
What trickles, if no money moves?

Post 74544 by Kickstart70 deleted for the following reason: old NYT op-ed as a post? really? -- mathowie

smoke signal?

Post 74543 by philip-random deleted for the following reason: What? This should maybe got in Metatalk, except it wouldn't make any sense there either. -- cortex

Rain might hurt New Orleans more than wind or surge

Post 74538 by Rafaelloello deleted for the following reason: please put this in the existing thread, thank you. -- jessamyn

Hurricane season? Good time to go camping.

Post 74536 by woodway deleted for the following reason: Gustav linkage would probably be best just added to the open thread. -- cortex

Six pounds, seven ounces and maybe a lie.

Post 74535 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: you should probably keep this in the existing palin thread -- mathowie

If I knew you were coming, I'da baked a cake

Post 74529 by mippy deleted for the following reason: posted previoulsy -- mathowie

Palin's Pastors

Post 74526 by Seymour Zamboni deleted for the following reason: there's an open thread on Palin right now and this is really not a substantive enough Palin update to have its own thread. -- jessamyn


Later I'll show you my phaser. More tea?

Post 74520 by Brandon Blatcher deleted for the following reason: Show me photos of costumed scifi/fantasy fans in their homes once, shame on you... -- cortex

Books are boring!

Post 74517 by vronsky deleted for the following reason: Go ahead and toss the new linkage into yhbc's post, yeah. -- cortex


So back to Supes.

Post 74497 by jbickers deleted for the following reason: what the hell? -- mathowie

State of the Presidential Race

Post 74485 by Allen3 deleted for the following reason: Metafilter, however, doesn't let you post your own website. Banned. -- cortex


Wither Obama?

Post 74475 by Slap*Happy deleted for the following reason: What the barack? -- cortex

tin eye

Post 74434 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: Recently, consarnit. -- cortex

Door Cat

Post 74432 by armoured-ant deleted for the following reason: This post appears to be going over like a clever designer cat toy shaped like a lead balloon. -- cortex

Keith is from Mars, Kristol is from Venus

Post 74430 by jckll deleted for the following reason: Can we please not overdose on this stuff? Can we especially not do so in the form of chat-baiting questions? -- cortex


The Erection of Disbelief

Post 74414 by Cochise deleted for the following reason: You and Cody seem to be all kinds of link buddies on your respective blogs, which pushes this firmly into not-so-cool friendlink territory. -- cortex

Who needs crack when you've got this level of adrenaline?

Post 74403 by telstar deleted for the following reason: Who does what to whom where? -- vacapinta


A map of the flesh

Post 74382 by Brandon Blatcher deleted for the following reason: do you like it here? do you like it there? did you like it before? -- jessamyn

children of men

Post 74381 by plexi deleted for the following reason: Usually the thing to do is to slop gasoline all over the place and then light a match, but that Parker article's a decent backup plan. Yikes. -- cortex


Bye Bye Beijing 2008, Welcome London 2012

Post 74378 by sagar13d deleted for the following reason: If backroom bets about self-links actually count for anything, I just made forty bucks off this. Banned for life. -- cortex


DNC snubs one of its biggest constituencies

Post 74347 by kldickson deleted for the following reason: if this is newsworthy enough to be on metafilter, maybe you could make a decent post that doesn't make it seem like you have some sort of axe to grind? Perhaps you can practice on politicalfilter.com Also you "last post" people? You are NOT HELPING. Thank you. Please go outside. -- jessamyn


Try saying this ticket 3 times fast...

Post 74338 by JoeXIII007 deleted for the following reason: sorry, the other one IS better. I'll move the comments over too -- mathowie

Southwestern Style

Post 74330 by homunculus deleted for the following reason: seems like a great post for politica... oh what's that you say? really? and it's relevant now why? oh, okay then. -- jessamyn

New Bloons - but not Bloons ;)

Post 74320 by gamerfreak deleted for the following reason: self-link ass, banned -- mathowie


If you can't get it from voting, sue!

Post 74314 by rough ashlar deleted for the following reason: americasright? Sorry, but not really a good post -- vacapinta

Nothing to see here... move along...

Post 74312 by spock deleted for the following reason: this is a bad post and you are a bad person for posting it. -- jessamyn

I'm Sorry.

Post 74309 by butterstick deleted for the following reason: FAIL -- mathowie


Man wants to remain standing in death?

Post 74286 by femmme deleted for the following reason: News-of-the-weird blurbs generally don't make for great posts. -- cortex

Box Office Stream Graphs

Post 74279 by alms deleted for the following reason: Previously, though totally neat. And don't miss the Mefi treatment. -- cortex

Bush Administration: McCain Not Tortured

Post 74276 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: SLBOE - this would be good over at politicalfilter.com -- jessamyn

40 years of flopping

Post 74273 by kaszeta deleted for the following reason: Three wikipedia links and a short blurb is kind of thin for a post. -- cortex

All about Seth Green

Post 74267 by NikolaTesla deleted for the following reason: This would be a pretty middling post on it's own, but the last link is a total self-link, which pretty much teleports us straight to ban-ville. -- cortex

Time out. Breathe, smile. Perhaps laugh.

