
"... the bank shall smart for it"

Post 76982 by up in the old hotel deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn


Shoot Out at Toys R Us!

Post 76970 by teej deleted for the following reason: This is pretty awful, but not good for a post and we had a Black Friday Goes Wrong post yestreday already. -- cortex

Monster Cash

Post 76956 by geos deleted for the following reason: pretty weak goofy song, video was pretty much pointless -- mathowie


Out of Iraq. Check. Next...

Post 76908 by secondhand deleted for the following reason: this is a really weird ay to talk about what it seems like you want to talk about. -- jessamyn


Does Obama read Metafilter?

Post 76886 by zerobyproxy deleted for the following reason: This is a terrible post. The front page is not your political blog. -- cortex

Thanksgiving Gifts for Lefties

Post 76877 by Bitter soylent deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post for metafilter -- vacapinta


Change Marches Into the Hospital

Post 76873 by Glibpaxman deleted for the following reason: I don't think we need updates re: individual pages of change.org, it's kind of drilling down a bit far and a bit too frequently into a single site that's already been covered. -- cortex

Cystic Fibrosis Support = Racist?

Post 76870 by scabrous deleted for the following reason: this is an outragefllter post. If you really care about this topic and issue feel free to post again tomorrow with a little less epicfail tag. thank you -- jessamyn


Post 76861 by divabat deleted for the following reason: deletion reason pretty much writes itself here -- cortex


Post 76860 by cal71 deleted for the following reason: Single tiny wire article = bad post. "This really needs to be known" is rarely a good foundations for a post, but if something is worth covering it's worth putting some effort into. -- cortex

Peter Schiff: Sometimes the bears are right and wrong

Post 76855 by stbalbach deleted for the following reason: We were just Schiffing it up a few days ago. Maybe add this to that thread as a comment? And yeah, the "Faux News" thing is a bit fark. -- cortex


Post 76847 by ws deleted for the following reason: I'm not seeing the Pirates/Citigroup connection (except metaphorically of course) -- vacapinta


we will never accept the principal of forgiveness

Post 76837 by shothotbot deleted for the following reason: Yeah, registration-only content is pretty much a non-starter. -- cortex

...always wondered how he played that.

Post 76836 by Parannoyed deleted for the following reason: igudesmanandtwo -- cortex

this is a test

Post 76815 by cortex deleted for the following reason: just a test -- cortex

You Betcha I Want My Change Back

Post 76808 by e-state 4.0 deleted for the following reason: ugh. -- jessamyn


Bruce Lee plays ping pong with nunchuck

Post 76798 by YoBananaBoy deleted for the following reason: Bruce Lee stand-in advertises Nokia phone? I'm not a hardcore OMG COMMERCIALISM guy, but this seems like it's pushing it awfully hard. -- cortex


Another DJ installs Wordpress

Post 76782 by spigoat deleted for the following reason: Wow, this is all kinds of self-link, Ian. -- cortex

Royal Fuck Up.

Post 76780 by gman deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie

Is your money safe?

Post 76769 by up in the old hotel deleted for the following reason: deleted at poster's request -- mathowie

Gratuitous use of the word 'Butt'

Post 76768 by coachfortner deleted for the following reason: Tiny news-of-the-weird reports really aren't good post material. -- cortex

...a BAWN-guh!

Post 76764 by not_on_display deleted for the following reason: I think this might be the fabled line in the sand, right here. -- cortex

Zero Zip Zilch!

Post 76756 by schyler523 deleted for the following reason: snake eyes -- cortex


Explorers discover Superman's Fortress of Solitude

Post 76742 by Kickstart70 deleted for the following reason: more like doub-el -- cortex

Line Rider

Post 76737 by St. Alia of the Bunnies deleted for the following reason: Been covered a lot previously, though it's nice that they added undo. -- cortex

Americans were sold a bad bill of goods.

Post 76733 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: Surely there is coverage of the transition available that is better and more meaty than two short articles, and a better way to present it. -- cortex

Bike Hero, SLYT

Post 76724 by krautland deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn


A little to the left, I can't see it there.

Post 76709 by spacewrench deleted for the following reason: I don't get it -- this is an ad for a magazine with a few links to porn magazines. Is there content here, or is it my ZOMG BLIND SPOT??? -- jessamyn

Your racist neighbour

Post 76704 by awfurby deleted for the following reason: that BNP thing is leakier than a swiss cheese submarine -- cortex

Big Three CEOs Flew Private Jets to Plead for Public Funds (ABC News)

Post 76695 by bondgirl53001 deleted for the following reason: this is sort of a single link newsy "look at these assholes" post, yes? -- jessamyn

What?! The product in this ad isn't real? I'm shocked! SHOCKED!

