the situation from the museum, but this is mostly you talking about your personal feelings about the whole thing and that's not how posts to mefi are supposed to work. -- cortex

Nerd rage, any?

Post 94967 by polymodus deleted for the following reason: Previous thread is just two days old, go ahead and add this there if no one has already. -- cortex

But you said ALL dogs!

Post 94958 by mippy deleted for the following reason: I know it's spoof stuff, but spoof bigotry is still kind of "hey check out this bigotry" in a way that's really not great for a post if it's not somehow just really, really superlative. -- cortex


Randy Rainbow Calls Dr. Laura

Post 94942 by ericb deleted for the following reason: Not really worth a new post, probably better as a comment in the older post -- mathowie

Richer Counties are Democrat and want to raise Taxes?

Post 94925 by Metheglen deleted for the following reason: One short news blurb about the situation is really thin for a post. -- cortex

Bear With Me

Post 94924 by Cobalt deleted for the following reason: Please put these links in the other post about bears guarding a Canadian grow-op and jesus christ did I actually just type that sentence how is this my life -- cortex

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction ...

Post 94921 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: this can go in the previous slowed down thread. -- jessamyn


Love Between the Covers

Post 94900 by modernnomad deleted for the following reason: [insert joke about getting coffee with this poster] -- cortex

Is your husband gay?

Post 94897 by bobbyelliott deleted for the following reason: Seems to not be standing up that well to the traffic being thrown at it. -- cortex

Betty Draper::Emma Frost

Post 94892 by vhsiv deleted for the following reason: "couldn't resist" is often not a jumping off point for great posts especially if your main point is "oooh eye candy" -- jessamyn

The Majestic Plastic Bag

Post 94890 by ericb deleted for the following reason: Thread 94876: The Plastic Bag Mockumentary Post It's Okay To Like -- cortex


Michael Bloomberg Wants to Play Cowboys and Indians

Post 94862 by Leta deleted for the following reason: this is too editorializing for MetaFilter and a little too NY-centric for other people to need the nitty gritty details about a topic already being discussed in one or perhaps two open threads. -- jessamyn

Opium Made Easy

Post 94848 by sveskemus deleted for the following reason: I posted a repeat link / and I know why -- cortex


Penn is skeptical about the efficacy of prayer

Post 94820 by Metheglen deleted for the following reason: this seems more like something suited to your own blog - atheism is a well-trodden topic on MeFi and Penn Gilette using an easy target here is not really a great way to discuss this here. -- jessamyn

Churchill Deep Zoom

Post 94818 by gman deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn



Post 94799 by mrducts deleted for the following reason: a tumblr blog full of stolen photos of girls taking their own picture? a little not-that-great-akshualy -- jessamyn

In Praise of Luddism

Post 94787 by outlandishmarxist deleted for the following reason: This may be better as a comment in the other thread. Posts framed in terms of direct reaction to other posts/comments on mefi aren't generally a good way to go. -- cortex

Stage Assault at the Gathering of the Juggalos

Post 94779 by griphus deleted for the following reason: the difference between loljuggalos and "this is fucking abhorrent" isn't really so much for an FPP. It's really a "look at this assholes" sort of thing which is already turning into an loljuggalos thread. -- jessamyn


The Malevolence Engine sees all weaknesses

Post 94762 by mccarty.tim deleted for the following reason: Strange game; the only winning move is not to post. -- cortex

Hey, Hey, Hey!

Post 94756 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: Oh look, a chubby criminal. -- cortex

My Roommate, The Diamond Thief

Post 94748 by reenum deleted for the following reason: this is the exact article linked in the "previously" link. -- jessamyn


MozBackup - A useful program for Mozilla Firefox

Post 94686 by AZNsupermarket deleted for the following reason: eh, this is more lifehacker than metafilter -- mathowie

The longest photographic exposures in history

Post 94682 by Combustible Edison Lighthouse deleted for the following reason: dammit it's overexposed -- cortex


Post 94679 by blucevalo deleted for the following reason: Ack! sweat lines! sweat lines! -- mathowie

"i am in love with this movie<3 i think its genious"

Post 94675 by hiteleven deleted for the following reason: This would make for a funny blog post but, yeah, Y!A is pretty much a known shittrap already and a post just putting together a bunch of content from there is maybe not so great for metafilter. -- cortex


Forever 21 Staff Tackles and Chokes Deaf Shopper Suspected of Shoplifting

Post 94668 by stringbean deleted for the following reason: Kind of another authority brutality story, nothing much to discuss aside from outrage -- mathowie

A Really Long Post About Gay Marriage

Post 94662 by Leta deleted for the following reason: Sorry this is pretty old, doesn't really cover new ground and people kind of hate it -- mathowie


Post 94654 by mrgrimm deleted for the following reason: ebay posts are short-lived and this Puck guy is really lame, sorry. -- mathowie

How much longer before they start talking about final solutions to the "Muslim Problem"?