Post 74263 by seanmpuckett deleted for the following reason: while not a bad random collection of stuff on youtube, the fact remains that this is just a random collection of stuff on youtube. we don't really do 'open thread' stuff here so much and your tags seemed to indicate that there was some sort of MeFi problem that these videos might be addressing and if that's the case maybe metatalk is where you want to be? -- jessamyn



Post 74248 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: It's gonna be a long road to November. We can do a little better than this for electionfilter in the meantime. -- cortex

The Idol

Post 74244 by butterstick deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn

Environmentalism Borders On Authoritarianism

Post 74237 by tybeet deleted for the following reason: this is not a great post for metafilter. It reads much more like a one-sided op ed than a look into something interesting you found on the web and the pullquote is really slanty and hectoring. -- jessamyn


“Early morning hath gold in its mouth.” -- Benjamin Franklin

Post 74202 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: Blech. I get you that it's notably tasteless, but it's, you know, an actual ad for an actually scummy-looking business and the tastelessness is the only thing it has going for it. -- cortex

"Quiet please. I'm having trouble following the plot."

Post 74199 by Zambrano deleted for the following reason: This is like a double Nelson-failure thing here. Personally disliking a couple of blogs != good front page material. -- cortex


Sit Down Mark Spitz

Post 74192 by thisisdrew deleted for the following reason: Wikipedia editing minutiae isn't generally great post material, and this isn't an exception. -- cortex

Solve puzzles for science

Post 74190 by Xoc deleted for the following reason: i can't decide between the bad "double-helix" joke or the worse "protein shake" joke so I'm going to just admit defeat here and move on with my evening. -- cortex


Post 74188 by fcummins deleted for the following reason: Not really interesting webstuff and more like a roundup of breaking news presented in a kooky way. -- mathowie


Post 74185 by mr.marx deleted for the following reason: Ugh, this sucks. -- cortex

The Life of the Prior Taxpayer

Post 74177 by popechunk deleted for the following reason: may wan tot post this into the existing thread on the same topic -- jessamyn


Just sayin'

Post 74156 by kozad deleted for the following reason: neat! belongs in MetaTalk. -- jessamyn

Fake Ethnics. Bad Ethics.

Post 74155 by gman deleted for the following reason: Your first previously is a four-day-old thread that is very much available for this as a comment. Let's try not to completely overdose on Olympicsfilter. -- cortex

High Quality Images from Pyongyang, North Korea

Post 74154 by deern the headlice deleted for the following reason: been there, seen high quality images from that -- cortex

The Global Society of YouTube

Post 74153 by tybeet deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie

The Premier Toilet Search Engine

Post 74150 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: Posted last week -- vacapinta


I said What? What? In my butt? Holy Ghost Explosion!

Post 74145 by Sir Mildred Pierce deleted for the following reason: LOLxtian dancers? -- mathowie

can you name that song?

Post 74132 by musicmaverick deleted for the following reason: you're banned douchebag who owns the music site being linked to! -- mathowie

When propaganda fails

Post 74131 by Surfin' Bird deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter. two fox news youtubs that you still felt the need to lol on top of? You may think this is someplace else. THIS IS METAFILTER. Thank you. -- jessamyn


So, USA - Russia War Starts Any Day Now...

Post 74098 by terrymiles deleted for the following reason: Ongoing discussion of Russia/Georgia/Ossetia/US in this THE SKY IS FALLING-free thread. -- cortex

Radical! Leftist! Socialist!

Post 74092 by jckll deleted for the following reason: "CRAZY MAN IS CRAZY" I appreciate the time you've taken with this post, but it's really OMG crazyfilter with a bunch of extra editorializing which isn't okay even if you've spent a lot of time crafting it. Seriously. Have you considered taking this to politicalfilter.com? I would. -- jessamyn

Are the end results worth it?

Post 74087 by Mastercheddaar deleted for the following reason: You really need to stop and think about how you're presenting your post, and why, before you put it on the front page. This is way too Outrage Editorial. -- cortex

Here we go again!

Post 74084 by ChickenringNYC deleted for the following reason: Oof, editorialize much? This is not a good way to make a post. -- cortex


Parents charged with murder sue city for not preventing them from starving their daughter.

Post 74073 by Saydrah deleted for the following reason: if you care about this issue it would be a good idea if you could not editorialize in your FPP. Trust people to know it's terrible, focus on finding good links. -- jessamyn

Economy hurts pig breeding but helps KFC

Post 74069 by gstevens deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned -- jessamyn



Post 74046 by rthgreen deleted for the following reason: this post links to sites that link to your business site, that's pretty not okay as far as self-linking rules go. -- jessamyn

In Soviet Russia...

