
because they are tools...

Post 60764 by geos deleted for the following reason: Yes, Penn and Teller still have a TV show. -- cortex

What do you want to read next?

Post 60761 by jbickers deleted for the following reason: please put this in metatalk. -- jessamyn

The future was then

Post 60756 by reformedjerk deleted for the following reason: Tales of future past! -- cortex


Post 60755 by chuckdarwin deleted for the following reason: single link wire lol muslim women news&pussyfilter.; -- jessamyn


Pretending to have a disease for personal profit

Post 60747 by 2shay deleted for the following reason: ZOMGfilter -- jessamyn

Jack Valenti dead at 85.

Post 60733 by ZenMasterThis deleted for the following reason: this was days ago -- jessamyn

Atlanta officers guilty

Post 60731 by Twang deleted for the following reason: seen it -- jessamyn


Another Predictable Republican...

Post 60702 by RandlePatrickMcMurphy deleted for the following reason: this is not what metafilter is for, gyob, please. -- jessamyn

Jack Valenti dies at 85

Post 60675 by seanyboy deleted for the following reason: still dead -- mathowie


R.I.P. Jack

Post 60671 by Tacos Are Pretty Great deleted for the following reason: posted already -- mathowie

Loreena McKinnett Tour

Post 60663 by melkozek deleted for the following reason: this is really not a good post for metafilter. -- jessamyn

ADOLF - D - F = ?

Post 60657 by jeremy b deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure what the point is -- outragefilter? -- jessamyn



Post 60628 by four panels deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

Laura Bush: No One Suffers More than We Do

Post 60614 by james_cpi deleted for the following reason: please grind your axe someplace else. -- jessamyn

Second Earth Discovered

Post 60597 by djgh deleted for the following reason: Crisis on infinite earth posts! -- cortex


Vermont House to Vote on Impeachment

Post 60581 by paddbear deleted for the following reason: Better as a comment in the open thread. -- cortex

Scientists find most Earth-like extrasolar planet yet

Post 60579 by MetaMonkey deleted for the following reason: Beaten to the punch. -- cortex

Spin (A Short Film)

Post 60574 by Plutor deleted for the following reason: Play it again, Sam. -- cortex



Post 60553 by HuronBob deleted for the following reason: this is a one link post to a photo of a bug. A funny bug but really.... -- jessamyn

Innocence and O.J. Simpson, But Not What You Think

Post 60548 by Cool Papa Bell deleted for the following reason: We've covered The Innocence Project before, and without the OJ op-ed bait. -- cortex

In the Beginning There was the Command Line

Post 60545 by tylermoody deleted for the following reason: This essay is greying at the temples, and comes up in just about every Stephenson-related thread anyway. -- cortex


Post 60535 by SansPoint deleted for the following reason: WHY WON'T YOU STAY DEAD -- cortex


peace train

Post 60526 by vronsky deleted for the following reason: you posted these to metatalk. this doesn't make any sense. -- jessamyn

Mike Daisey's Show Disrupted

Post 60524 by ThePinkSuperhero deleted for the following reason: seen it - but happy birthday a few days late! -- jessamyn

Mommy what will I look like?

Post 60518 by sneakin deleted for the following reason: This post looks just like this other one! -- cortex

Earth Day 2007 in 3-ply

Post 60504 by scissorhand2 deleted for the following reason: This is your second thin link to a diatribune.com blog entry this weekend, scissorhand2. -- cortex


The last goal he ever scored

Post 60493 by booner deleted for the following reason: Hi again, Bill. -- cortex


What's a Barrel Shroud?

Post 60469 by snoktruix deleted for the following reason: Twenty bucks, same as in this is a really lousy post. -- cortex

For Millions of Americans, Being

Post 60463 by scissorhand2 deleted for the following reason: sloe - this is a good topic but one ranty post about murder by spreadsheet doesn't leave room for much except OMG HEALTHCARE outragefilter responses. -- jessamyn

Spraypainting London with biohazard signs and the wrong URL

Post 60455 by badlydubbedboy deleted for the following reason: thisisnotaverygoodpost.co.uk/metatalk -- cortex


Gender Genie

Post 60450 by CrunchyFrog deleted for the following reason: This is a double post. However, according to Gender Genie the deletion reason was written by a...man, baby! Amazing! -- cortex

Make Potty Training Adorable

Post 60442 by jonson deleted for the following reason: more like via jonson -- cortex


Post 60441 by daHIFI deleted for the following reason: Bake em away, toys. -- cortex

Your POV for all to see

Post 60434 by papoon deleted for the following reason: Not really much content here, and you've linked to The Atlantic and Japers Rink previously. -- cortex


Building the House (zoom!) Advancing the Kindom (pow! zing!)

Post 60421 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: seen it. also lolxians. -- jessamyn

You pay...now bitch!

Post 60420 by Slarty Bartfast deleted for the following reason: will farrell more like will dubble am i rite -- cortex

Dear Mrs. Cho

Post 60411 by robbyrobs deleted for the following reason: This sort of thing is probably better directed to open thread. -- cortex

Chicken Sandwich with Some Waffle Fries . . . Bitch!

Post 60409 by John of Michigan deleted for the following reason: Man, this sucks. -- cortex

Peaches' dumps

Post 60407 by progosk deleted for the following reason: Linked already in the still-open, side-barred alanis thread. -- cortex

Death and Taxes: 2008

Post 60401 by mibs deleted for the following reason: Self-link double post? No. -- cortex

So when is crazy CRAZY?

Post 60397 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: please put this in the already open thread. -- jessamyn


What's your McBeef?

