
Pancake Sorting Robot

Post 85484 by odinsdream deleted for the following reason: See previous pancake-sorting robot post. -- vacapinta


Hybrids, the silent killers, part two

Post 85478 by mojohand deleted for the following reason: while we're not gong to ban you for linking to your own profile, we're not really going to let you do it either. -- jessamyn

Movie "Untitled"

Post 85462 by Matthias Rascher deleted for the following reason: single link posts to movie trailers without some sort of "this is why this might be a good post for MeFi" parts is sort of not a good way to do posts here. -- jessamyn


Polanski arrested in Switzerland

Post 85424 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: I'm afraid you've pulled a Generalissimo, sir. -- cortex


Post 85419 by sleevener deleted for the following reason: Seen it. -- cortex

Hitler as the object of comedy

Post 85402 by Matthias Rascher deleted for the following reason: this is sort of a GYOB situation. -- jessamyn


Sexy music

Post 85379 by Matthias Rascher deleted for the following reason: Not really sure what the hell is going on here, but linking to stuff you yourself have put up on the web is one of the hard and fast "don't do this or you'll get banned" rules around here. -- cortex

Ghandi, Tutu, MLK, and Israel

Post 85368 by jefficator deleted for the following reason: as these things go, this is not a great way to do this. -- jessamyn

Dunning–Kruger effect

Post 85364 by kathrineg deleted for the following reason: seen it a few times before - please do not link to google redirects, get the actual URLs of the content you're linking to. -- jessamyn


Michael Moore Declares War on Capitalism

Post 85336 by jefficator deleted for the following reason: this is, I believe, still being discussed in an open thread -- jessamyn

The Staffordshire Hoard

Post 85331 by homunculus deleted for the following reason: Double. -- pb

"When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books’"

Post 85328 by filthy light thief deleted for the following reason: as much as I love this story, you can post some links in the original, still open thread. -- jessamyn

It's Not Alright

Post 85323 by ChurchHatesTucker deleted for the following reason: posted previously. and thanks dersins. -- jessamyn


"I'm not saying that that's what the Administration is planning to do. . ."

Post 85307 by Optimus Chyme deleted for the following reason: this is a big story that this post has put a weird nasty spin on - not saying there may not be some truth to it, but it's definitely not a good example of "how to cover a touchy issue on MeFi" -- jessamyn

Joss & Co. reveal plans for a Dr. Horrible sequel: Maybe a movie?

Post 85289 by litterateur deleted for the following reason: this probably needs to come back as a full post when there's some more there there. Otherwise it's more of a whedonesque thing. -- jessamyn

A Luxury Florida Vacation Rental Home

Post 85287 by bennyzebs deleted for the following reason: spam, spam, spam, spam.... -- vacapinta


"There it is; that's the culprit."

Post 85283 by gottabefunky deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta

Lil Bunnies

Post 85260 by electricsandwich138 deleted for the following reason: This post sucks enough that it must be your band -- mathowie

In defense of the Police, he does have two arms

Post 85252 by vivelame deleted for the following reason: MeFi does police brutalty stories poorly. lulzy headlines to not make for good discussions, neither do "fucking pigs" comments. -- jessamyn


The greatest breakdancers OF ALL TIME (sytl)

Post 85240 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: The general conclusion here seems to be that this is not a very good post. -- cortex


Murder Ballads, Secret London and more

Post 85211 by filthy light thief deleted for the following reason: posted instead of previewed! -- jessamyn


I can't believe that was inside me!

Post 85190 by empath deleted for the following reason: Double. -- pb


Google Preview Firefox Addon

Post 85178 by jakubsnm deleted for the following reason: A link to an old Firefox add-on is very thin for a FPP. -- pb

R. Crumb Genesis

Post 85175 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn

Literal Music Videos

Post 85162 by Bugbread deleted for the following reason: these are great but they've been viewed here recently and even though it seems like pretty much everyone has a youtube account the popup error is sort of maddening. -- jessamyn


Jade Wolf - flash game

Post 85140 by FerociousTurnip deleted for the following reason: this is mega-sketchy-seeming -- jessamyn -- jessamyn

Cheney. You must indict Cheney. Only then, a Jedi will you be.

