

Post 57396 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: we just signified the number of deaths last week, when it surpassed 9/11 tower deaths.


NSFW - unedited footage of Saddam

Post 57375 by A189Nut deleted for the following reason: you can eitehr take your lumps in the currently open thread with this link, or take it elsewhere, thanks.

Chop, don't pop!

Post 57370 by SassHat deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today

Not just Al-Qaeda

Post 57368 by konolia deleted for the following reason: lame anti-islam op-ed screed

where to live in georgia

Post 57364 by lilafain deleted for the following reason: ask metafilter is what you want.


Saddam Hussein is dead

Post 57358 by tranquileye deleted for the following reason: previously. also - one link to CNN front page, really?

Saddam Execution

Post 57356 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: no offense, but this post totally sucks.


Post 57353 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: MetaFilter is about Filtering Links on the web.

James Brown, 1933 - 2006

Post 57340 by analogue deleted for the following reason: yes, he really is still dead.


Couples Singles swept away.

Post 57323 by goodnewsfortheinsane deleted for the following reason: lol ebay jokes have sort of a limited shelf life.

John Edwards Announces.

Post 57322 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: kinda sorta posted about yesterday.


Nevar Forget!

Post 57308 by Tacos Are Pretty Great deleted for the following reason: previously

My God, if I had piece of life.

Post 57303 by Dreama deleted for the following reason: it's a hoax, and no longer what it says.


Clowns To The Left of Me, Jokers to the Right

Post 57294 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: this is a vry nice post -- could you please include these links in the thread that was posted right before it? thank you.

The Ultimate Blog Post for All Blogs

Post 57287 by Riovanes deleted for the following reason: posted a few months ago, when it was new


The night before Xmas

Post 57275 by Steven C. Den Beste deleted for the following reason: metafilter is really not the place to grind your axe on christmas.

Protective tabs for IPod sync Cable?

Post 57272 by edverb deleted for the following reason: please post to ask me, thanks

James Brown, R.I.P.

Post 57269 by bashos_frog deleted for the following reason: still dead, already in meta.


RIP James Brown

Post 57263 by scody deleted for the following reason: tripled in sixty seconds

The Hardest Working Man in Show Business

Post 57262 by Duncan deleted for the following reason: tripled in sixty seconds

AIDS OPV hypothesis, theory or fact?

Post 57253 by mgkaelen deleted for the following reason: conspiracyfilter. This is a very odd xmas eve post coming from someone who hasn't posted AT ALL on the site in over a year.

More Wikipedia Pranks

Post 57250 by Huplescat deleted for the following reason: links to wikipedia pranks that wind up pointing to repaired pages confuse people. Otherwise this might be better on sportsfilter, or maybe here with a little more information and a little less agenda.


All the news that fits

Post 57230 by Mister Bijou deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Numbers alphabetized

Post 57228 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: this is sort of long and perhaps slightly pointless.


Cable and Christmas shows

Post 57224 by PetBoogaloo deleted for the following reason: this post is sort of confusing. If you have a question, please feel free to take it to ask metafilter.

Ahmadinejad & Christmas on his blog

Post 57220 by persia deleted for the following reason: you linked to this same blog a few weeks ago.

(Headline/Title Redacted)

Post 57218 by Flunkie deleted for the following reason: hi -- there is still an open post on a closely related topic from yesterday.

wiis for woots

Post 57216 by ShawnString deleted for the following reason: sorry, a little too pepsi blue.

On the Road Again

Post 57202 by PreacherTom deleted for the following reason: I do not like thee preachertom, the reason why: this post's a bomb, but this I know, go ask my Mom, I do not like thre preachertom.



Post 57191 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: previous



Post 57153 by Steven C. Den Beste deleted for the following reason: this thread could be improved upon in many ways. So many that perhaps this thread as it stands is not very good at all. Please try again tomorrow. Thank you.

Have A Very Vintage Christmas

Post 57152 by jonson deleted for the following reason: pretty much previously. sorry jonson.


Will it Blend?

Post 57143 by commonmedia deleted for the following reason: previously

Nobel Gas

Post 57124 by ubiquity deleted for the following reason: please go grind your axe someplace else.


Jurassic Prick

Post 57108 by Tlogmer deleted for the following reason: previously.

Puttin' on the RIIIIIIITZ!

Post 57104 by lodurr deleted for the following reason: PREVIOUSLY


Man Plans and God Laughs

Post 57090 by lalochezia deleted for the following reason: google news is the best of the web? Couldn't you pick the best articles, provide some background about who this person was, etc?

$276,500,000,000 later...