Post 76693 by yiftach deleted for the following reason: we covered the pomegranate viral ad already -- mathowie

Beatles Mystery Chord found with Math

Post 76681 by roaring beast deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn



Post 76661 by gman deleted for the following reason: there's an open TSA thread still on the front page which might be an okay place to put this in. -- jessamyn

Most patronising website ever?

Post 76658 by Megami deleted for the following reason: Posting somethng because it's bad and lacks content is not testing well with the metafilter demographic, apparently. -- cortex

Modern Pirates

Post 76651 by up in the old hotel deleted for the following reason: Ye might append yer post as a comment to yon recent postie, arrr. -- cortex


Why Citibank is losing money: incompetence

Post 76634 by echodolphin deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned -- mathowie


Letter from a black girl: I love you guys.

Post 76603 by desjardins deleted for the following reason: I don't think "possibly trolling black pro-white racist garners paradoxical responses on white power site" is interesting enough by itself to cross the let's-link-to-Stormfront threshold. -- cortex

Free sheets with bulk orders.

Post 76589 by christopherious deleted for the following reason: you're reading a bit much into it, eh? -- mathowie


Privacy no more!

Post 76576 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: Beaten by a few minutes on the first link; go ahead and add the second one as a comment to your predescessor. -- cortex

Google's New Friend Connect Preview Release

Post 76561 by vjlenin deleted for the following reason: you just linked to your own blog. this is against the rules. you checked a box. I do not understnad what part of banned you do not understand. -- jessamyn -- mathowie


"So Much of His Brain is Damaged"

Post 76548 by eccnineten deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry to hear about this, but links to google searches do not make for good posts. If you want to go through those results and find some actual good content and try again tomorrow, that'd be a-okay with us, but this isn't the way to do it right here. -- cortex

I wont lie, it's despicable, cold, cruel and I feel like a serial killer.

Post 76544 by GuyZero deleted for the following reason: If it walks like an email forward and it quack like an email forward... -- cortex

An alternative Christian view on the legality of abortion (in fact ALL political activism)?

Post 76533 by spock deleted for the following reason: You posted about the religious rhetoric of a comment on a blog? And tagged on an editorial sting? This is not a good idea for a post. -- cortex

Prepare for the Shocker!

Post 76528 by ph00dz deleted for the following reason: This is kind of dumb on the face of it and has been pretty much covered here before, so, eh. -- cortex

Sure-fire signs of redundancy

Post 76527 by mossiman deleted for the following reason: Posting content from a pulbication you work for is a bannable offense. -- cortex


Some assembly may be required

Post 76512 by Autarky deleted for the following reason: This did get first-comment treatment just recently in this related thread, so I think we're essentially in double territory here. -- cortex

Real Estate Only Goes UP!

Post 76502 by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing deleted for the following reason: down with this sort of thing. -- jessamyn

Female Bodybuilders

Post 76501 by jim in austin deleted for the following reason: There's probably a good way to make a post about female bodybuilders, but this really isn't it. -- cortex


I wish...

Post 76492 by azarbayejani deleted for the following reason: old future news -- cortex

Onkel Baracks Hütte

Post 76484 by gman deleted for the following reason: news flash: racists still racist, Obama not yet president. -- jessamyn

Sexing up the monologue

Post 76471 by Bueller77 deleted for the following reason: Using metafilter to advertise your show is the sort of thing that gets people banned. -- cortex


I saw it on the T-V, it must be true

Post 76459 by Glibpaxman deleted for the following reason: great post but we saw it about two weeks ago. -- jessamyn

Did Y'See?

Post 76434 by mippy deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn

There Was An Election Last Night?

Post 76433 by Rykey deleted for the following reason: We may not need to cover the post-election in quite this much detail. -- cortex

Fuck Chuck Norris

Post 76431 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: This isn't good enough to merit a new Chuck Norris post. -- vacapinta


In case you were wondering

Post 76382 by kliuless deleted for the following reason: Some browser-crashy badness in the primary link. -- cortex


your most imaginative metaphor for the Bush years and Obama's election

Post 76358 by Broadside Affront deleted for the following reason: This doesn't really fit into metafilter anywhere -- mathowie


"You also have to give the bench a lot of credit."

