
The Saltiest Dishes In America

Post 72161 by upick deleted for the following reason: kinda awful ad-infested site, bad presentation of top 20 salty chain restaurant foods -- mathowie

Joe Arpaio Appreciation Station

Post 72157 by Hiding From Goro deleted for the following reason: Joe Arpaio previously on mefi; the guy seems like an unaccountable douche, yes, but as a mefi post this is kind of a way into ranty grudgefilter the way you've put it together and not a great way to approach the subject. -- cortex

"APD says they will proceed with the citation against the photographer."

Post 72150 by metasonix deleted for the following reason: this is just not a very good post for metafilter - the links are all over the place and it's hard to figure out what's going on. -- jessamyn


Uncontacted tribe found in the Amazon, photographed

Post 72129 by drea deleted for the following reason: earlier today -- cortex

Politics and...baseball?

Post 72124 by HighTechUnderpants deleted for the following reason: yeah pretty much should go in yesterday's thread -- jessamyn

Previously unknown indigenous tribes discovered in Amazon

Post 72116 by desjardins deleted for the following reason: great post, but covered earlier -- mathowie


RIP Harvey Korman, 1927-2008

Post 72099 by cerebus19 deleted for the following reason: by a hair -- cortex

Yellow good. Red bad.

Post 72091 by afx237vi deleted for the following reason: posted a few days back -- mathowie

WW2 vet pwns wingnut blogger

Post 72079 by Artifice_Eternity deleted for the following reason: over the top editorializing undermines the general righteousness of this post. -- jessamyn

Bush Guilty of Treason?

Post 72078 by commonmedia deleted for the following reason: You know, we've been over this before. -- cortex


A world made round

Post 72064 by humanfont deleted for the following reason: wow, zero to fucked in like five comments. nice work, team. -- jessamyn


From Acute Lead Poisoning to Zorro Belly

Post 72032 by wendell deleted for the following reason: I liked this better when dios posted it. -- cortex

"A tip of hat to a class act."

Post 72024 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: RIP, RIP Sydney Pollack. -- cortex

A Helping Hand

Post 72012 by [NOT HERMITOSIS-IST] deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn


New Collarless Cat Flap

Post 71985 by winsoar deleted for the following reason: Oh, you better believe posting your clients' sites gets a paddlin' -- mathowie


click on any body part for it's exercises with sound

Post 71981 by democrat69 deleted for the following reason: So after you stumbled upon this site, you were all "whoopsy daisy!" and fell down and accidentally got your identifying info all over its whois entry? Hmmm, maybe not. -- cortex

Australian Man loses $700,000 football bet

Post 71978 by destinyland deleted for the following reason: This is a really, really thin-content blog post that also happens to be stumping the same flash game you posted to five days ago. What the heck? -- cortex

The Elusive Perfect Shave

Post 71973 by merc deleted for the following reason: Self-link. -- cortex

The Last Roundup

Post 71967 by psmealey deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

Pork & Beans

Post 71965 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: posted previously, prior WIN. -- jessamyn


Avoid Kenneth Lamar Noid

Post 71961 by blasdelf deleted for the following reason: WHAT PART OF "AVOID" WAS UNCLEAR? -- cortex

Freeman Dyson "Nails" the Heart of the Global Warming Debate

Post 71943 by yazi deleted for the following reason: Dyson's review may well be interesting, but this is a really weirdly personalized, GYOBish post, and trying to explicitly steer the conversation like you are here is kind of missing the point. -- cortex


Will No One Rid Me of This Meddlesome Presidential Candidate?

Post 71927 by kirkaracha deleted for the following reason: It was a pretty dumb choice of words, but isn't exactly post material. -- cortex

For the Internet's Eyes Only

Post 71920 by Toekneesan deleted for the following reason: Recently. Now if it was Elliott Gould talking about, like, the nearly-biological impulse to hit Donald Sutherland on the set of M*A*S*H, we'd be on to something. -- cortex

Wah wah whaaaaaaaat???