Post 57089 by travis vocino deleted for the following reason: hi single link axe grindy posts to little yahoo news articles often do not make good posts here, maybe you want to try your own blog? Thank you, happy holidays.


You had to be there.

Post 57083 by toma deleted for the following reason: axegrindfilter - please save ranty screeds for your own blog and save your awesome weblinks for metafilter. Thank you and have a pleasant holiday season.

Kryptonite weakens? Try Cummingtonite!

Post 57071 by Gratishades deleted for the following reason: previously

Wii in motion.

Post 57066 by econous deleted for the following reason: previously.


ethnocracy or democracy in Israel?

Post 57042 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: these posts do not go well here and unless there is substantive new news, dragging out the same debate and dilemmas is not condusive to sitewide harmony. Thank you and have a happy holiday season.


Hips don't lie...

Post 57033 by skjønn deleted for the following reason: your favorite youtube spoof sucks.

Because they can.

Post 57032 by stewiethegreat deleted for the following reason: Wait... are you trying to say OPEC is a cartel? And it wields a lot of control over oil prices?

Winning hearts and minds.

Post 57030 by basicchannel deleted for the following reason: 18 second video of some kids saying "fuck iraq", really??

The Trial (and re-trial) of America's

Post 57013 by mickeyz deleted for the following reason: you are totally not allowed to do this.

First large aquatic mammal to go extinct since the California monk seal (1950)

Post 57009 by salvia deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a double

Illegal, alien, identityless theivery

Post 57007 by mattbucher deleted for the following reason: previously

Art of the Himalayan Peoples

Post 57005 by Burhanistan deleted for the following reason: previously

One more day to vote for 2006 Weblog Awards

Post 57004 by mogabog deleted for the following reason: this is metatalky and links to fark rarely make good FPPs

Boyle will be missed

Post 57003 by ewkpates deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday

Life Day

Post 56997 by tatnasty deleted for the following reason: DOUBLE - LIKE YOU SAID



I want my MTV (not)

Post 56957 by progosk deleted for the following reason: "please delete as you see fit" okay then!

Just look, maintaining internal silence.

Post 56951 by odinsdream deleted for the following reason: previously

Ask MeFi p0wnage

Post 56935 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: it's on meta.

Pop goes the weasel

Post 56927 by punkfloyd deleted for the following reason: by request


Pinochet finally dead

Post 56911 by serazin deleted for the following reason: um, double
Post 56905 by These Premises Are Alarmed deleted for the following reason: posted on saturday


So Many Dots Representing So Many Planes

Post 56894 by fenriq deleted for the following reason: hey, I posted this first!

Augusto Pinochet dead at the age of 91

Post 56881 by Guerilla deleted for the following reason: STILL DEAD FILM AT 11!!!one!

Celebration in Chile?

Post 56879 by j-urb deleted for the following reason: previously


Watch 'Night Of The Living Dead' (1968)

Post 56861 by vranghel deleted for the following reason: YOU CAN'T DO THIS HERE

Men Without Hats

Post 56860 by vronsky deleted for the following reason: your favorite band sucks and this bad trend stops here.

Michael Jackson finally admits it!

Post 56855 by Vamier deleted for the following reason: a really lame badly edited poor quality video for a joke that's a decade old but somehow still falls flat. Try harder next time.


Post 56854 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Marksman called in to kill Kingston̢۪s pigeons

Post 56836 by cgc373 deleted for the following reason: seen it.


Vholoce: Weather Visualiser

Post 56826 by heliopod deleted for the following reason: it's raining self-links


Post 56823 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: previously

Commercial Censored by Jumpcut.com

Post 56820 by dirvish deleted for the following reason: this post sucks and it's likely your myspace page

Wiimote + MacBook + Starwars = Joy

Post 56814 by jragon deleted for the following reason: post it to projects...

Beatle Juggling

Post 56812 by ZenMasterThis deleted for the following reason: previously


NewsCloud goes open source

Post 56765 by hybernaut deleted for the following reason: you are not allowed to do this here.

Dangling a juicy carrot.

Post 56759 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: a zillion times before.

Vintage Rockabilly On The YouTube

Post 56741 by y2karl deleted for the following reason: um, this is enough, yo. Try something else.


future of the internets

Post 56739 by localhuman deleted for the following reason: this is several years old and was posted here when it first came out.


Post 56732 by cdcello deleted for the following reason: single link gyob chickenfilter

Hot Water Balloons In Space!

Post 56721 by cgc373 deleted for the following reason: previously


First they came for the no-name rock bands and I didn't say anything...

Post 56689 by tsarfan deleted for the following reason: I like you Tony, but this is kind of self-linky.