Post 85134 by Jon_Evil deleted for the following reason: Mix of kind of awesome and kind of not really a good post. -- cortex

Who wants honey?

Post 85121 by swift deleted for the following reason: If there's no there there and you don't care, it's officially a bad post. -- cortex


You know you want all of it, just because it's free

Post 85117 by Gonestarfishing deleted for the following reason: Honestly, if you are not aware that this looks like the kind of low-rent crap-shill site that we ban people for linking to in self-interest, you need to become aware of that. Benefit of the doubt and all, but this is a terrible link. Your sister may not be the best personal I-Ching going as far as what should and shouldn't be a (self-aware, semi-ironic, it's funny because it sucks?) metafilter post. from cortex and -- jessamyn

Librophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries

Post 85107 by Mike Buechel deleted for the following reason: I do love a great library but we've seen these before. -- jessamyn

The Art + Science Of Seeing

Post 85100 by ThistleDownHair deleted for the following reason: while the mag has sworn they do not abuse trusted forums, this still seems very very shill-like. -- jessamyn

Like Google Street View

Post 85082 by RoseyD deleted for the following reason: previously -- cortex


365 Days of Getting Buff

Post 85075 by ~Sushma~ deleted for the following reason: This is from five years ago or so. There is a whole site about it where the guy never left home, measured out his food by the gram, etc. -- mathowie

Standin on the corner not doin no harm

Post 85070 by Countess Elena deleted for the following reason: no offense but ths is really, again, not going to go well here. -- jessamyn

With a side of snark

Post 85059 by Ruthless Bunny deleted for the following reason: there is a lot wrong with this post. -- jessamyn



Post 85034 by champthom deleted for the following reason: Try harder! -- mathowie

He had the time of his life

Post 85033 by Mr. Bad Example deleted for the following reason: Maybe try a better version? -- mathowie

Do you Sporcle?

Post 85025 by kmz deleted for the following reason: This is basically literally a double, right? -- cortex



Post 85013 by HotPants deleted for the following reason: Huffington post. Entertainment news. This isnt a good post for metafilter. -- vacapinta

Movie Posters from Ghana

Post 85010 by graventy deleted for the following reason: already sort of previously -- jessamyn

Because every face has a story

Post 85009 by paulschreiber deleted for the following reason: Looks like a cool project, but no self-linking paul. -- mathowie

Sony Blue

Post 85006 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is just kind of ho-hum. -- mathowie


Hairway to Stephen Hawking

Post 84994 by Brian B. deleted for the following reason: looks like a hoax in a tabloid -- mathowie

Before There Was Viagra

Post 84990 by gonadostat deleted for the following reason: This is very weak for a FPP. -- pb


Will the Six Great Stages of Evolution Be Followed by a Seventh?

Post 84940 by sundance1001 deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned. -- mathowie

Mr. Rogers: The Movie!!!!

Post 84935 by Spaizy deleted for the following reason: you cannot link to your friend's stuff on MeFi. -- jessamyn

Help with a cease and desist letter

Post 84934 by Frugalforlife deleted for the following reason: this is on the wrong part of the site. -- jessamyn


Moving quickly, Brooks slammed his metal-topped cane onto the unsuspecting Sumner's head.

Post 84915 by minimii deleted for the following reason: Mefi posts need interesting links first and foremost -- mathowie

Film Poster Paintings from Ghana

Post 84895 by Artw deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn

Bizarre Photos and Photomanipulation

Post 84892 by netbros deleted for the following reason: The gallery isn't that interesting or coherent (photo from 1900 next to photo of woman pooping in a park? what the what?), second link is meh as well. -- mathowie

Abercrombie & Fitch: If you're different, don't shop here.

Post 84888 by nj_subgenius deleted for the following reason: this sucks that this happened but it's basically a single link news story about a hate-on topic. Can we do it better? -- jessamyn

Is it Caturday yet?

Post 84885 by Eideteker deleted for the following reason: This isn't appropriate for MetaFilter. -- pb


sand animations

Post 84876 by dhruva deleted for the following reason: it is so lovely we like to talk about it a lot. -- jessamyn

Lego Sudoku Solver

Post 84873 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: we've kind of done the rubber room already -- mathowie


Gomi's photography

Post 84843 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: this is very very adorable but just a link to someone's Flickrstream -- even someone awesome like gomichild -- is sort of a not-all-there MeFi post. -- jessamyn -- mathowie

The word socialism wasn't mentioned once.