Post 71913 by strawberryviagra deleted for the following reason: this would probably be better in the existing thread or as a less screedy sounding post - really the topic of NSFW art + kids etc doesn't need to be done every day on MeFi. -- jessamyn

Poor mans version of a Mac (Hey, at at least it works)

Post 71912 by MikeonTV deleted for the following reason: First link is AWOL and the rest are kinda thin. This feels kinda like you got lost on the way to Slashdot, honestly. -- cortex


I Kinda Feel Your Pain

Post 71889 by Xurando deleted for the following reason: Condolences, but this kind of a weird and not-really-great collection of links. -- cortex

Drop Dead, Gorgeous

Post 71872 by netbros deleted for the following reason: Wow, people hate this. -- cortex


Deployments, Homecomings, Changes

Post 71864 by gman deleted for the following reason: The TLC link is just padding, and the real link is basically a press release. There's not a whole lot of there there, snarky "ruining" tag besides. -- cortex

I knew that motherfucker before he wore shoes!

Post 71850 by dersins deleted for the following reason: People seem to be dealing with it by flagging it a lot and saying it's tired. -- cortex

I Get Back Up

Post 71835 by netbros deleted for the following reason: kinda sucks as a webgame flash thing -- mathowie


The Beethoven Theory

Post 71821 by jonson deleted for the following reason: I'd love to say "i lol'd" but this is a one-off non-sexy non-secret -- jessamyn

Bitch Ain't Even Cold!

Post 71816 by Dormant Gorilla deleted for the following reason: This seems like pretty meh execution of what could in an alternate universe be fairly an entertaining idea. -- cortex

The Giant Holes That Devoured Everything Around Them

Post 71814 by MikeonTV deleted for the following reason: this is a sketch looking spammy post to a site that is run by a friend of yours. You can't do this here. -- jessamyn

The speediest browser so far

Post 71805 by maxyRO deleted for the following reason: I sort of think that maybe we need more than a good release candidate to be all OMG FIREFOX about all of this. -- jessamyn

Internet Panhandling?

Post 71801 by Raynyn deleted for the following reason: Blog with one post asking for money? This is an easy one. -- vacapinta

portraits of the dying

Post 71800 by Rumple deleted for the following reason: Before. After. -- vacapinta


Militarization of Consumer Companies

Post 71797 by five fresh fish deleted for the following reason: You kinda veered off into Yourownblogsville here. -- cortex

Pre Paid Legal Opportunity

Post 71783 by interchangez deleted for the following reason: Lady, I Amway ahead of you. -- cortex


50 helpful kitchen tips.

Post 71761 by Brandon Blatcher deleted for the following reason: Man, somebody in bed with this site actually self-linked a week or two ago. Bleh. -- cortex

Retro arcade shooter with a modern twist.

Post 71758 by dombruno deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned -- mathowie

Crossing Borders with Laptops and PDAs

Post 71751 by appleyar deleted for the following reason: kind of old news, a bit too much like a personal blog post for mefi -- mathowie


The magician turned the wale into a flower.

Post 71749 by shakespeherian deleted for the following reason: It looks like we have triplets! -- vacapinta

Test Post

Post 71740 by pb deleted for the following reason: Test complete! -- pb


Eastenders Gorilla Remix

Post 71732 by Arnolfini deleted for the following reason: blippy offshoot of old meme that's been done here -- cortex

Ignorance Is Never In Short Supply

Post 71722 by chuckdarwin deleted for the following reason: It's great that these guys managed to find the racially-charged soundbites they were clearly hunting for, but this doesn't seem like really great reporting. And why throw a personal jab at WV into a post? -- cortex

Astroturf Alert

Post 71719 by brendan66 deleted for the following reason: Your writeup is sort of weirdly bloggy and your links are just to a couple of sites that, in principle, don't deserve links. This might be an interesting story, but it's not a good post. -- cortex

Primary election blues

Post 71717 by semmi deleted for the following reason: don't do this here. -- jessamyn


It's a bird... It's a plane... No, it's a guy with a jetpack!

