
Designated Driver Turns 21

Post 87932 by My Social Relevance deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned -- jessamyn -- jessamyn


Frimpong Exonerated

Post 87912 by momma deleted for the following reason: this is a mess - you may want to look around a bit and see how posts usually look around here before trying your next one. -- jessamyn

Forever 27

Post 87908 by Slap*Happy deleted for the following reason: Yeah, site that is more broken than it is interesting. -- cortex



Post 87896 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn


Inspiration for the New Year

Post 87882 by MLIS deleted for the following reason: hmm, weird keyword spammy site with an entry from early 2008? -- mathowie

Avatar: the making of the cam bootleg.

Post 87873 by mojohand deleted for the following reason: Either you think you've found something worth linking without framing it like you think it's not worth a post, or you haven't found something worth posting. You're kind of dooming your own post this way. -- cortex

Rank movies to figure what is the best movie of all time

Post 87869 by reenum deleted for the following reason: Requiring a sign-in to look at the neat thing on the web makes it a not very neat thing. -- cortex


Friendly fire

Post 87864 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: Posted previously -- mathowie


Post 87856 by sugarfish deleted for the following reason: eh - schlocky annoying top ten list to cracked is sort of shruggo. -- jessamyn

The true meaning of Terribleness

Post 87854 by philip-random deleted for the following reason: This is kind of terrible -- mathowie


Selma Blair/Rainn Wilson - Baby it's cold outside

Post 87850 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: So this is a random Gap commercial? -- cortex

Happy Boxing Day!

Post 87845 by Oriole Adams deleted for the following reason: That's awfully thin. -- cortex


The death of Sergei Magnitsky

Post 87835 by Dasein deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie

The Conservative-Christian Big Thinker

Post 87818 by andoatnp deleted for the following reason: A one-link news post that's a ten day old story on some conservative guy? Seems a little thin for a post. -- mathowie


Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!

Post 87802 by MaryDellamorte deleted for the following reason: It's not christmas until Santa orders a double. -- cortex


Kaney O'Neill is a quadreplegic and a mother. Her ex however, feels that she can't be a competent mother because of her disabilities.

Post 87769 by stormpooper deleted for the following reason: this is interesting but a single link news post isn't really a great way to present this. -- jessamyn

Is college really worth it?

Post 87758 by bizwiz2 deleted for the following reason: I don't know if there's anything untoward going on with the link itself, but this is pretty meh in any case. -- cortex

Barabar Olson made no cell phone calls

Post 87755 by Mr_Zero deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie

Upper Mismanagement

Post 87754 by geoff. deleted for the following reason: Since December 21st, the number of posts about graduates of highly-ranked business schools that appear on the front page has doubled. -- cortex



Post 87746 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: Not good. -- mathowie


Post 87744 by LSK deleted for the following reason: A single hashtag search on Twitter is extremely thin for a FPP and this is not being received well. -- pb

Let's play another round of "How Long Can You Hide from the Internet?"

Post 87734 by krautland deleted for the following reason: Honestly, while this is kind of an interesting developing-thing-related-to-the-web in some respects, the actual story is pretty thin at the moment and the post reads kind of like advocacy stuff. krautland, I don't know what your connection to this is, but it feels like it's a little too close and inside-baseball for comfort. -- cortex

The Cry of the Tomato

Post 87713 by Xurando deleted for the following reason: It'd be better not to bomb a post about interesting research with pointlessly fight-starting framing. -- cortex


David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 cell phone calls.

Post 87701 by Mr_Zero deleted for the following reason: Link is AWOL, but some more background on who is saying what and why might be a good idea if this is worth posting anyway, since not everybody wonks out on 9/11 conspiracy stuff. -- cortex

The 100 Weirdest Digg Stories of 2009

Post 87696 by bizwiz2 deleted for the following reason: Not really a readable (10 per page with oodles of ads?) or interesting list, sorry -- mathowie


Post 87695 by the littlest brussels sprout deleted for the following reason: Eh, how is this not just blatant point-and-laugh stuff? Subverting Amazon reviews isn't really new stuff. -- cortex

Seeing the world through the eyes of Palestinians...

Post 87680 by markkraft deleted for the following reason: Seriously, if we're going to have a post about this it'd be nice to have it (a) not be from someone rarin' to go about it in the comments and (b) maybe not just some minimum number of hours after the last n were removed and blood is still hot. Someone less grindy give it a shot in a few days or something when it won't be more gas on a metacommentary fire. -- cortex

Now it goes to the House.

Post 87679 by ®@ deleted for the following reason: This was a cloture vote, not passage. Not that a post about that couldn't be okay if it was done well, but this is misleading and there's a long way to go and so this is pretty weird as is. -- cortex

And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

Post 87676 by caddis deleted for the following reason: This is a bad idea to "gift" to metafilter unread. -- mathowie


You are so tiny!