Post 84839 by princesspathos deleted for the following reason: See discussion in the open thread. -- cortex

In an extinct volcano, curious lifeforms

Post 84837 by shii deleted for the following reason: recently -- cortex

Documenting the people in emergency rooms

Post 84835 by medici00 deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned -- cortex


Test Post

Post 84822 by pb deleted for the following reason: test complete! -- pb

Symphony of Sorrowful Songs

Post 84820 by Rafaelloello deleted for the following reason: This feels like a post trying to do two very different things in a way that doesn't make sense as a contribution to the front page. -- cortex


Screens Win Again

Post 84796 by emhutchinson deleted for the following reason: Covered a week or so ago, feel free to add new links there as a comment. -- cortex


Woot's Metafilter homage

Post 84791 by gregschoen deleted for the following reason: More of a Metatalk thing, really. Good news: there's a thread about it over there already. -- cortex


Post 84788 by GuyZero deleted for the following reason: I am not feeling this. -- jessamyn

Undercover Investigation at Hy-Line Hatchery

Post 84781 by garnetgirl deleted for the following reason: this is a little GYOB-ish I'm afraid. -- jessamyn

16 girls, 1 bike (eventually).

Post 84775 by kanuck deleted for the following reason: Came up in this still-open thread from a couple weeks ago. -- cortex

Spoiler: things don't look so great for Louisiana.

Post 84772 by Navelgazer deleted for the following reason: seen it. -- jessamyn

Health Care Isn’t Health (Or Happiness)

Post 84761 by Xurando deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- vacapinta


The local celebration of Glen Beck Day

Post 84757 by somnambulist deleted for the following reason: This reads like a blog entry, not a metafilter post. -- cortex

Go ahead, punk.

Post 84739 by foodbedgospel deleted for the following reason: this blog is not yet live. it has two posts. I'm not sure what it's doing on metafilter, but it seems a little bit more like a pR stunt and less something that is already awesome. Please post this when it is already awesome if it does in fact become awesome. -- jessamyn

Hidden in plain sight!

Post 84729 by twoleftfeet deleted for the following reason: We're discussing sub-par "Glenn Beck sucks" posts in Metatalk, feel free to discuss this there if you need to. -- cortex


the hard goodbye

Post 84719 by plexi deleted for the following reason: please post this in the open thread -- jessamyn


Post 84713 by swift deleted for the following reason: This is one of those things where I can appreciate it being out there as bit of apt rhetoric but I really, really don't think we need to do it here. -- cortex

10 paintings from some truly gifted artists. (IMHO)

Post 84711 by delrond deleted for the following reason: The gallery was so boring I knew it had to be a self-link, and it was. Of course. -- mathowie

Was the "greatest war photograph of all time" faked?

Post 84702 by rottytooth deleted for the following reason: Looks like we did this last year already. -- cortex

In the Rubber Room

Post 84698 by killdevil deleted for the following reason: YOU ARE THE GLUE -- cortex

The system is built for us, man

Post 84696 by reenum deleted for the following reason: I'm sure this was a coup for the Journal Sentinal, but out of that specific local-journo context this really does read like a heavy-handed rehash of the 80s "Welfare Queen" boogeyman. I don't know if your more inside was supposed to redeem this if it had existed, but it doesn't and this isn't great. -- cortex

Glenn Beck guilty of murder? You decide.

Post 84691 by stupidsexyFlanders deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for metafilter. There is no link to anything authoritative and as such is just a conspiracy theory post. Even wackier, your glenn beck link has nothing to do with this. -- vacapinta -- vacapinta


Joy, I've been nice to ya, but now, I'm comin' to the edge.

Post 84679 by phaedon deleted for the following reason: I feel like we've pretty much emptied the well on the whole giving-directions-to-fark deletion reasons, so I'm just gonna delete this and leave it at that. -- cortex

Say what?

Post 84661 by Guy_Inamonkeysuit deleted for the following reason: You might want to project this all the way to Ask Metafilter -- vacapinta