Post 71701 by quin deleted for the following reason: Yeah, I'm not sure we need another post at this point just to remind us that jetpack guy continues to be jetpack guy. -- cortex

Smart doggy

Post 71700 by ramix deleted for the following reason: twoof -- cortex

California Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

Post 71692 by rxrfrx deleted for the following reason: Slightly less rushed second post gets to stay. -- cortex

more wtf.

Post 71691 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: This really is pretty much just updatefilter. -- cortex


Post 71680 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: Next up: short film adaptations of Marmaduke strips, as performed by Michael Wonderlandau. -- cortex

A 21st century odyssey.

Post 71679 by markkraft deleted for the following reason: I don't think posting a donation story is a good post to mefi. -- mathowie

Project Prostitute

Post 71675 by carsonb deleted for the following reason: previously prostituted -- jessamyn


It's fun to do bad things

Post 71670 by Inspector.Gadget deleted for the following reason: For god's sake, why would we need another post about this kid? -- cortex

Gracious Departure

Post 71667 by netbros deleted for the following reason: This kind of seems like an excuse for sports chatter more than anything like an actual good post. -- cortex

It's a bird, it's a plane... it's...

Post 71657 by Zinger deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- mathowie

It's Like That Scene in "Big"... Only With Hookers

Post 71654 by vertigo25 deleted for the following reason: Real or not, this is a tiny little news-of-the-weird blurb. -- cortex

The Monster Engine

Post 71635 by jack_mo deleted for the following reason: Great stuff, but a double. -- cortex


Brilliant Women

Post 71631 by paduasoy deleted for the following reason: Restocking. -- cortex

mutant graffiti

Post 71627 by dhruva deleted for the following reason: graffitwo -- cortex

she's so fat she puts mayonnaise on aspirin.

Post 71619 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: ba dum ksshhh -- cortex

The Last Stand 2

Post 71617 by game2 deleted for the following reason: The tattoo is in German. It means "thee, spammer, thee". -- cortex

Checks and balance sheets

Post 71614 by johannahdeschanel deleted for the following reason: This is something to stick on your own blog; it's really not a good post for metafilter. -- cortex

Chocolate chip cookies, Alaska, Polio vaccines, The Golden Gate Bridge, Spam...

Post 71613 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: It's a cute site, but it's kind of a nightmare as thread fodder goes. -- cortex


Reasons and Methods of Natural Detox

Post 71601 by ratla deleted for the following reason: man who got all these self-linky toxins all over the front page dang -- cortex


Post 71596 by Inversehelix deleted for the following reason: Apparently also taking cues from all the other goddam self-linkers we have to deal with. Spamming for charity is still spamming. -- cortex

I believe there is a lesson to be learned here

Post 71593 by Lord_Pall deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Hillary's Downfall

Post 71582 by wehrlebyrd deleted for the following reason: auto-godwinned. -- jessamyn

10 Examples Of How To Ruin A Picture

Post 71578 by Jacqueline deleted for the following reason: sort of seen it before. -- jessamyn

Backflip into jeans

Post 71577 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: deleted viral triple -- jessamyn


To Save Endangered Species, Create Demand by Eating Them

Post 71571 by JD Rucker deleted for the following reason: This was covered last month. That one didn't have any self-links in it, either. -- cortex


Post 71565 by motownoni deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post. -- cortex

To would-be Thespians everywhere...

Post 71564 by somnambulist deleted for the following reason: Rumors that this post would be hard to kill are belied by it being under siege and clearly marked for death. [presses kill switch] -- cortex


Aren't we just moving our own crap around?

Post 71547 by desjardins deleted for the following reason: Technically, this is a subprime mortgage seconder. -- cortex


It's opening today.....