Post 60383 by mattoxic deleted for the following reason: The play has already been linked, and is being discussed, in the existing thread. -- cortex
Post 60375 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: Maybe stick it in the open thread. -- cortex

Kurt Vonnegut was Irrelevant

Post 60361 by borkingchikapa deleted for the following reason: Yeah, we heard about it in the KV thread. -- cortex



Post 60360 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: posted a month or so ago here -- mathowie

In a little bag around their necks, according to Cartman

Post 60358 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: And this thin blip about a farkakte goy we should post why? -- cortex

Medieval Tech Support

Post 60347 by Bureau of Public Secrets deleted for the following reason: Damn printers did page 58734 twice. -- cortex

Muzzafucka! Muzzafucka!

Post 60339 by Ljubljana deleted for the following reason: posted previously. -- jessamyn


The Real Reason Imus was Fired!

Post 60334 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: we don't really need another Imus thread, especially a mad conspiracy one. -- mathowie

Kinky weighs in on the Imus sacking

Post 60332 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: You really, really want an excuse to chatter about Imus more? -- cortex

German army training

Post 60326 by Steven C. Den Beste deleted for the following reason: This is not a good post. -- cortex


Post 60300 by kirkaracha deleted for the following reason: Great, but a day late. -- cortex


icing on the cake

Post 60279 by four panels deleted for the following reason: please see moss's comment. Please consider a post that's not just ZOMG FATSO. Please try again. -- jessamyn

Good playlist hunting.

Post 60263 by sookypops deleted for the following reason: This is just a couple of playlists, sans context? Not much there there. -- cortex


Post 60255 by JamesToast deleted for the following reason: Oh yes, Wyoming! -- cortex


Don Imus has been fired

Post 60236 by shockingbluamp deleted for the following reason: Metafilter has not yet fired the existing Imus thread. -- cortex

Kurt Vonnegut dies at 84

Post 60229 by joedan deleted for the following reason: yep, he is still dead. -- jessamyn

And so it goes

Post 60222 by cogat deleted for the following reason: And so it went. -- cortex

Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Rears its Ugly Head

Post 60221 by tehloki deleted for the following reason: outragefilter. -- jessamyn


New Ford Biohazard?

Post 60214 by pt68 deleted for the following reason: this is a one-off eh sort of thing -- jessamyn

SEIU sells out workers

Post 60204 by univac deleted for the following reason: Not so much with the SEIUfilter, please. -- cortex


Naked Gun 44 and a Forth

Post 60173 by Stynxno deleted for the following reason: This is one of the most well-constructed unnecessary update-filter slashdot joke retreads I have ever deleted, Stynxno. -- cortex

more pearls with your breakfast?

Post 60167 by scalefree deleted for the following reason: Weird. Normally, the deletion reason links to the previous post. -- cortex

Shmorky and Goliath

Post 60166 by clango deleted for the following reason: Put it in the existing thread, please. -- cortex


Step 23: Swim across the atlantic

Post 60153 by Citizen Premier deleted for the following reason: double of a post which leaves something to be desired in the full of goodness category. -- jessamyn

No drama, no creeps!

Post 60148 by basicchannel deleted for the following reason: a little low on depth, interest and interest. -- jessamyn

A poor life this if full of care...

Post 60128 by rongorongo deleted for the following reason: This monkey's gone to heaven. -- cortex


He played real good for free

Post 60122 by mojohand deleted for the following reason: 6! -- cortex

im in ur wiki makn sht up

Post 60121 by Brian B. deleted for the following reason: doublepedia -- cortex

World-class violinist plays anonymously in DC

Post 60119 by MegoSteve deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn

Pearls Before Breakfast

Post 60113 by i_am_a_Jedi deleted for the following reason: QUAD DAMAGE -- cortex

Pearls Before Breakfast

Post 60109 by Bora Horza Gobuchul deleted for the following reason: Congratulations, it's triplets! -- cortex


Pearls Before Breakfast

Post 60101 by sdrawkcab deleted for the following reason: previously -- jessamyn


Party at NASA!!!

Post 60064 by lannanh deleted for the following reason: You're one of the organizers? Yeah, Projects the place to go. -- cortex


Released under the FOIA

Post 60050 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: no. -- jessamyn

I don't know what they're saying but it's funny.

Post 60043 by adrober deleted for the following reason: double -- jessamyn

Are you with me classmates?

Post 60040 by anotherpanacea deleted for the following reason: A double from a couple years back -- mathowie

Freed British captain: We were gathering intelligence on Iran (SkyeNews)

Post 60036 by hoder deleted for the following reason: can we wait until this is confirmed maybe? -- jessamyn

Going Bananas in Columbia

Post 60033 by j-urb deleted for the following reason: Dupe! -- cortex

Test your morality.

Post 60020 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: Still moral after all these months. -- cortex



Post 60014 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: testing... -- mathowie

British sailors were seized in retaliation

Post 60013 by russilwvong deleted for the following reason: They sent them home on the double. -- cortex


Post 60012 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: just testing -- mathowie

Example Post

Post 60011 by pb deleted for the following reason: Just a test post. -- pb

California isn't a paradise---especially if you're a Pomo tribe member.....

Post 59987 by metasonix deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post to metafilter. -- jessamyn



Post 59974 by four panels deleted for the following reason: One part double, one part never-shoulda. -- cortex

I snorted my father!

Post 59972 by Cookiebastard deleted for the following reason: LOL DRUGIIEZ -- jessamyn

It's about time.

Post 59960 by winks007 deleted for the following reason: I'd say post this as a comment on the previous thread. -- mathowie

well, crap

Post 59958 by cubby deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn


Parrots in Brooklyn

Post 59933 by Flood deleted for the following reason: Double, yar. -- cortex


Lets Congress

Post 59925 by nola deleted for the following reason: Lie to me again. -- cortex