
Shout it out

Post 90613 by dobbs deleted for the following reason: curiouser and curiouser -- cortex

Hungry hungry keetums.

Post 90603 by MaryDellamorte deleted for the following reason: Those are kitties alright. Maybe more for Metachat, this? -- cortex

Haters Gonna Hate

Post 90599 by pashdown deleted for the following reason: Not great. -- cortex


Post 90597 by chinston deleted for the following reason: police now oficially on the list of "things MeFi doesn't do so well at so maybe you want to take special care when making posts about them" category. Sorry for the late notice. -- jessamyn

"Non" à la burqa en Belgique?

Post 90587 by creeky deleted for the following reason: there's a big post from yesterday on the Canadian part of this general topic, may want to post this there. -- jessamyn


Post 90582 by infini deleted for the following reason: infini, I honestly don't know what is up lately but I think maybe you need to take a break from mefi for a little while or something. -- cortex


A picture tells 7,032 words

Post 90523 by MuffinMan deleted for the following reason: yep, post it in the open thread, thanks. -- jessamyn

"Sure, boss, I've got that Word file up as we speak."

Post 90519 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: Posted previously -- mathowie

Virtual tour software

Post 90514 by simmzu deleted for the following reason: self-link -- vacapinta


Strange Website -- What's Up With This?

Post 90512 by doplgangr deleted for the following reason: I think this needs to go to ask metafilter? -- jessamyn

The Internet does not solely consist of Americans.

Post 90508 by divabat deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this isn't a particularly interesting or enlightening rant, it's just kind of ranty. -- mathowie

SLYT: If David Lynch directed Dirty Dancing...

Post 90507 by juliplease deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this came up very early on in the recent David Lynch spoof thread. -- cortex


Wii happy! The Discs are in the Mail.

Post 90458 by cross_impact deleted for the following reason: this is great news. However, this post is a little broken and maybe not the best way of getting it across. maybe someone else can rectify? -- jessamyn

The Periodic Table of Periodic Tables

Post 90457 by VicNebulous deleted for the following reason: posted periodically -- jessamyn

The Minerva Initiative and the relationship between the military and social sciences

Post 90453 by _cave deleted for the following reason: I think you want this to be in Ask MetaFilter? -- jessamyn

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir

Post 90448 by juv3nal deleted for the following reason: Redux Aurumque -- cortex

No Means Yes?

Post 90444 by Ruthless Bunny deleted for the following reason: We had an Amanda-Hess-writes-about-rape-for-washingtoncitypaper post a few days ago, maybe add this there? -- cortex

Sometimes a sub-editor just has to step up

Post 90443 by MuffinMan deleted for the following reason: Really? -- cortex

Obama: new world order or end of times?

Post 90439 by fimbulvetr deleted for the following reason: single link newsfilter - if this is in fact news maybe make an effort to make a real post about it? -- jessamyn


Post 90435 by infini deleted for the following reason: Maybe finish it first and then post it? -- vacapinta


gotta wipe that off!

Post 90425 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: this is a 39 second clip of a guy who is no longer president. -- jessamyn

Obama at UIowa

Post 90405 by LSK deleted for the following reason: single link to Obama speech is thin for a MeFi front page post. -- jessamyn



Post 90395 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: fooooooooooood -- cortex

An Open Letter to Conservatives

Post 90384 by Roach deleted for the following reason: single link blog op-ed. thread already broken out in retard jokes from Idiocracy. -- jessamyn

Test drive crash results in £300,000 insurance claim

Post 90369 by toesofrubber deleted for the following reason: This is really thin. Something more substantial than a corporate website and a news-of-the-weird blurb, please. -- cortex


N. Korea̢۪s Comic Propaganda

Post 90356 by the_chap deleted for the following reason: You're an editorial assistant for The Diplomat. Banned. -- cortex

Antique Radio Tuning Dials

Post 90354 by Fiasco da Gama deleted for the following reason: You're listening to KDBL -- cortex

"In many cases a true war story cannot be believed... If you believe it, be skeptical. It's a question of credibility."

Post 90325 by ameliajayne deleted for the following reason: please tell your boss this is not how social media marketing is done. Please do not come back to metafilter. -- jessamyn -- jessamyn


Post 90323 by him deleted for the following reason: Pretty thin post and adding more links doesn't change that much. Speculation-filter with a dose of Nintendo-blue -- vacapinta


Police Harass Filmmakers

Post 90318 by MEOW deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned. -- jessamyn

Reverse Trompe L'oeil.

