
Message from the Pentatonic

Post 92405 by ZenMasterThis deleted for the following reason: Yeah this has come up before -- mathowie

Diseased Thinking: Dissolving Questions About Disease

Post 92395 by Human Flesh deleted for the following reason: this seems like it has lead to emotionally charged tangents -- mathowie

fuck yeah, neil's dog cabal!

Post 92391 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: Dogs are great and I heart Neil, but this is a really one-note blog and not in a "what a fascinating niche" sort of way. That internet celebrity is weird and interesting is true but doesn't make a post referencing some kinda banal Exhibit A a great post by itself. -- cortex


Invert to Dislike

Post 92385 by nayrb5 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, kind of a thin lame-ish project to hinge on a post. -- mathowie



Post 92352 by falcon deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter. EU Tiimes is a sketch website and this article is weird and misleading. -- jessamyn

Memorial Day.

Post 92351 by markkraft deleted for the following reason: It's a nice thought I guess, but you know really well by now that this not how the front page works. -- cortex

Tale of Success

Post 92342 by susanharper deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry but you are now spamming metafilter. -- vacapinta


Fun while it lasted...

Post 92331 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: Looks like this isn't actually what you thought it was. -- cortex

"...punch the mime out."

Post 92327 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: Eh, thin link is thin. Probably best to just skip a post if you find yourself apologizing for it when you make it. -- cortex



Post 92280 by AirBeagle deleted for the following reason: There's some sort of "Art 2: Dee Too" joke in here but I can't make it work so but anyway this is a double. -- cortex


Ipad: it only needed just one more thing.

Post 92245 by skepticallypleased deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this comes off too much like a blog entry to work as a mefi post. -- cortex

And that's that

Post 92239 by mazola deleted for the following reason: Sort of a bad-timing ships passing in the night thing here with the Metatalk thread, no worries mazola. -- cortex

Writing Online for Money?

Post 92235 by susanharper deleted for the following reason: Yeah, the article seems pretty grindy and the blog it's on is weirdly SEO-obsessed ("AC does nofollow" is an ethical complaint?); this seems not so great as the main meat of a post. -- cortex -- jessamyn


Happy Birthday, Mukhtars!

Post 92221 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: more like 2dselsdag -- cortex

Ex-lawyer jailed 14 months, but not charged with a crime

Post 92216 by lungtaworld deleted for the following reason: kind of thin for a post. -- mathowie

Writers' Dilemma

Post 92210 by susanharper deleted for the following reason: This leans a bit over the line in terms of too much editorial in the post. The context, with adequate framing of course, should usually speak for itself. -- vacapinta


Abstraction Chapter 1

Post 92201 by nthdegx deleted for the following reason: PANTS -- cortex

A uniquely spoonoid lifestyle

Post 92200 by i_am_joe's_spleen deleted for the following reason: Alas, these waters have been spooned before. -- cortex

The human race has found its successor

Post 92199 by cloeburner deleted for the following reason: This bear will hit you so hard you'll wake up in 2008. -- cortex


Metafilter in the news

Post 92186 by MechEng deleted for the following reason: Metafilter-related news belongs in Metatalk, where it is already so hey cool. -- cortex

Should we accept polygamy? Even religons that kind of do don't seem sure.

Post 92185 by sstapley deleted for the following reason: This is neither a very good link or at all a good way to present one. -- cortex

Crater Face, a cartoon

Post 92183 by The Devil Tesla deleted for the following reason: two moon pimples indeed! -- jessamyn

"Of course me being me, I took it to the extreme..."

Post 92178 by desjardins deleted for the following reason: LET'S NOT MAKE A HOBBIT OF THIS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -- cortex


Garbage Dreams Home Video DVD!

Post 92155 by Mina Naguib deleted for the following reason: Okay, so this is a blatant self-link. -- cortex


Post 92148 by Pope Guilty deleted for the following reason: * . . . . . >) -- cortex


Post 92144 by The Whelk deleted for the following reason: PARANOIA PARANOIA EVERYBODY'S COMING TO POST ME -- cortex

It's life Jim, but not as we know it.

Post 92140 by jonesor deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


Crowdsource scientific research

Post 92133 by databuff deleted for the following reason: The future of being fucking banned for self-linking. -- cortex

“SO GORGEOUS was the spectacle..."

Post 92132 by kgander deleted for the following reason: Wikipedia and Amazon links are neither generally good enough for a post without something more substantial included as well; there's not really anything here for anyone to read. -- cortex


A very special Public Service Announcement

Post 92105 by scalefree deleted for the following reason: Posted previously -- mathowie

Get it while it's hot!