Post 87673 by vrakatar deleted for the following reason: Seems like it is the worst SLYT post ever. -- mathowie

Rage is Xmas No. 1 in UK

Post 87661 by bobbyelliott deleted for the following reason: third time the charm? -- mathowie

Brittany Murphy dies

Post 87660 by waraw deleted for the following reason: This is about as lazy and rushed as an obit could possibly get. There's gotta be a better post waiting to happen. -- cortex

And now you download/what they told ya

Post 87658 by KokuRyu deleted for the following reason: There's already a thread from a couple days ago, put updates there. -- cortex


Virtual Haircut

Post 87646 by Frasermoo deleted for the following reason: Heard it. -- cortex

I live in a van down by Duke University

Post 87639 by granted deleted for the following reason: There's some low-hanging fruit here riffing off "double" and Chris Farley's weight, but I miss that guy so I'm going to just leave it alone. -- cortex

Highway to Health

Post 87637 by MattMangels deleted for the following reason: Better as a comment in one of the already happening health-care threads, and please, no more abortion threads unless it's compelling. -- mathowie

I just learned that a direct ancestor of mine, Puritan patriarch William Bradford, is credited with inventing Thanksgiving.

Post 87627 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: single link twitter accounts are maybe not thick enough to sustain a whole post. -- jessamyn


The Ultimate "Can I Still Eat This" Site?

Post 87594 by Atom12 deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta

Four black men. Four stories

Post 87591 by iffley deleted for the following reason: Single-image links are fine but they should (mainly) stand on their own. This doesn't, not without the OP's editorializing. -- vacapinta

Not so long ago, in some guy's basement...

Post 87590 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


Kinda like James Brown

Post 87582 by bwg deleted for the following reason: how do you say double post in esperanto? -- jessamyn

A trip down Market Street

Post 87573 by parudox deleted for the following reason: posted before -- mathowie

Most Fascinating People 2009

Post 87561 by mccarty.tim deleted for the following reason: meh celebrity chat, plus you say you just threw it up to see reactions = not the best reason for a post -- mathowie



Post 87551 by empath deleted for the following reason: posted previously. -- jessamyn

I Don't Care If This Is Fake. It Made My Day.

Post 87538 by grumblebee deleted for the following reason: "well I'll never be that much of a loser" isn't really a great reason to share something that grosses a lot of people out here on MeFi. -- jessamyn


Alien maths

Post 87522 by moorooka deleted for the following reason: Pretty weak post. I mean I get it and all but a single comic has to be better than this. -- vacapinta

Nash equilibrium

Post 87511 by four panels deleted for the following reason: It's cute for those who get game theory, but it's really wonky and pretty thin besides. A solid post about Nash equilibria and Pareto optimization could be cool, though, if it hasn't already been done. -- cortex

Was Roy Thomas Baker Really The Sole Genuis Behind "Bohemian Rhapsody"?

Post 87505 by O Boingo deleted for the following reason: This does not seem to be going over well. -- cortex

...or, Look At This Fucking Myspace User

Post 87494 by Uther Bentrazor deleted for the following reason: Eh, this is a bit thin and on the "hey let's make fun of some people" side of the single-minded-tumblr-site boat. -- cortex

I want to start a christmas share the invite thread.

Post 87493 by Chamunks deleted for the following reason: This is not what metafilter is for. This is not even close to what metafilter is for. If what metafilter were for was in, say, Fenway park, this would be an Amway presentation in Santa Monica. -- cortex


Lunar cycle does affect behaviour: Australian study

Post 87476 by AmbroseChapel deleted for the following reason: paywalled article tantilizing but ultimately unfulfilling -- jessamyn

Bras That Could Save The World

Post 87475 by buzzdiggity deleted for the following reason: I think you wanted Fark.com. That's two doors down to the right. -- mathowie

Cephalopod , take the coconut and run

Post 87470 by Astro Zombie deleted for the following reason: i got nothin' -- cortex

Infodump updates: contact dates, comment length, metatalk closures, munging

Post 87458 by cortex deleted for the following reason: Jesus christ, this should be in Metatalk. U R SO BANNED. -- cortex


"WOW some of those ladies are hot. oh, great photos too."

Post 87441 by azarbayejani deleted for the following reason: Looks like we've basically covered this already. -- cortex

Ukulele Kid

Post 87432 by kylej deleted for the following reason: Twokulele -- cortex

Father Christmas turned away from asylum centre over security concerns

Post 87430 by Paul Slade deleted for the following reason: Contextless news-of-the-weird stories make for poor posts. -- cortex


A game about poop.

Post 87418 by Snyder deleted for the following reason: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. -- cortex

Not Charile Brown's Christmas

Post 87413 by fixedgear deleted for the following reason: Nobody tell jscalzi, but I heard from jscalzi that this is a double. -- cortex


MetaFilter Among Nation's Best

Post 87403 by netbros deleted for the following reason: It's cute, but it's also really thin and requires an email address, and that's kind of meh. -- cortex


Post 87399 by Phire deleted for the following reason: Yeah, <3 Pixar and all but this is kind of a weird link. -- cortex

A Story in 4 Animated Shorts

Post 87386 by Olive Oil deleted for the following reason: you may be unclear on the "no friends link, no self link" rule but this guy publishes through the company you work for which moves it into terrifically not okay territory. -- jessamyn

WTF, Comcast

Post 87385 by malthas deleted for the following reason: seen it. -- jessamyn


London Underground typeface

Post 87341 by dhruva deleted for the following reason: more like gill sans mtwo -- cortex

TEFL Party Over?

