
A little help?

Post 59915 by avoision deleted for the following reason: meh, let's leave the subtle joke a joke meant to be discovered. -- mathowie

I can feel it coming in the air of the night

Post 59910 by growabrain deleted for the following reason: Sorry, sir, but you've exceeded the legal limit for Phil Collins covers . -- cortex

Yeah, it's sarcasm.

Post 59904 by Jay Reimenschneider deleted for the following reason: this can go in the existing thread that it's already in, where it already is. -- jessamyn


Post 59902 by wfc123 deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure where all the "I hate philly" stuff is coming from, here and in AskMe, but this is a weak one link news post. -- jessamyn


See something, say something. Or something.

Post 59889 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: Another post about her? Is she the new Ann Coulter? Seems too LOLWINGNUTS for mefi -- mathowie

The world in my head

Post 59887 by unSane deleted for the following reason: This is like six kinds of double. -- cortex

And we can only live on one?

Post 59877 by BuddhaInABucket deleted for the following reason: My god, it's a binary post system! -- cortex

Pork Goes to War

Post 59866 by billysumday deleted for the following reason: the addition of a second OE link does not negate the fact that this is basically a SLOE post. -- jessamyn

Sky Map

Post 59858 by Pater Aletheias deleted for the following reason: previously posted -- mathowie


Is this love?

Post 59835 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: this is a followup to an open post, your own post, on a borderline LOL XIANS post. I think it is GYOB time. -- jessamyn


30 years ago today...

Post 59819 by drstein deleted for the following reason: please don't just link to a wikipedia article - if it's that bad there must be another internet link, no? -- jessamyn

Magnetic imaging of human genitals during intercourse

Post 59814 by OmieWise deleted for the following reason: Mefi admins don't need sildenafil to achieve a healthy double deletion. -- cortex

Seed map of science

Post 59811 by Tommy Gnosis deleted for the following reason: Yes sir, it's a double. -- cortex


Oy, my head!

Post 59758 by The Light Fantastic deleted for the following reason: Stuff about metafilter itself should go in metatalk. -- cortex

1 minute of silence

Post 59752 by coyroy deleted for the following reason: please make more of an effort next time. That includes punctuation, capitalization and grammar. Alternately, you could GYOFB. -- jessamyn


Week 1...

Post 59740 by Old Man Wilson deleted for the following reason: We really don't need to do weekly updates on this. -- cortex

The 21st century manifestation of Jim Crow.

Post 59732 by i_am_a_Jedi deleted for the following reason: SLOE-filter. I forget, is FTW fuck the world or for the win now...? -- jessamyn

Ha Ha. Jeb Bush Doesn't Get a Degree

Post 59728 by expriest deleted for the following reason: lol ancillary political minutea rofl -- cortex

Alaska Ice Festival 2007!

Post 59727 by Burhanistan deleted for the following reason: posted previously. from cortex and -- jessamyn

Nudist algebra and beer math

Post 59720 by nosocks deleted for the following reason: email matches up with blogspot site name == self-linking nudist -- mathowie



Post 59669 by Gnostic Novelist deleted for the following reason: I can't believe I'm deleting a post about bluegrass. A post every day or two may be draining the well, GN. -- cortex


March Madness!

Post 59651 by crunchee deleted for the following reason: Hey, awesome, this was a shameless self-link. -- cortex

Uncle Saddam

Post 59642 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: please make more of an effort in the future. -- jessamyn


Every drop counts

Post 59614 by nekton deleted for the following reason: Great post, but we just covered world water day a few posts earlier. -- mathowie

An Overview Of IT/Tech Job Boards

Post 59603 by techfreak deleted for the following reason: Self-link. -- cortex

Innocent Man Jailed for 18 Years, Learns Innocence is Overrated

Post 59599 by tehloki deleted for the following reason: Thin, one-link news-gawkery framed as an editorial. -- cortex

Ca c'est grave...

Post 59598 by pwedza deleted for the following reason: "I can't believe I've just spent five minutes watching a video of a man shitting on a plate." -- cortex



Post 59596 by spock deleted for the following reason: Shorpy II: The Shorpening -- cortex

Quirked has Digg-like functionality, except it is about you, instead of the news.

Post 59574 by edjo deleted for the following reason: Protip: when crypto-doubleposting, avoid consecutive usernumbers with identical passwords. -- cortex -- mathowie


The Great Global Warming Swindle

Post 59554 by (bb|[^b]{2}) deleted for the following reason: LOL OPPONENTS - there's enough good stuff out there without trotting out wingnuts to play-argue with. -- jessamyn


Trials Of The Centuries

Post 59546 by amyms deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn


With a Drip, Drip Here and Splatter, Splatter There

Post 59521 by fenriq deleted for the following reason: peviously -- jessamyn

And in this corner...

Post 59507 by nathancaswell deleted for the following reason: video was deleted, nothing to discuss... -- mathowie


Post 59505 by MapGuy deleted for the following reason: viva la double -- cortex


The ends justify the non-stop season

Post 59489 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: double. -- jessamyn

Surge me right

Post 59479 by humanfont deleted for the following reason: Please do something to help frame your post in the future. This is just iraq bukkake -- mathowie


Post-Abortion Support, II

Post 59463 by jesirose deleted for the following reason: What, was the previous thread that you linked not contentious or web-unrelated enough? -- cortex

The smell of texas justice.