Post 74037 by ignignokt deleted for the following reason: SLBOE outragefilter. this is not really something neat you found on the web and the phrasing and general OMG aspect precludes serious discussion of serious issues. -- jessamyn


T-Shirt Hell

Post 74025 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: We've seen these guys before, and this is pretty thin as a stand-alone post. -- cortex

and I thought both Newt and Edwards bad? how about...

Post 74019 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter. you may need to get your own blog. thank you. -- jessamyn

Candid Camera

Post 74009 by cosmic osmo deleted for the following reason: Almost all of these are old, uncredited pics, some are photoshopped as well. ick. -- mathowie


The Eval-U-Mate 3000!

Post 73997 by NikitaNikita deleted for the following reason: Looks like a double -- mathowie

Obama facts

Post 73995 by Class Goat deleted for the following reason: Ugh, yeah, this is more suck than interesting. -- cortex

The driest of tinder

Post 73989 by bicyclefish deleted for the following reason: please put this in the existing Georgia thread, thank you. -- jessamyn

Georgia and Russia conflict in South Ossetia

Post 73985 by k8t deleted for the following reason: recently -- cortex


Vote for which panels you'd like to see at SXSW '09

Post 73960 by gauchodaspampas deleted for the following reason: Though SXSW is a big conference, I don't think this is very interesting to more than a select subset of users on the site. -- mathowie


The Gaydar Challenge

Post 73934 by getitinwriting deleted for the following reason: Please do not try to make Metafilter a platform in the leveraging of your Innovative Internet Marketing, thanks. -- cortex

It is with a heavy heart that I address you today!

Post 73933 by beaucoupkevin deleted for the following reason: McSweeney's has been linked here often enough that multiple not-mind-blowingly-awesome posts inside of a month is probably not a great idea! And this one is kind of a one-note gag! -- cortex

History of the DC Universe.

Post 73909 by Soup deleted for the following reason: Hinky links. May undelete if we can figure out whats going on... -- vacapinta


I love eggs...but

Post 73896 by Hands of Manos deleted for the following reason: preovaiously -- cortex


Post 73895 by empath deleted for the following reason: that you actually added the 'lolxtians' tag yourself is probably not a great sign -- cortex

The Birth of UNPOP, Andy Warhol, & JonBenet Ramsey

Post 73891 by unpoppy deleted for the following reason: Between website/username match and shared surnames, this looks an awful lot like something that is not okay. -- cortex

Ha Ha America

Post 73883 by Happy Dave deleted for the following reason: Three 'Ha's are better than two, apparently. -- cortex


The Girl in the Window

Post 73873 by jpdoane deleted for the following reason: Feral Children Double Feature -- cortex

Let's Go Exploring

Post 73870 by gerryblog deleted for the following reason: Yep, this is the yearly "I love C&H; too, but this is pretty much not cool" deletion reason. -- cortex

Never Again, Again

Post 73867 by MDA38 deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter. this is too axe grindy and uses over the top editorializing language which obscures what might be an otehrwise decent point. Please do not do this here. -- jessamyn

The 50 Cent of the Cat Fancy Subscriber World

Post 73859 by SportsFan deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter and the OMGGAYZ makes it pretty deleteworthy on its own -- jessamyn

I had a mask on and no one knew who I was

Post 73852 by swift deleted for the following reason: And imdb forum thread is I think scraping to the thin side of post material, honestly. -- cortex


Baghdad 5 years later

Post 73847 by Surfin' Bird deleted for the following reason: if you're quoting editorials please use quote marks, otherwise this seems like an outragefilter overeditorialized posts. There are many good posts about Iraq and the terrible things that are going on there, but another OMGOMGOMG post doesn't lead to greater understanding. -- jessamyn

We've got this viral marketing thing licked

Post 73840 by ericbop deleted for the following reason: dumb ad. Usually I let these stay when they're amusing but this is just slow and dumb. -- mathowie


The Hive Mind (for the Hive Mind)

Post 73815 by Second Account For Making Jokey Comments deleted for the following reason: was this broken before? because it's certainly broken now. -- jessamyn

It was just an experiment, duh

Post 73813 by bonaldi deleted for the following reason: HEY LOOK WHAT I FOUND IT WAS UNDER A BRIDGE -- cortex


Moles and trolls, moles and trolls.

Post 73772 by nevercalm deleted for the following reason: sorry -- jessamyn

Ah, the American Dream.

Post 73769 by phaedon deleted for the following reason: Epic fiduciary fail on the Harper's parts, yeah, but this writeup is really kind of petty and mean-spirited and not great front page material. -- cortex

There is no news today.

Post 73767 by Smart Dalek deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn

angstrom gangsta

Post 73765 by Armitage Shanks deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

My dog has no nose. How does it smell? Awful!

Post 73762 by the_very_hungry_caterpillar deleted for the following reason: Vat is braun und schticky? -- cortex