Post 87339 by pick_the_flowers deleted for the following reason: If this is worth posting about, it needs some more background and less editorializing. -- cortex

Landing Pages and Tips

Post 87335 by stevemkuro deleted for the following reason: If Reponsemine wants to impress Terminix as a client, it should probably not go around violating community website's no-shilling guidelines. Banned, spam elsewhere. -- cortex


Your inner turtle wants for you to spread some cheer

Post 87325 by Electrius deleted for the following reason: This is sort of weird and inside-baseball for anyone who isn't already kind of invested in UMD politics... -- cortex

The Devil and Mr. Obama

Post 87317 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: single link op ed about a topic we've already sort of nicely asked you to lay off of axe grinding on? -- jessamyn

Converting Videos Howto - FFMPEG

Post 87311 by weinzierl deleted for the following reason: try harder. -- jessamyn

100 Year Old Pedophile

Post 87307 by Sassyfras deleted for the following reason: I'm not really clear on why this news should be the subject of a post. -- cortex


Sorry, Wrong Conspiracy

Post 87238 by sensate deleted for the following reason: Good for a laugh, not for a post. -- cortex

I hope he's up for a game of Calvinball

Post 87237 by Taft deleted for the following reason: Not really clear what this is about beyond "did gives kid stuffed animal", and nothing about the thread is going well either. -- cortex


Obama's Afghanistan Surge

Post 87231 by HP LaserJet P10006 deleted for the following reason: Maybe add this to the recent thread. -- cortex

Multifaceted Artist

Post 87229 by spiderskull deleted for the following reason: Face-painting II: Cosmetic Boogaloo -- cortex

The Century of Self

Post 87228 by Glibpaxman deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn


Assisination of a Balck Panther

Post 87210 by aquathug deleted for the following reason: you misspelled Hampton, Black and Assassination here. Nothing personal but this needs to go back to the drawing board. -- jessamyn

Avacado Crab Salad

Post 87209 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: If Daft Punk wrote a song about this situation, it would be called One Guacamore Time -- cortex

"Though my shock'd soul recoils, my tongue shall tell."

Post 87208 by jokeefe deleted for the following reason: Pompeii and circumstance. -- cortex


Hard Knox.

Post 87193 by Bathtub Bobsled deleted for the following reason: Yeah, maybe keep this in the existing thread from a couple days back. -- mathowie

All These Love Poems That Are About You

Post 87190 by netbros deleted for the following reason: previously and again -- cortex

Snarkin' at Sarah

Post 87187 by bearwife deleted for the following reason: sarah palin snarky posts need to be more than a single link snark article. Sorry. -- jessamyn

Fred Hampton

Post 87179 by aquathug deleted for the following reason: A wikipedia entry and a three-paragraph blurb is way too thin for a post. -- cortex

what would "Pokerface" look like, anyway?

Post 87178 by liketitanic deleted for the following reason: poted previously -- jessamyn


Let them sing it for you

Post 87164 by juv3nal deleted for the following reason: Let them have sung it for you. -- cortex

Swiss leader calls for Jewish cemetery ban.

Post 87160 by kipmanley deleted for the following reason: Updates like this aren't really okay. Add it to the original thread as a comment. -- cortex

How very christian of them

Post 87157 by wilful deleted for the following reason: we will all get through this holiday season together, but it will be easier if we don't just post single link newsfilter stories with snarky titles unless maybe there's another angle to this than the obvious LOLXIAN part? -- jessamyn

221b Baker Street

Post 87132 by muggsy1079 deleted for the following reason: Between requiring facebook for participation and reading like a marketing pitch, I'm not really feeling comfortable with this. -- cortex


What happens in the cocoon is never very pretty

Post 87100 by paulinsanjuan deleted for the following reason: what are you doing with this post exactly? aside from the fact that pullquotes really need to be quoted, this is a single link blog op-ed, yes? it might be better with some framing, or something. -- jessamyn

Where's Waldo?

Post 87096 by gman deleted for the following reason: double -- cortex

YTP: The next generation

Post 87094 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: Check out my awesome unicorn paintings. -- cortex


Delta's In-Flight Safety Video

Post 87073 by The Deej deleted for the following reason: This is me wagging my finger at you. -- cortex


Armchairs Away!

Post 87050 by jonp72 deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn



Post 87017 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: prev10usly -- cortex


This is not justice

Post 86995 by Monkeymoo deleted for the following reason: Obnoxious in-thread reaction or no, this is basically update-filter without a lot of meat and could probably be presented a bit better than this. -- cortex

Phil Agre--an internet visionary

Post 86987 by impuls deleted for the following reason: This should go in the open thread from yesterday. -- vacapinta


Software turns cheap webcam into instant 3D scanner

Post 86976 by weinzierl deleted for the following reason: upon reflection.... linking to your website with the same link as the one you just posted to on MeFi makes it seem scarily like a self-link, might be good not to do that in the future. -- jessamyn

They Support Sarah

Post 86965 by double block and bleed deleted for the following reason: What was supposed to be the good thing about posting this? What we got was a bunch of LOLPALINITES, a bunch of retread arguments, some driveby nastiness, and a pile of flags. -- cortex


Procrastination is making a cup of tea

Post 86960 by ardgedee deleted for the following reason: Procrastination / is a warm gun / wait wait / post post -- cortex

Can't we all just get along?