Post 71529 by metasonix deleted for the following reason: We really don't need another FPP to confirm that a movie that you predicted would be poorly received in a previous FPP is, in fact, being poorly received. -- cortex

Herd instincts

Post 71527 by preparat deleted for the following reason: if you're going for a Clinton post, it needs to be maybe something a little more meaty than this? -- jessamyn

Post-it art

Post 71526 by kristinahoge deleted for the following reason: It looks an awful lot like you've written pseudonymously for zoomdoggle, which makes this pretty much not okay at all. -- cortex -- jessamyn


23 year old female kidnapped during an undercover police operation

Post 71514 by hex1848 deleted for the following reason: breaking news stuff meant for CNN's frontpage doesn't make for a good post here -- mathowie


Post 71509 by serazin deleted for the following reason: ACK VIRAL AD -- jessamyn

Mario Music!

Post 71507 by divabat deleted for the following reason: I freakin' hate it when I go to delete a double and some has already snagged like the perfect deletion reason. It's like, hey, thanks, DAD. -- cortex

The Coming of the Demobamic Party

Post 71505 by alms deleted for the following reason: um, this is a SLB Obama post that doesn't quote well. -- jessamyn


Prof. Indy Jones - at least he keeps the college co-eds attentive and in their seats.

Post 71469 by rokabiri deleted for the following reason: this is the second single link mcsweeney's post from 2006 and I think we have to draw the line at one. I might prefer to draw the line at zero, but so it goes. -- jessamyn


Post 71467 by Artw deleted for the following reason: ohhh snaaaaaap -- cortex

Female Voice Most Attractive at Ovulation

Post 71464 by laminarial deleted for the following reason: The real meat her is behind a subscription wall that'll prevent almost everyone from from being able to read it. -- cortex

Shared Propulsion Engine

Post 71463 by Sully deleted for the following reason: yeah, no. -- jessamyn

Reduce, Reuse, Re .... what?

Post 71460 by derami deleted for the following reason: You're the guy behind at least one of these sites. Goodbye. -- cortex

New Chick Tract

Post 71451 by vertigo25 deleted for the following reason: LOLXIANS - is there anything more to say about this other than "wow wackos are wackos?" -- jessamyn


Post 71443 by Lezzles deleted for the following reason: lalala posted previously lalala. -- jessamyn


Cool,old and sick.

Post 71439 by johnny7 deleted for the following reason: Everybody but metafilter, anyway. One odd-ish photo posted because people are posting it doesn't seem like a real solid foundation. -- cortex

Yankees fan kills Red Sox fan

Post 71423 by MNDZ deleted for the following reason: This is very thin and news-of-the-weird-ish. -- cortex


two for one

Post 71391 by plexi deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter. -- jessamyn

Don't waste your money on magical finger regeneration powder just yet

Post 71388 by M.C. Lo-Carb! deleted for the following reason: The "previously" thread is just a few days old and already has some commentary along these lines. Probably don't need a new post for this. -- cortex

Has anyone seen my links?

Post 71383 by Mastercheddaar deleted for the following reason: Weird kinda baiting presentation, the meat link is just a yahoo news writeup of research that isn't as surprising as you've framed it, and a random Korn link to boot? This might be an interesting topic to post about, but this isn't a great post about it. -- cortex


Is inflation underestimated?

Post 71359 by salvia deleted for the following reason: um, let's do this over tomorrow, salvia and I agree. -- jessamyn

The Paula Abdul water bottle was not caused by blacks

Post 71356 by Dreamghost deleted for the following reason: These ruins appear to have been plundered already. -- cortex


"Everyone Is Someone Else's Weirdo."

Post 71346 by amyms deleted for the following reason: link's not working, try again when maybe it is? -- jessamyn


Post 71323 by jbickers deleted for the following reason: no good. -- jessamyn


Unbelievable Sportsmanship

Post 71314 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: Hers was a home run but yours is just a double. -- cortex

If only my parents had done the same.

Post 71311 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: drop me baby one more time -- cortex

RIP Oops

Post 71306 by fearfulsymmetry deleted for the following reason: this is really an ungood way to do obitfilter. -- jessamyn

Happy May Day!

Post 71298 by jammy deleted for the following reason: Someone beat you to it. Toss this in that thread as a comment? -- cortex