Post 94647 by saulgoodman deleted for the following reason: There are two recent threads about the mosque stuff, I'm not sure we need another thread right now just to talk about people's conflicting opinions on the subject. -- cortex


I Quit

Post 94621 by Short Attention Sp deleted for the following reason: Yeah, Fakey McFakerson and we've seen it already down in the Slater thread. No biggie, SAS. -- cortex


Post 94620 by kingfish deleted for the following reason: Did you mean to post this to askme maybe? -- cortex

She likes 'em saucy.

Post 94605 by Cody's Keeper deleted for the following reason: this is a bad mix of news of the weird and "crazy people r crazy amirite" interesting-ish event but maybe not quite right for here. -- jessamyn


Video Interview - Atheist Christopher Hitchens: 'How Am I? I'm Dying'

Post 94592 by Alex930 deleted for the following reason: This is probably better as a comment in last week's Christopher Hitchens post -- mathowie

Heres your fuckin peanuts!!

Post 94584 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: It's a funny story but this is a really slight news-of-the-weird post. -- cortex



Post 94546 by Talez deleted for the following reason: maybe have more than one link fleshing this out? It's pretty thin outragefilter/Conservatives Say The Darndest Things right now -- mathowie

Where Do You Draw The Line?

Post 94531 by amyms deleted for the following reason: This ain't much to go on -- mathowie


Sucks to be that guy...

Post 94520 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: what is claimed to be happening is not really what is happening. As a single link video post with twelve word description, there maybe needs to be more "what is awesome about this" angle. -- jessamyn


"But how does he smell?"

Post 94478 by No-sword deleted for the following reason: Why'd you post this? -- mathowie


Young Me/Now Me

Post 94448 by grapefruitmoon deleted for the following reason: Been me, done that -- cortex


The Human Spirit

Post 94428 by netbros deleted for the following reason: hail mary -- cortex

Federal Judge Overturns California Prop 8.

Post 94418 by charlesminus deleted for the following reason: Being actively discussed down the page a bit. -- cortex

There will, of course, be appeals.

Post 94417 by quin deleted for the following reason: Head on down the page a bit. -- cortex

The Wal-Mart of sex trafficking

Post 94414 by Theloupgarou deleted for the following reason: Link to a short news blurb is not a great way to make a post. If someone wants to make a thorough post out of this, that'd be okay. -- cortex

Underhanded business practices, negligent customer, or ...?

Post 94408 by Smuth deleted for the following reason: I think you meant to post this in Ask MetaFilter. -- pb

Bloomberg makes his stand

Post 94403 by Slap*Happy deleted for the following reason: Just about the worst way to frame a great speech. Someone else try making this post without the editorializing -- mathowie


Judge Blocks Most of Arizona Immigration Law

Post 94393 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: Yay! Also: seen it. -- jessamyn

Somebody satirized Wikipedia, and nobody came to the party.

Post 94378 by harold_dumbacher deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for MetaFilter. -- pb

Fail VS Fail

Post 94376 by onecopywriter deleted for the following reason: lame, farkish. -- mathowie


Reagan Youth... SEIG HEIL!

Post 94351 by snottydick deleted for the following reason: A little too much editorializing on what is already a meh post. -- vacapinta

Yacht Rock

Post 94320 by ktrain deleted for the following reason: Not sure where this belongs but....not here. -- vacapinta


On a cool, clear night (typical to Southern California) Warren G travels through his neighborhood, searching for women with whom he might initiate sexual intercourse.

Post 94307 by alby deleted for the following reason: if you can't link directtly to the diffs this isn't really a great post for MeFi since yes, someone should fix that and encouraging lulzy wikipedia editing isn't really what we're about. -- jessamyn