Post 86955 by VikingSword deleted for the following reason: This is a bit bloggy/editorial for a front page post. -- cortex

Goodnight Keith Moon

Post 86952 by hippybear deleted for the following reason: Looks like we have a choice between linking to this and being able to access it, unfortunately. -- cortex

Helpful Hackers.

Post 86947 by karmiolz deleted for the following reason: There's an open Climate-emails thread sans the editorializing, take this there. -- cortex


you got your Baphomet in my music video!

Post 86935 by heeeraldo deleted for the following reason: all we hear is lady oh gaga! -- jessamyn

Ringed Planet

Post 86911 by uaudio deleted for the following reason: POSTS GO TO MARS / TO GET MORE CANDY BARS -- cortex

Offside - Short Film

Post 86910 by daazofilms deleted for the following reason: Self-link. This one's a bit too easy which makes me think someone didnt bother to read the guidelines. -- vacapinta


And then, you can spend far too much time looking through the related videos

Post 86906 by CrunchyFrog deleted for the following reason: Looks like this is a reron. -- cortex

Sometimes you just need a friend

Post 86904 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie


Pepsi Blu Cheeseburger

Post 86881 by The Devil Tesla deleted for the following reason: HAMBURGER -- cortex

Human rights

Post 86880 by dollyknot deleted for the following reason: What the heck? -- cortex

The Christianist Manifesto: A Partial Fisking

Post 86878 by lexalexander deleted for the following reason: That being on someone's blog seems just about right as far as the natural order of the univers goes. It being a front page post on Metafilter, not so much. -- cortex


Post 86874 by vronsky deleted for the following reason: zweiposten -- cortex



Post 86869 by juv3nal deleted for the following reason: sort of previously. -- jessamyn

The Passions of the Claus

Post 86867 by Mr. Six deleted for the following reason: sort of a one note twitter thingie, a little thin for mefi. -- jessamyn


Post 86846 by rachelpapers deleted for the following reason: Crazy person + ebay listing = pretty thin post. -- cortex


What do Princesses and Princes Teach Us?

Post 86831 by jefficator deleted for the following reason: Looks like a lot of this came up in this recent thread; maybe add anything new as a comment in there. -- cortex

The Poorest Part of America

Post 86806 by shetterly deleted for the following reason: this is solidly in GYOB territory because of past conversations we've had on this subject. Please feel free to contact us if there is something you are unclear on. -- jessamyn


Truckers Delight by the Flairs (SLYT)

Post 86791 by zerobyproxy deleted for the following reason: I don't understand if you are making a joke or what exactly but this is not a good video for metafilter even though it may have been okay for waxy. -- jessamyn


Top 10 Vampire Slayers That Should Be in New Moon

Post 86764 by beelzebub deleted for the following reason: Eh, people are hating this and it's the second time you've made a post out of a list on ranker.com to boot. This is not good post material. -- cortex


Post 86763 by desjardins deleted for the following reason: the most important thing about good comedy is timing. And unfortunately, the timing isn't really right for this. -- jessamyn

More like Nancy LUGOSI, am I right? (Love you Nancy)

Post 86756 by Taft deleted for the following reason: crazy people are crazy - this is in the ZOMGZORZ nutbag category of things that don't need more publicity. -- jessamyn

Sexism in the Workplace

Post 86750 by dnesan deleted for the following reason: Posting something just to continue in the vein of epic threads is generally a really bad idea. -- cortex

Jonas Brothers and got you bummed?

Post 86747 by chronkite deleted for the following reason: Probably a good idea to explain why those links are worth our time if you want people to blindly click through to myspace profiles. -- cortex

Can I put you on hold?

Post 86741 by dov3 deleted for the following reason: Eh, I love a good peeve as much as the next guy, but this is pretty thin post material. -- cortex


If Earthquakes Have a Richter Level, Do ShatnerQuakes Have a Nimoy Level?

Post 86731 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

We all die at the 13th b'ak'tun!!!

Post 86723 by thatwhichfalls deleted for the following reason: Yup, this should probably just stay with the existing thread. -- cortex

A Crash Course in our Exponential Future

Post 86720 by kellytom382 deleted for the following reason: This reads like ad copy. -- cortex

Sextortion at Eisenhower High

Post 86710 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: double! -- jessamyn


Pinker on Gladwell

Post 86691 by gallois deleted for the following reason: There's a recent Gladwell thread that this can go in if it's not already there. -- cortex

Retro light-grid obelisk thingy?

Post 86685 by jmnugent deleted for the following reason: needs to go to askme. -- jessamyn

Let's Get Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!

Post 86683 by fourcheesemac deleted for the following reason: Not really going over well. Probably better to stick with primary sources instead of thinly/poorly attributed second hand stuff in this sort of case, at any rate. -- cortex


Math (education) isn't a science, it's a religion!

Post 86679 by shivohum deleted for the following reason: try again without all the editorializing if this is something you sincerely want to discuss. Thanks. -- jessamyn

Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be

Post 86676 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: The Onion has been donion. -- cortex

Coffee, Camping, and Asian Girls.