Post 90311 by joechip deleted for the following reason: This kind of makes those guys who draw on your face with magic marker after you pass out look kind of amateurish by comparison. -- cortex

The more things change

Post 90307 by mecran01 deleted for the following reason: I'm deleting this one for the Gipper. -- cortex


Explaining Health Care

Post 90297 by reenum deleted for the following reason: Add it to the open thread. -- cortex

The schedule

Post 90281 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: Uh? -- cortex


What's the opposite of a moment of Zen?

Post 90258 by scalefree deleted for the following reason: previously -- cortex



Infinity Bag

Post 90224 by mhjb deleted for the following reason: ungood. -- jessamyn

How about a nice glass of cultural hegemony?

Post 90219 by Bartonius deleted for the following reason: Uh, you were arguing about this on Tropicana's facebook page and then made a post around it here including a link to that page? This feels a little too much like using mefi as a personal soapbox under the cirumstances. -- cortex

Post Title

Post 90205 by sodium lights the horizon deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn

Stay With Me

Post 90196 by philip-random deleted for the following reason: fairly weak sauce. Please let me know if I missed something -- vacapinta


Gender status: revoked

Post 90193 by ginky deleted for the following reason: Just add this to the existing thread, please. -- cortex

Leprechauns rob bank, die.

Post 90191 by jfwlucy deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post. -- cortex

Walmart: "Black people must leave"

Post 90178 by jeffisme deleted for the following reason: three lines about a kid's lame prank in a store is not good post material. -- mathowie


Maybe it really was Macaulay

Post 90125 by mannequito deleted for the following reason: Eh. -- cortex

Benjamin Netanyahu, Pastor John Hagee, and Israeli Settlements

Post 90118 by HP LaserJet P10006 deleted for the following reason: I/P threads and "omg evangelical" threads don't go well here and this thread is going badly. If you'd like to make a thread about I/P issues or evangelicals it needs to be done differently. Maybe we can all try again tomorrow? -- jessamyn

Radio GaGa?

Post 90099 by the_very_hungry_caterpillar deleted for the following reason: Add anything new to the open thread. -- cortex


Tea Party of the Supremes

Post 90085 by ExitPursuedByBear deleted for the following reason: Eh, not a great way to frame a post. -- cortex


Don't ask, don't tell - ANYONE

Post 90072 by swimming naked when the tide goes out deleted for the following reason: single link newsfilter post which is, yes, terrible, but maybe not enough for a MeFi post? -- jessamyn

In the long run we are dead... But would somebody please think of the children?

Post 90068 by VeGiTo deleted for the following reason: My invisible hand brings all the boys to the free market. -- cortex


"We DID it Honeybee!"

Post 90052 by empath deleted for the following reason: All we hear is Lady O'Gaga -- cortex

Tsunami Roll makes fat cat extreme!

Post 90034 by schyler523 deleted for the following reason: Full belly -- mathowie

Temperate Permaculture Forest Garden Wiki

Post 90030 by dale_a deleted for the following reason: This is too much paywalled content and pitches for paid content instead of being interesting open content. -- mathowie


Graph: Health's High Cost in the U.S.

Post 90011 by AliaCamu deleted for the following reason: We've covered this ground before many times, sites linked look super spammy -- mathowie

Physics gonna kill you

Post 89998 by Rory Marinich deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn



Post 89966 by markkraft deleted for the following reason: This does seem a little like News For People Who Own Randall's Book, and we've had a couple XKCD-related threads in the last month already. -- cortex

Does This Belong on MetaTalk?

Post 89964 by mistersquid deleted for the following reason: why in fact this DOES belong on MetaTalk, thanks for asking. -- jessamyn

I feel old.