Post 92103 by valkyryn deleted for the following reason: this is good news. Now we can all join MeFightClub and... go hiking or something. -- jessamyn

A (non?) Social Experiment

Post 92078 by The Winsome Parker Lewis deleted for the following reason: There's plenty of active discussion of why Facebook sucks/doesn't suck/etc, and at least one mention of this particular thing, in this two-day old thread, and framing a post around a kind of shitty and risible pullquote metaphor isn't helping anything besides. -- cortex

Doing good without God

Post 92073 by evilmomlady deleted for the following reason: link to a 100 word blog post on a topic that's only contextualized via the fact that peopel holer at each other about it here is probably not such a great post for metafilter. -- jessamyn

I've found no law that commands me in any way other than to love my neighbor as myself

Post 92072 by melissam deleted for the following reason: Next up: a frank look at the controversy over same-text postiage -- cortex


Art Comes Alive

Post 92068 by Solon and Thanks deleted for the following reason: Generalissimo Francisco Franco-American Still Holding Horses -- cortex

Noam Chomsky barred from entering Israel

Post 92064 by homerica deleted for the following reason: single ling blog op-ed abotu israel + Chomsky. If this is big news, maybe put together a non-GRAR post about it? -- jessamyn

Neverland Lost

Post 92058 by avex deleted for the following reason: So it looks like you work for the company that built one of these sites. Nice knowing you. -- cortex

The Boy Who Cried Cal

Post 92046 by reenum deleted for the following reason: previously -- cortex



Post 92001 by jonmc deleted for the following reason: Why does metafilter have to revolve around dio? -- cortex

Jean Claude Van Damme Dances For You

Post 91990 by MetaMonkey deleted for the following reason: Pretty weak looping video, sorry. -- mathowie


Scene and not heard

Post 91978 by chrisError deleted for the following reason: as near as we can tell, this is you linking to the site you work for. Against the rules. -- jessamyn


Where was this Laura when we needed her?

Post 91961 by helmutdog deleted for the following reason: this sounds like more of a GYOB post. If it's worth making a MeFi post about it, take the time to compose a post that isn't a sinlge link op-ed and please spellcheck. Thanks. -- jessamyn

Le fils de la Vulcanne

Post 91957 by lholladay deleted for the following reason: Eh. -- cortex

Don't eat that steak! Have an avocado!

Post 91943 by candasartan deleted for the following reason: This looks like a direct response to a thread from two days ago that you are already arguing in. Please do not make followup counter-argument posts on the front page; add these links in there instead. -- cortex


Post 91935 by Pranksome Quaine deleted for the following reason: to me htis is pretty interesting but I think all the good jokes have been made over at metatalk -- jessamyn


David Horowitz Takes Question from Muslim Student Association Member

Post 91925 by shivohum deleted for the following reason: If this is post-worthy for some reason this post does not do a good job of making clear why. -- cortex

Space Invaders in NYC

Post 91905 by hippybear deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie

We the people of facebook

Post 91904 by the_very_hungry_caterpillar deleted for the following reason: sort of already talking about this in the other facebook thread. -- jessamyn

onesocialweb: an open source distributed social networking system

Post 91898 by melatonic deleted for the following reason: Yeah, we just had a Diaspora post, maybe add this there if it hasn't shown up already. -- cortex



Post 91878 by DZack deleted for the following reason: see what i intend to do is attach the rear of this post to the front of the previous one... -- cortex

Don't Get Caught in a Bad Hotel

Post 91874 by jardinier deleted for the following reason: If this is worth posting about, it's worth doing in a way that doesn't bring down the hell of a thousand gaga-fatigued mefites. -- cortex

Omar (not) Walkin!

Post 91871 by spicynuts deleted for the following reason: Maybe wait until something more definitive has been pinned down here? -- cortex

The Great Zim-Zam Scam

Post 91870 by jtajta deleted for the following reason: i'll bet he gets all kinds of girls -- cortex

Thurston Howellitz?

Post 91868 by geoff. deleted for the following reason: Man, there's got to be a better way to approach this than a short op-ed. -- cortex


Make that bitch itch.