Post 86675 by Taft deleted for the following reason: Yeah, no. -- cortex

Look mum no hands

Post 86664 by adamvasco deleted for the following reason: post tomorrow with a better title, really this is a callous way to treat a serious news article -- jessamyn


One Day, This Will Be Remembered as the First Real Tricorder

Post 86655 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: Captain's log: supplemental. -- cortex

Pelican - 1, Bugatti-0

Post 86641 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: Tiny news-of-the-weird articles make lousy posts. -- cortex


Post 86635 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: News of the weird + could be recursively mistaken as the worst obit ever = this is not a great idea. -- cortex


anamorphic images!

Post 86630 by kaibutsu deleted for the following reason: Seen it before. -- cortex

"Christian" doesn't mean what you think it means

Post 86605 by Benny Andajetz deleted for the following reason: How posts are framed are just as important as the content. On topics like this, a neutral tone is better at keeping threads from going crazy right out of the gate. -- vacapinta


Brazilian Girls

Post 86599 by chesty_a_arthur deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn

Roomba Presents: Pac-Man!

Post 86577 by Navelgazer deleted for the following reason: INSERT COIN -- cortex

I'm too fat for japan :(

Post 86568 by tehloki deleted for the following reason: seriously? ths is one fo those "hey this is a topic that doesn't go really well here, maybe you could make an effort when you craft your posts so that they don't turn into LOLFATTIEZ threads" situations. -- jessamyn

Who's the actual terrorist?

Post 86566 by flod logic deleted for the following reason: It's a fucked up story, but this really isn't a very good post for Metafilter. -- cortex


Asian Woman Passes Driver's Test on 950th Try

Post 86549 by tobe deleted for the following reason: THIS IS NOT A GOOD POST FOR METAFILTER - sorry for shouting, but really.... -- jessamyn

The Snuggie

Post 86544 by swilson deleted for the following reason: banned, self-linker goodbye -- jessamyn

Awesome Gorey/Tim Burton-esque Animation

Post 86540 by worzel deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned. -- mathowie

Using VoIP in a noisy room?

Post 86533 by TrueVox deleted for the following reason: belongs on Ask Metafilter not Metafilter proper -- vacapinta


Sexy Dreidel Video

Post 86519 by punktorah deleted for the following reason: I think you're done here. -- mathowie


So many black people!

Post 86496 by tumbleweedjack deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter. -- jessamyn

Your World of Text

Post 86495 by Taft deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie


Bad researcher. No biscuit.

Post 86478 by CheeseDigestsAll deleted for the following reason: This is already being discussed in the previous thread. Anybody who eats their dog because they didn't see an update on the front page of metafilter is not a very good pet-owner. -- cortex

Tux Radar

Post 86475 by yegga deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure what makes this any different than 10000 other linux/python blogs. Could you be more specific? -- jessamyn

Lemonheads in Chicago?

Post 86468 by wensink deleted for the following reason: Sure does look like you just made a mefi post out of your own blog entries. -- cortex


What up?

Post 86457 by misha deleted for the following reason: Looks like the show's over. Twitter shut down the account so there's not much to see here. -- pb

The Secrecy Shall Continue

Post 86449 by bearwife deleted for the following reason: can someone do this over with an actual working first link? -- jessamyn

And where do acorns go if you eat them...?

Post 86448 by diogenes deleted for the following reason: The Daily Show is great, but pretty much everybody knows about it at this point. If you want to talk about Glenn Beck come hell or highwater, there's a sort of quasi-discussion in Metatalk right now. -- cortex


Hitch Hates Humorists

Post 86437 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: I know there's probably a schadenfreude angle here that's sort of appealing, but a one-linker of Hitch doing something other than writing something really, really superb is probably not worth the friction that yet another Hitch post produces. -- cortex

My Boyfriend is The President

Post 86433 by dagosto deleted for the following reason: You might want to start off with a post explaining a meme before showing parodies of it. -- mathowie

Iraqi recruits doing Jumping Jacks

Post 86426 by Monkeymoo deleted for the following reason: I <3 seanbaby, but this seems pretty butt. -- cortex

Waiting in line is for the poor, apparently....

Post 86407 by deejay jaydee deleted for the following reason: I can wait for a post about this that's less Oh Snap, if there's gonna be one, which I'm not sure there even needs to be. -- cortex


Tragedy in the Heartland

Post 86399 by philip-random deleted for the following reason: SLOP. Single link Onion Post would be weak enough without also rehashing the overly hashed Glenn Beck memes. -- vacapinta

Marriage Equality is Only a Matter of Time

Post 86386 by jefficator deleted for the following reason: please post these links in the open thread, thanks -- jessamyn


Curriculum vita of all works and other pictures of Olia Lialina

Post 86341 by yegga deleted for the following reason: it's not clear at all what you're doing in this post. For someone who no one has heard of, some context is often not just helpful but necessary. -- jessamyn

How About Rover Under Glass?