Post 89962 by availablelight deleted for the following reason: double -- cortex

Nothing to do with good movies

Post 89960 by hypersloth deleted for the following reason: RT @89838 -- cortex


Nollywood Photography Series by Pieter Hugo

Post 89952 by Dholliga deleted for the following reason: I liked these better when the site they were hosted on wasn't a fucking self-link. Adios. -- cortex


Post 89945 by juliplease deleted for the following reason: um... -- jessamyn

A History of the World

Post 89935 by RussHy deleted for the following reason: The history of this post in one post! -- cortex

Conan's Twitter Adventure

Post 89932 by Heliochrome85 deleted for the following reason: Sweet story, but pretty thing as a post and probably better as a comment in the recent Conan/twitter thread. -- cortex


Post 89929 by hippybear deleted for the following reason: "Oh god, this again?" -- cortex


Kinda Ironic

Post 89899 by mccarty.tim deleted for the following reason: Sarah Palin opens mouth. This is pretty thin for a post without something a lot more substantial going on. -- cortex

Steam, now with added pretentiousness

Post 89897 by Punkey deleted for the following reason: The cake is a double. -- cortex

TV Test Cards

Post 89890 by vostok deleted for the following reason: Yep, looks like we've seen this (along with other links) before. -- cortex


The Coolest Guy in the World

Post 89872 by cerebus19 deleted for the following reason: juggling-related pun -- cortex


Building Great Teachers

Post 89854 by storybored deleted for the following reason: Looks like we were talking about Lemov a few days ago. -- cortex

Pogo magic

Post 89835 by urbanwhaleshark deleted for the following reason: Looks like we've pretty much covered Pogo before in previous posts -- cortex


Some people need pooping lessons

Post 89827 by mneekadon deleted for the following reason: Eh, blurbish newswire science "journalism" makes for not-great metafilter posts. If there's substantial primary-source or academic commentary available, it should be in the post; if not it's just news-of-the-weird fluff. -- cortex

Innovative learning process, through play

Post 89807 by dale_a deleted for the following reason: You're tweeting about these guys a bunch and describe them as friends; this feel really uncomfortably into not-okay self-link/friend-link territory, and using mefi to try and pump up someone's nomination stuff is also not an okay use of the front page. -- cortex -- jessamyn

Meta Bitches

Post 89803 by hermitosis deleted for the following reason: Looks like the site hosting this retread 2007 email FWD got hosed. -- cortex

Light Up Gummy

Post 89801 by mippy deleted for the following reason: At long, long last. -- cortex

Take that, Khufu and Druids

Post 89797 by DU deleted for the following reason: Gobekli Dupe -- cortex

EEBO Access

Post 89795 by Yakuman deleted for the following reason: This belongs on ask.metafilter.com. Not here. -- vacapinta


I for one welcome our new Google overlords

Post 89776 by Z1LCH deleted for the following reason: If this is supposed to be a "cool new thing" post, you framed it pretty poorly; if it's supposed to be an actual warning, it doesn't really make sense. -- cortex


Post 89775 by Dr Dracator deleted for the following reason: First link has some nasty malware a-lurkin', it looks like. If there's a clean alternate link we can totally replace and resurrect. -- cortex

Gay blood donation dilemma may become moot

Post 89772 by Tuesday After Lunch deleted for the following reason: Maybe just drop a note in the still-open Metatalk thread? This post is 75% metafilter and 25% letter without any indication of the import or effect of the whole thing; if there's an interesting post to be made about what happens, maybe make it then? -- cortex

video clip

Post 89763 by diwolf deleted for the following reason: This Too Is Having Had Passed -- cortex

How Do Mobile Phone Recycling Companies Make Money?

Post 89755 by Mike Brains deleted for the following reason: Adios. -- cortex

Circumcision ban bill

Post 89750 by dollyknot deleted for the following reason: Fox news, editorializing post on circumcision. Need one say more? -- vacapinta



Post 89749 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: Awesome, but we've seen it before. -- cortex

Actually, you do need to make dreastic changes

Post 89740 by Pirate-Bartender-Zombie-Monkey deleted for the following reason: The front page is not the place to make a post about your personal opinions. If there's a way to frame this just based one the quality of the link, fine; otherwise, it's something for your personal blog. -- cortex


Babies in Bars

Post 89720 by dhammond deleted for the following reason: That first link is a bit beyond NSFW. -- vacapinta

I want the robot dino

Post 89684 by ShawnString deleted for the following reason: 20 optical illusions in two posts! -- cortex


A look into the last week

Post 89656 by arielmeadow deleted for the following reason: Looks like the photos have been set to private, so nothing to see here anymore. -- cortex

Iowa Feticide or Crass Hospital

Post 89648 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: That's pretty fucked up indeed at first glance, but this is a single link to a few paragraphs of a newswire story. If we're gonna have a post about this, it needs to be constructed better, and this thread is not going anywhere good either. -- cortex