Post 59448 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: Zunes suck, but this is an incredibly thin post. -- cortex

A statement from the family of Richard Jeni

Post 59440 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: add this to the existing thread linking to the same page -- mathowie

Had fired federal attorneys found $700 Million in fraud?

Post 59437 by mooncrow deleted for the following reason: A single link to a breathless DU forum post? -- cortex



Post 59413 by nile_red deleted for the following reason: Tuscan Whole Milk encourages your to link responsibly. -- cortex

Madness: One Step Beyond

Post 59405 by baltimore deleted for the following reason: It appears you work for The Sun, baltimore. Self-links aren't kosher. -- cortex

Don't be That Guy

Post 59403 by nevercalm deleted for the following reason: post this in the existing thread about it -- mathowie


Now That's Just Wrong

Post 59382 by unsupervised deleted for the following reason: Sylvia Browne was wrong again like four years ago, and we've covered her before. Why this, now? -- cortex


I know it, but I don't think I should say it...

Post 59353 by phaedon deleted for the following reason: Admittedly doomed, registration-only link to a current episode of a TV show, and the thread already a trainwreck to boot. Not good. -- cortex


Don't Look Back

Post 59332 by stevil deleted for the following reason: Brad Delp still dead. -- cortex


When kids ask Ty what happened to his ears, he says,

Post 59321 by kirkaracha deleted for the following reason: Moving and startling, but a recent double. -- cortex

Amazon is not a MetaPlaySite

Post 59314 by caddis deleted for the following reason: This is among the many things liked in this thread from earlier today. -- cortex

And so it begins...

Post 59303 by Webbster deleted for the following reason: That's a damned thin post. Hasta la vista, baby. -- cortex

Dean Reed, Stalinist Rock Star

Post 59299 by jason's_planet deleted for the following reason: A whole lot about Dean Reed, previously. -- cortex

We Interrupt This Program:

Post 59298 by Robert Angelo deleted for the following reason: We've seen this fee before. -- cortex


Everyone Has Everything

Post 59259 by wisdom deleted for the following reason: Really? A link to your own linkedin profile? -- cortex -- jessamyn

The Wilhelm Scream of Urban Contemporary.

Post 59257 by gottabefunky deleted for the following reason: Amen, amen. -- cortex

A peek into lives of everyday intrest

Post 59255 by edgeways deleted for the following reason: Found before. -- CORTEX

Entropy is fun

Post 59245 by serazin deleted for the following reason: silly schadenfreude. Could be salvaged into a post about all the supercar crashes over the past year, but this is pretty thin. LOLRICHDUDESTHATCAN'TDRIVE amirite? -- mathowie


Tim Tam Slam

Post 59225 by daveg deleted for the following reason: not really earth-shattering... -- mathowie

Lewis Libby is Guilty

Post 59217 by photodegas deleted for the following reason: Damn! Too slow! -- CORTEX
Post 59215 by kirkaracha deleted for the following reason: It never ends. -- CORTEX


How the world really shapes up

Post 59198 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: See the world in triplicate! -- CORTEX

Mystifying Maths

Post 59180 by RoseyD deleted for the following reason: Probably would have worked better after the talk, with video or wrap-ups. -- mathowie


Chad Vader

Post 59165 by tatnasty deleted for the following reason: Darth Vader is working a double shift. -- cortex

Auden: The Overrated One

Post 59155 by Gnostic Novelist deleted for the following reason: This was linked in the previous Auden thread. -- cortex

Get ready... for the violence... of the lambs.

Post 59149 by borkingchikapa deleted for the following reason: He leadeth me into double posts. -- cortex


They've Got Pluck!

Post 59147 by maryh deleted for the following reason: Double Fever -- cortex


Mixed A Lot

Post 59127 by bbrown deleted for the following reason: Coulton's cover covered recently. -- cortex

Who should I put on the subpoena? Spiderman, Peter Parker or Stan Lee?

Post 59126 by scblackman deleted for the following reason: Self-links aren't kosher, even in this grey area. [FAQ] -- cortex

Modern Living / Neurotica Series (Flash animations)

Post 59108 by Burhanistan deleted for the following reason: Everything old is new again. -- CORTEX

Part II of a Report by Tara Winter Wilson

Post 59101 by wfc123 deleted for the following reason: What a trainwreck of a stupid pointless article. -- mathowie

Tonight we are having Roast Bee

Post 59090 by Turtles all the way down deleted for the following reason: It's a double, honey bee. -- cortex


call me

Post 59081 by plexi deleted for the following reason: Esquire has a lot of napkins. -- cortex

Ben Thompson: My Stupid Website

Post 59079 by tatnasty deleted for the following reason: I dunno, not that interesting. Kinda juvenile. -- mathowie

No Helvetica Motherfucker

Post 59070 by Brandon Blatcher deleted for the following reason: posted last week -- mathowie

Indian Potpourri

Post 59062 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: Reality TV follow-up posts don't really fly here. We already covered this show last month. -- mathowie