Post 86340 by Xurando deleted for the following reason: We've eaten this dog before. -- vacapinta


If you can imagine it, it's on the Internet somewhere

Post 86332 by Unicorn on the cob deleted for the following reason: Eh, you know what, let 'em fly the freak flags in peace. There's not much here to do besides point and laugh. -- cortex


H.P. Lovecraft documentary (first 10 minutes)

Post 86305 by Pirate-Bartender-Zombie-Monkey deleted for the following reason: Time-limited youtube excerpt is kind of a weird thin post. Maybe just toss this in the recent Lovecraft thread. -- cortex

Nutt Sacked.

Post 86302 by ZenMasterThis deleted for the following reason: The previously is only a couple days old, so probably better to take this stuff there. -- cortex


Post 86299 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: Point-and-laugh at a blog with only two posts? This is pretty thin for a post. -- cortex

De-conversion 2.0

Post 86298 by Taft deleted for the following reason: Judgemental editorializing really needs not to happen when posting about hot-button issues. -- cortex


DJ Sagan is in the House

Post 86291 by zooropa deleted for the following reason: We are more connected than you can possibly imagine. -- cortex


Art, under the sheets

Post 86275 by Kickstart70 deleted for the following reason: i need tp for my memory hole -- cortex

They're made out of meat.

Post 86263 by empath deleted for the following reason: Neat, but seen it. -- cortex

Jenny Diski

Post 86261 by vronsky deleted for the following reason: We've had posts about both Polanski's recent developments and Diski's LRB stuff relatively recently, and this is shaping up to be an ugly rehash of the Polanski stuff and is getting flagged to hell. -- cortex

Alt journalist goes digital

Post 86255 by mylaudanumhabit deleted for the following reason: Congrats, Mr. Kaufmann, you are now extremely banned. -- cortex


Biscuits in Heaven

Post 86246 by Liquidwolf deleted for the following reason: Looks like he's pretty much not dead. -- cortex

How Many New York Time Editors Does it Take...

Post 86223 by uptowngirl deleted for the following reason: You work at the Observer. This is not okay. You are banned. -- cortex


Shorty drinking a troppy...

Post 86212 by A189Nut deleted for the following reason: if the point is that pipes guy, he's creepy. if the point is the youtube video, it's sort of meh without the weird pipes thing. This may be one of those ideas that is neat in a small group and really doesn't translate to the larger living room here. -- jessamyn

A few beers always helps

Post 86209 by mylaudanumhabit deleted for the following reason: this sucks. -- jessamyn

The Changing Color of Politics in the Deep South

Post 86204 by jefficator deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn

It's the viral countdown

Post 86196 by Mr.Roundtree deleted for the following reason: There is something deeply fucking sketchy going on with this post. -- cortex


On The Internet, Nobody Knows You're Not In The USA

Post 86188 by jaybol deleted for the following reason: Techcrunch article from three weeks ago that's only a few paragraphs long? Makes for a pretty thin post. -- mathowie

More bad news for Elron's children

Post 86171 by njohnson23 deleted for the following reason: There's a very recent Scientology thread that this can go in. -- cortex


decrepit tapes

Post 86154 by Burhanistan deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

What cost political involvement and speech?

Post 86153 by bearwife deleted for the following reason: Something seems to have gone pretty wrong with this. -- cortex

As your Boss, you should know that this is a serious career limiting move

Post 86152 by empath deleted for the following reason: The popular opinion seems to be that the answer is "no". -- cortex

"the western media — who turned Neda into a martyr — ignored Marwa's story."

Post 86148 by infinite intimation deleted for the following reason: this sounds like a truly horrible thing. And yet the sarahpalinmoment tag and the res tof the editorializing -- plus the above the fold ladytorture that I'm growing so tired of -- make this a bad post for MetaFilter. -- jessamyn


Needs More GIFs

Post 86138 by Taft deleted for the following reason: when your previously links to something from yesterday it might be a good idea to put your link there instead. -- jessamyn

Seven Rules For Girlfriends

Post 86127 by feelinglistless deleted for the following reason: This is a short and not particularly interesting blog entry. I know it's Sunday and all, but c'mon. -- cortex


Post-Posthuman Blues

Post 86121 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: I'm really not trying to be a terrible hardass there, but copypasting a "should have been banned for posting it" post is really not a great way to move forward with wanting to give this guy a decent obit. Can we go back to the drawing board? -- jessamyn

Post-Posthuman Blues

Post 86118 by dbiedny deleted for the following reason: Self-linking in a post is something you're not allowed to do, not something you're allowed to do if you mention it. -- cortex


Post 86109 by Daddy-O deleted for the following reason: Eh. -- cortex

Another fail for a pro at failure - Sarah Palin

Post 86102 by FauxScot deleted for the following reason: over-the-top editorializing like this isn't a good fit for MetaFilter. -- pb


Beware of drunk drivers in La-Z boy chairs

Post 86085 by bearwife deleted for the following reason: Feh. -- cortex


Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

Post 86047 by DecemberBoy deleted for the following reason: Yeah they still pretty much skip that whole tie thing -- cortex


Ambien Side Effects haha

Post 86044 by celerystick deleted for the following reason: Not a good post -- mathowie

Yuri on the Chalkboard

Post 86042 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: Kind of underwhelming and borderline offensive at the same time -- mathowie

H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast

Post 86034 by Parasite Unseen deleted for the following reason: Thanks to Parasite Unseen for the disclosure that this is actually kind of a self-link by proxy from someone else using his computer, which isn't really okay and whoever that was should really look into not posting to websites using other people's accounts. -- cortex

Steakhouse? Or Gay Bar?