Post 76346 by mosk deleted for the following reason: I would have deleted this earlier but I was kissing my newspaper again. -- jessamyn

Obama to make "public service" of our youth a "requirement."

Post 76340 by Jfalways deleted for the following reason: you have confused metafilter with a place where this sort of thing is approrpiate. Please do not grind your axe or editorialize over the top. Got something to share? Great, but this is not a good post for metafilter. -- jessamyn

Obama on Flickr, 11-04-08

Post 76330 by timeistight deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is probably not really needing its own post. Nice pictures, though. -- cortex


Israel and Obama's Change

Post 76316 by zouhair deleted for the following reason: Deleting this is eating into my Fallout 3 time, dangit. -- cortex

Congratulations, you've got the job

Post 76313 by salishsea deleted for the following reason: See very recent change.gov thread. -- cortex

Lame ducks are thought to have been bred from one strain of alcohol abusing ducks that drink and swim/or fly.

Post 76305 by cjorgensen deleted for the following reason: A little less dada and a little more good links next time, please. -- cortex

Sen. Smith concedes

Post 76294 by oneironaut deleted for the following reason: If we're going to have a post about the implications of a near supermajority Democratic senate, it ought to have some meat to it on the subject; an oregonlive link as an excuse to talk is not really the way to go with this. -- cortex


Bill Bishop on the Origins of Red and Blue America

Post 76289 by Ridonkulous deleted for the following reason: Sorry Andrew, no poptech links when you run poptech. -- mathowie

This is Show Business

Post 76288 by sluglicker deleted for the following reason: Maybe add this to the Nader/Vidal thread three doors down? -- cortex

Change is coming, Iran.

Post 76286 by Zambrano deleted for the following reason: post this as a comment on one of the many existing threads already discussing it. -- mathowie

Chalk one more up for the Dems

Post 76282 by mcstayinskool deleted for the following reason: I'm personally stoked about this too, but we really can't go crazy with the line-item election posts. -- cortex

Windows 7 announced

Post 76272 by dagosto deleted for the following reason: Eh, this seems like pretty thin early-gossip stuff. -- cortex

Prop. 8 lawsuit

Post 76270 by nospecialfx deleted for the following reason: With another Prop 8 thread this morning, this should probably be added to that as a comment rather than doubling up. -- cortex

RIP Jimmy Carl Black

Post 76267 by Guy_Inamonkeysuit deleted for the following reason: He's already been honored by the coveted James Brown Medal of Duplication. -- cortex

Tool to Stop spammer IP's

Post 76261 by ardhindie deleted for the following reason: fucking banned seo spammer. fucking banned. -- mathowie


make it stop

Post 76259 by sporb deleted for the following reason: yeah, no. -- mathowie

They're Already Drunk In Ireland

Post 76257 by hillabeans deleted for the following reason: a single blog post? kinda thin. -- mathowie

Emmy The Great

Post 76256 by vronsky deleted for the following reason: Yes, I've been drinking too. -- cortex

but what if the worst happens...

Post 76253 by chelseagirl deleted for the following reason: with results just beginning to come in, let's hold off until things get more official. -- mathowie

:(|)xXx })i({

Post 76245 by tybeet deleted for the following reason: more like three minute fairy fail amirite (i am in fact rite) -- cortex

All hail Hypnotoad

Post 76243 by grobstein deleted for the following reason: This is definitely a violation of animal law. -- cortex


Post 76239 by nyxxxx deleted for the following reason: This is a pretty bloggy/chatty writeup for an article by someone you sorta kinda know? I don't think this is a great idea. -- cortex

Other things today

Post 76237 by csteelatgburg deleted for the following reason: Wikipedia links don't really make for great post material. -- cortex


A short show from TED

Post 76211 by chelegonian deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie

Snake caught eating cocky

Post 76197 by LiviaLive deleted for the following reason: This is way too thin for a metafilter post in the first place, but a post to an article for a site you list yourself as "online sub editor" for? That's a bannin'. -- cortex

Ah Ha

Post 76185 by mattoxic deleted for the following reason: Posted Previously -- vacapinta


One radio call can change the world for McCain.

Post 76175 by waitingtoderail deleted for the following reason: there's already a nyuk nyuk Palin thread today. -- jessamyn

Sarah Palin Halloween costumes

Post 76173 by anirvan deleted for the following reason: kinda self-linky, sorry -- mathowie