Post 91865 by ColdChef deleted for the following reason: Sorry, man, but this one doesn't feel like a winner. -- cortex

Britain's New Prime Minister

Post 91855 by MajorDundee deleted for the following reason: Missed it by a few minutes. -- cortex

Consummatum Est

Post 91851 by tigrefacile deleted for the following reason: This seems awfully thin and the jokey presentation isn't really helping. Maybe someone can make a stronger post about this. -- cortex

Coordinated Universal Time

Post 91841 by infinitefloatingbrains deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


in medias res

Post 91833 by changeling deleted for the following reason: Eh, this is kind of a mish-mash pile of images many of which have gone around the internet before. -- cortex

"I mean, I support free speech and all, but..."

Post 91830 by DZack deleted for the following reason: This wasn't great the first time and this is arguably worse. -- cortex

Maine GOP now the Tea Party

Post 91825 by epsilon deleted for the following reason: Single link to a PDF file is very rarely a good way to go with a post. If someone wants to present this with some context, that'd probably be okay. -- cortex

Frank Frazetta, February 9, 1928 - May 10, 2010

Post 91823 by somnambulist deleted for the following reason: Just missed it -- mathowie

RIP Frank Frazetta

Post 91822 by griphus deleted for the following reason: Going with FLF's post, thanks for being such a sport griphus. -- cortex

Frank Frazetta R.I.P

Post 91821 by blackfly deleted for the following reason: a wikipedia link really isn't enough for an obit post, someone try again? -- jessamyn

All Complex Ecosystems have Parasites

Post 91811 by Kid Charlemagne deleted for the following reason: needs to be more facts and less LOLCORY -- jessamyn


It's Kagan

Post 91804 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: can you make this post once something has actually happened? -- jessamyn

Miranda Rights and Terrorism Suspects

Post 91796 by Rykey deleted for the following reason: Maybe put some more effort into it beyond a google news link -- mathowie

A man walks into a bar

Post 91788 by djgh deleted for the following reason: Last call! -- cortex



Post 91776 by The Devil Tesla deleted for the following reason: I love EIT to death personally but I think we're getting to the point where we need to cut down on the frequency of posts about it now that mefi readers have a decent chance of knowing it's out there. -- cortex

Delta response to losing a dog - here's some vouchers

Post 91767 by Susurration deleted for the following reason: This is sad for Josiah and Paco, but this is really thin material for a post. -- cortex

Shaun C. Hawkins: World's Most Punchable Face?

Post 91762 by Optimus Chyme deleted for the following reason: Eh, "this guy sure is a douchebag" isn't a great reason for a post. -- cortex


The story of Willie McGee

Post 91751 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Post 91742 by Mblue deleted for the following reason: what? -- cortex

It can happen to anyone.

Post 91738 by sidereal deleted for the following reason: It's funny in an ironic sort of way but this isn't exactly substantial news. -- cortex

Are we looking at a Huge Scam?

Post 91722 by moorooka deleted for the following reason: Single-link youtube posts are fine but I think this post needs more context -- vacapinta


Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber

Post 91714 by domnit deleted for the following reason: Eh. -- cortex

And he's quick with a joke, or to light up your smoke ...

Post 91713 by bwg deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn

Non-profit fires single mom sex blogger

Post 91707 by bizwiz2 deleted for the following reason: Don't link to your employer's site. Banned. -- cortex

The Cleanup That Wasn't

Post 91692 by AugieAugustus deleted for the following reason: Maybe add this to the thread from a few days ago? -- cortex


¡Quien te va chingar mas no es Satanas!

Post 91681 by ignignokt deleted for the following reason: posted previously, can you stick these links into that thread please? -- jessamyn

Police officers in Columbia, Missouri shoot two dogs during a search raid

Post 91678 by Optimus Chyme deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for MetaFilter. A terrible thing has happened but a "look at these assholes" post is not really a good reason to post to metafilter. -- jessamyn


It's not easy being an american puppet in England.

Post 91649 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: mupple -- cortex


Kent State

Post 91618 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Lovely photos of Chinese ethnic groups

Post 91600 by math deleted for the following reason: posted a few months ago -- jessamyn

Washington keeping green.

Post 91599 by ZaneJ. deleted for the following reason: This seems more like boosterism than a solid post for mefi, all else aside. -- cortex


Hitler on Fair Use: "Don't tell me it helps sales. We might as well all become communists like Stallman!"

Post 91582 by tybeet deleted for the following reason: Maybe add that to the recent thread if it's not already there. -- cortex


Car bomb in Times Square

Post 91570 by EarBucket deleted for the following reason: Nothing is actually happening happening as far as I can tell; maybe wait until there's actually some substantial news out of this, if any, before we do a post. -- cortex