Post 86031 by glaucon deleted for the following reason: Eh, people not loving this. -- cortex

What's in a name

Post 86020 by nax deleted for the following reason: Happy birthday to whoever, but this is basically a flat-out stunt post. Metafilter is not your personal facebook status update. -- cortex

Sand animation

Post 86013 by Ljubljana deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


Shut Up Woman Get on My Horse

Post 86008 by Senor Cardgage deleted for the following reason: Double -- mathowie

We may never know

Post 86007 by jadayne deleted for the following reason: Not really worth a post here. -- mathowie

The Particle God Doesn't want

Post 86003 by shownomercy deleted for the following reason: The Large Hadron Collider is used to being SCIENCED ALL ITS LIFE -- cortex

Christ, what a critter.

Post 86000 by not_on_display deleted for the following reason: sweetie, sorry when I sent you this I didn't mention that I was the judge. ack! xo! -- jessamyn

Death of a great man

Post 85993 by cameronfromedinburgh deleted for the following reason: Great man notwithstanding, this is really really thin for a post and should probably be done better if it's going to be done at all. -- cortex

Is Wells Fargo's Credit Card Division Customer Friendly or Incompetent?

Post 85976 by credit-expert deleted for the following reason: This is a weak post to a short, unsupported article with no references. Strike 1. You shouldn't editorialize so much in a mefi post. Strike 2. Probably a self-link. Strike... -- vacapinta -- jessamyn


Where are you in the Movie?

Post 85971 by MrBCID deleted for the following reason: I am at that part where the black cat walks by for the second time. -- cortex

International BBC iPhone Application

Post 85966 by nam3d deleted for the following reason: Looks like we've seen it. -- cortex

Saturn at equinox

Post 85964 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: this rings a bell AHAHAHAHAHA RINGS HAHAHAHA okay sorry -- cortex

Football, dogfighting and brain damage.

Post 85957 by The Card Cheat deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


There's a rep for that.

Post 85950 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: "Down already, and exactly the sort of substance-free hurf durf we disagree politically isn't that awful junk the blue needs less of." -- jessamyn


You Tell 'Em, Chomsky & Chavez!

Post 85919 by cafe_prole deleted for the following reason: Setting aside the pull-quoting-a-strongly-worded-editorial thing, this link takes readers to a pledge page on first click and that's really not okay. -- cortex

SEC Hires 29-Year Old Adam Storch for Key Role

Post 85918 by pallen123 deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this remains SEC ResumeFilter basically. -- cortex

HomeFront (sorta like StormFront, but in an apron and with chafed nipples)

Post 85912 by felch deleted for the following reason: What you're linking to here needs to be much presented much more carefully. A NSFW at least, possibly much more. -- vacapinta


Goldman Sachs exec hired at SEC enforcement

Post 85895 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter. It is getting into GYOB territory and the timeline is just copypasta. -- jessamyn

Knives are out

Post 85887 by mippy deleted for the following reason: Crazy person blogs nutso conspiracy theory about shitty paper? This is really kind of thin. -- cortex

John Brown, terrorist or revolutionary?

Post 85884 by mareli deleted for the following reason: previously -- cortex

Heterosexualist male nominates hottest fighter dudes in mixed martial arts

Post 85883 by joeclark deleted for the following reason: this is a single link blog post to a "hey let's ogle these people" essay. Without some context -- MMA is really interesting to straight guys because of this? yes? maybe? -- it's sort of thin ice for a MeFi post. -- jessamyn


Blame It On the Alcohol

Post 85875 by hermitosis deleted for the following reason: We removed this earlier. -- mathowie

Policing in New Zealand

Post 85866 by i_am_joe's_spleen deleted for the following reason: this is kind of thin for a SLYT post -- mathowie

Why God Made Convenience Store Cameras

Post 85865 by CunningLinguist deleted for the following reason: This cuts a little close to the ol' Fark bone, really. -- cortex


**This site contains photos of a cervix**

Post 85843 by Cat Pie Hurts deleted for the following reason: I did like this the first time around -- jessamyn

50 Years 1 Map

Post 85841 by kliuless deleted for the following reason: dooooouuubles iiiiinnn spaaaaaaaaaaccceeee -- cortex


Post 85839 by jaybol deleted for the following reason: I like a good infographic and everything, but this is way thin for a front page post. -- cortex

RIP Capt Lou Albano

Post 85833 by fixedgear deleted for the following reason: sorry -- jessamyn

Notice anything different? It's the new GOP.com!

Post 85822 by Strange Interlude deleted for the following reason: pretty much already in MeTa -- jessamyn


The Guardian is gagged

Post 85786 by lucia__is__dada deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


Gag? You'll Retch

Post 85777 by WPW deleted for the following reason: blast and damn -- cortex

The Fun Theory

Post 85774 by Cool Papa Bell deleted for the following reason: Yeah, we just did this last week unfortunately (it's still a cool project) -- mathowie

Your logo makes me barf.

