Post 78767 by Foci for Analysis deleted for the following reason: Pending netcraft confirmation notwithstanding, looks like this may be a non-story already, so let's just leave it in the grey. -- cortex
Scientific Attempt To Create Most Annoying Song Ever
Post 78748 by rageagainsttherobots deleted for the following reason: We've seen this before, but I can't recommend strongly enough that we all go listen to these singing cats. -- cortex
Kramer lives - in Philly
Post 78729 by stupidsexyFlanders deleted for the following reason: DAMMIT LIONEL YOU GOT TO STOP SNEAKING ONTO THE FRONT PAGE -- cortex
Single Post, Double Crooks.
Post 78693 by weapons-grade pandemonium deleted for the following reason: This is pretty thin and FARKish news-of-the-weird stuff. -- cortex
Raggle taggle ruminants! Rapscallion!
Post 78648 by e-state 4.0 deleted for the following reason: We had a Tin Tin And His Sexuality post a couple weeks ago, and it wasn't quite so GYOB. Maybe add new stuff to that? -- cortex
Prairie Dogs of Capitol Hill
Post 78615 by paulinsanjuan deleted for the following reason: if these are your friends pictures this is totally not okay for MetaFilter. -- jessamyn
I wasn't made an expert, I was born one.
Post 78607 by ClanvidHorse deleted for the following reason: if this weren't so familiar it might be more amusing, as it is I know this is supposed to be "oh man this guy is a dick" but repetition just makes it into dicks on parade w/o the funny. -- jessamyn
Participants at the IndexhibitParticipants at the Indexhibit
Post 78603 by whiterussian deleted for the following reason: What in the heckity heck is this? -- cortex
The Inauguration -- Up Close
Post 78601 by VicNebulous deleted for the following reason: Contrary to popular belief, this does not when combined with the other one yield a 3D stereogram. -- cortex
Heckuva job, Bushie
Post 78475 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: by the time I woke up this post had as many flags as it had comments - maybe people are clicking the wrong thing? Can we please make an effort to make posts that are interesting/funny/thought-provoking and not GRARGRARIHATETHESEPEOPLE? Thank you. -- jessamyn
The Moment
Post 78466 by silby deleted for the following reason: Mentioned already in this thread today, and we've got a lot of inauguration-related posts on the front page already, so this is probably overdoing it a little. -- cortex
Happy Inauguration Day
Post 78451 by aliceinreality deleted for the following reason: single link oddly-timed blog post about Obama. -- jessamyn
Hitler's at it again
Post 78446 by popadoodle deleted for the following reason: probably a self-link -- vacapinta :: Straight up, v-man. Woof. Bye, Andy! -- cortex
Too lavish an inauguration?
Post 78443 by codswallop deleted for the following reason: The intent of this post to editorialize via deception. Either this post belongs in 2005 or you need to be more honest about what you are doing. -- vacapinta
Just when you thought it was safe to Twitter
Post 78337 by limeonaire deleted for the following reason: Kinda thin for a post. Further information about this deletion can be found on the internet. -- cortex
No. Don't. Stop. Seriously.
Post 78325 by grapefruitmoon deleted for the following reason: "Have you ever done this before?" -- cortex
PETA renames "fish."
Post 78314 by wallstreet1929 deleted for the following reason: Instead of calling them "doubles", these are henceforth known "web zaphods". -- cortex
One last great act of stupidity before Obama takes over?
Post 78302 by jeffburdges deleted for the following reason: If this is worth posting about, can you please regroup and make the effort to post about it well? -- cortex
Obama already needs help from superheroes?
Post 78297 by jwakawaka deleted for the following reason: Tune in last week for what we can't resist calling...BARACK BE A SPIDEY TONIGHT -- cortex
Out of a Jobs.
Post 78277 by stepheno deleted for the following reason: I added the stevejobs tag to the original post on this to help people find it. -- jessamyn
You're gonna have to come down here!
Post 78271 by cjorgensen deleted for the following reason: de plane, corinthian leather, KHAAAAAN, etc. -- cortex
Death by BART (followup)
Post 78255 by Mr_Zero deleted for the following reason: Previous thread is only six days old and folks are discussing it there. -- cortex
Tweaking the cortex.
Post 78214 by gman deleted for the following reason: Ping Pong Tripout II: Ganzfeld Boogaloo. (also plz stop tweaking me tia) -- cortex
Prop. 8 donors want to stay in the closet
Post 78208 by nospecialfx deleted for the following reason: Better to just put this in the existing thread. -- cortex
Stacey Lannert's murder sentence commuted
Post 78183 by Restless Day deleted for the following reason: thi sis not a good post for metafilter - it seems a little outragefilter and it's just copypasted text from the main link. -- jessamyn
The new poisson d'avril collection. Exclusively from Barneys.
Post 78161 by The Ardship of Cambry deleted for the following reason: Not really much here, is there? -- cortex
The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart.
Post 78133 by resurrexit deleted for the following reason: this kind of oddball news of the weird. -- mathowie
Even Bibleman falls on hard times...
Post 78106 by flipyourwig deleted for the following reason: suicide + bible guy = this is not a good time for this. -- jessamyn
A good year in astronomy
Post 78075 by Vindaloo deleted for the following reason: Nice pix, and APOD rules, but the blog itself is just another cheeseball content-recycler run by some SEO blechface. -- cortex
History of the Internet in HD
Post 78040 by cmchap deleted for the following reason: you probably meant to post this as a comment in the existing thread -- mathowie
The Wheel. Reinvented.
Post 78030 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: sorry no squeeee, please try again. -- jessamyn
Making a Banana Foster the hard way
Post 78018 by MiltonRandKalman deleted for the following reason: this thing going to expolad -- cortex
Iz me your emperor
Post 78014 by shiu mai baby deleted for the following reason: This seems like a tremendously bad idea. -- cortex
Raed Jarrar picks up $240,000
Post 78011 by Man with Lantern deleted for the following reason: This is two links to an old metafilter thread. -- cortex
Too little, too late?
Post 78009 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: We're getting a lot of mileage out of this thing. -- cortex
Alpha Inventions
Post 77993 by Alexandra Kitty deleted for the following reason: This may be one a site that's actively making the web a worse place. In either case, people here sure hate it. -- cortex
A New Post On An Old Story
Post 77958 by Stephen Elliott deleted for the following reason: maybe a little too close for comfort and linking three times to the same post seems a little off. -- jessamyn
Phish Playing 5 Nights at Red Rocks?
Post 77945 by jon_hansen deleted for the following reason: Sort of weirdly non-story rumorfilter stuff here for post material. -- cortex
Propaganda war: rockets or oxygen cylinders?
Post 77944 by Surfin' Bird deleted for the following reason: We've had a lot of posts about the I/P conflict. This would be better as a comment in the existing thread from earlier today. -- mathowie
Post 77932 by grapefruitmoon deleted for the following reason: can't say as I enjoyed this exactly, but it sure was interesting and yet it is now gone from the Flickrverse and Google cache. -- jessamyn