Post 85770 by jbickers deleted for the following reason: the site is dead, it fell on its head. plus it maybe wasn't so awesome to begin with, possibly? -- jessamyn

Rectum? Damn near killed him!

Post 85762 by jason's_planet deleted for the following reason: Damn near farked 'em -- cortex

Social media versus email. It is a battle to the death, right?

Post 85760 by jeremias deleted for the following reason: Probably not a good idea to make a post that is basically an excuse to complain about the thing you're posting. Sucky tech journalism can do a perfectly fine job of sucking without an ironically framed post to mefi. -- cortex


The Hand Drawn Map Association

Post 85749 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: cartwography -- cortex


I- just got some in my eye...

Post 85736 by Casimir deleted for the following reason: THE SAND OH GOD IS THERE NO END TO THE SAND -- cortex

The worst TV program ever made?

Post 85731 by Damienmce deleted for the following reason: this has a GYOB-ish tone which might have been okay but really an Obama/Twitter crack? -- jessamyn


JEWWW vill (sadly, not) vatch! (yet!)

Post 85714 by mikelieman deleted for the following reason: You've kind of built a post around a video that is explicitly not available for watching; much love to Buddy Hackett, but there's no meat here, and that really doesn't work for a front page post. -- cortex

Clayton James Cubitt's Katrina

Post 85711 by shetterly deleted for the following reason: please take a self-imposed day off from this topic so that you do not have to take a non-self imposed day off. This post is a double -- jessamyn

Jesus wept

Post 85698 by KokuRyu deleted for the following reason: Eh, just keep it in the original thread? -- cortex

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post 85693 by mr.marx deleted for the following reason: This was posted earlier. -- mathowie


Barack Hussein Obama will not meet Dalai Lama

Post 85666 by Incense Man deleted for the following reason: Fixed the typos and then figured if you can't spell the president's name right maybe we shoudl take another crack at this topic that is less GYOBish. -- jessamyn


"voice of the voiceless ones"

Post 85652 by nickyskye deleted for the following reason: previously -- cortex


'ten - shun!!

Post 85626 by MajorDundee deleted for the following reason: so much editorial that you should probably put this on your personal blog. -- mathowie

Bacon is good for me!!!

Post 85622 by ktrain deleted for the following reason: Blech, a Reality TV clip? -- cortex


Art, up close and personal.

Post 85617 by R. Mutt deleted for the following reason: eh -- cortex

I call some bird as my witness

Post 85614 by Merlin The Happy Pig deleted for the following reason: news of the crazy people makes the sensitive mod sad. Plus one link to news and one to wiki isn't really great as far as MeFi goes. -- jessamyn


We drop laser guided bombs from UAV's daily; Can someone please get our Legislative overlords a PEN? a CRAYON? SOMETHING...

Post 85576 by infinite intimation deleted for the following reason: nothing personal, but this is realyl better suited for a personal blog - it's heavy on the editorials and a link to google news searches really isn't whaat we're looking for here. -- jessamyn


U.S. Government Gold Manipulation Document Declassified

Post 85558 by rough ashlar deleted for the following reason: a link to a contextless pdf as if we can sort of jump into this story in the midde may not be the best way of framing this information. -- jessamyn

Windmills over Malawi

Post 85545 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


Science tatoos

Post 85538 by Daddy-O deleted for the following reason: posted previously, alas. -- jessamyn


Post 85533 by Asparagirl deleted for the following reason: fun but seen it -- jessamyn

Hobbits in Space?

Post 85530 by litterateur deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

Photographer Michael Levin's Amazing Story

Post 85526 by PhotoFilter deleted for the following reason: I'm on vacation but as a personal favor I'll go ahead and delete this and ban you. -- cortex

Stories of Ambien Use and Abuse

Post 85520 by celerystick deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie

Increase your earning power!

Post 85512 by Ruthless Bunny deleted for the following reason: sort of a thin newsfilter post that seems a little GYOB-ish. -- jessamyn


Pancake Sorting Robot

Post 85484 by odinsdream deleted for the following reason: See previous pancake-sorting robot post. -- vacapinta


Hybrids, the silent killers, part two

Post 85478 by mojohand deleted for the following reason: while we're not gong to ban you for linking to your own profile, we're not really going to let you do it either. -- jessamyn

Movie "Untitled"

Post 85462 by Matthias Rascher deleted for the following reason: single link posts to movie trailers without some sort of "this is why this might be a good post for MeFi" parts is sort of not a good way to do posts here. -- jessamyn


Polanski arrested in Switzerland

Post 85424 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: I'm afraid you've pulled a Generalissimo, sir. -- cortex


Post 85419 by sleevener deleted for the following reason: Seen it. -- cortex

Hitler as the object of comedy

Post 85402 by Matthias Rascher deleted for the following reason: this is sort of a GYOB situation. -- jessamyn


Sexy music

Post 85379 by Matthias Rascher deleted for the following reason: Not really sure what the hell is going on here, but linking to stuff you yourself have put up on the web is one of the hard and fast "don't do this or you'll get banned" rules around here. -- cortex