Zamzar - Great Web 2.0 site

Post 56685 by MichaelWhyley deleted for the following reason: yo man, WHAT?


Who made these art works?

Post 56669 by Ateo Fiel deleted for the following reason: please post this to ask metafilter, thank you.

No, don't do it.

Post 56660 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: people really, really don't like this, the video is pretty boring/awful/unfunny. Not a lot of upside to this, it's just short of animal cruelty on video.


ethnic cleansing and racism

Post 56627 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: Middle EAST LEBANON ISRAEL PALESTINE - please don't do this here.


Post 56624 by Artifice_Eternity deleted for the following reason: LOL BUSH SUPPORTERZ R CRAYZEE! whatever.

Hi! When I was pregnant, I gorged myself until I doubled my body weight.

Post 56614 by rsanheim deleted for the following reason: ugly controversial site certain to start a flamewar


Sinéad O'Connor says

Post 56568 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: meh, it's 14 years old. At this point, it is growing its first moustache

All this and the Dead too

Post 56554 by ardgedee deleted for the following reason: posted previously.


The Arrow of Time

Post 56541 by alona deleted for the following reason: posted before


Greeted as Liberators

Post 56529 by EatTheWeak deleted for the following reason: previously

Hundreds of hand-drawn turkeys!

Post 56524 by dw deleted for the following reason: posted before


Maybe I'm naive, but

Post 56514 by Tuffy deleted for the following reason: poster previously


No really, thanks!

Post 56482 by Citizen Premier deleted for the following reason: last year

Will Thanksgiving blend?

Post 56480 by Doohickie deleted for the following reason: repost



Post 56473 by ubiquity deleted for the following reason: um, yeah, post it at metachat.


“We killed Jesus, we’ll kill you too!”

Post 56446 by cgs deleted for the following reason: Hey, it's an unsourced I/P post!

Test your ear for music.

Post 56438 by jeremy b deleted for the following reason: previously

Revivification and Recrudescence

Post 56431 by Milkman Dan deleted for the following reason: listed as your friend on your personal site http://kev.elbowroomdesign.com/links.htm


News Corp Cancels OJ Simpson's

Post 56419 by shivohum deleted for the following reason: wendell did it.


The Demotivators

Post 56403 by mattoxic deleted for the following reason: this is several years old


Dogs And Cats Living Together

Post 56389 by jonson deleted for the following reason: adorable, but a double

You Have 20 Seconds To Comply

Post 56386 by Artw deleted for the following reason: previously

Simon & Simon:

Post 56381 by Yakuman deleted for the following reason: there is really nothing here, is there?


Post 56362 by tgrundke deleted for the following reason: should this be in AskMe?


Foxy Gray Lady

Post 56330 by metaplectic deleted for the following reason: old news

Fair and Balanced?

Post 56328 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: double

They report, you decide

Post 56317 by kgasmart deleted for the following reason: SLBOE AND ALL CAPS TO BOOT


Fly little kiwi, fly.

Post 56311 by clockworkjoe deleted for the following reason: previously

Don't Be Actin' Silly While ur Ridin'

Post 56310 by jahmoon deleted for the following reason: previously


A Burrito is not a Sandwich

Post 56281 by expriest deleted for the following reason: meh, oddly enough news feeds rarely make interesting posts

(It took him four months to write this?)

Post 56277 by reklaw deleted for the following reason: maddox? really?


The Power of Nightmares

Post 56262 by dydecker deleted for the following reason: previously posted

Out Of Iraq

Post 56257 by anotherpanacea deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today

Kancept Concept

Post 56247 by dirtynumbangelboy deleted for the following reason: spammers over run the comments


AVG Anti Virus free no more, Are there any other Freeware Antivirus software?

Post 56243 by IronWolve deleted for the following reason: go post this on askme, thanks.

Lilly Allen - Smile

Post 56229 by ubnya deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned


This quote is for real.

Post 56222 by MarkO deleted for the following reason: please put this pullquote in one of a zillion other election threads already in progress, thank you.

Life after unwanted celebrity status...part 2

Post 56218 by randomstriker deleted for the following reason: I think the metatalk thread covers it

Keiko's Homepage

Post 56216 by hama7 deleted for the following reason: creepy hoax sex site with no warning or description

Bank of America - One Bank

Post 56212 by Arcaz Ino deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Post 56210 by eyeballkid deleted for the following reason: posted recently


Governator Repeat

Post 56189 by AVandalay deleted for the following reason: not that interesting of a website being linked here, eh? Toss it into one of the other election threads as a comment

hiiiigher standards

Post 56185 by nims deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday

Dems win the Senate!!

Post 56183 by cerebus19 deleted for the following reason: single link to CNN, election saturation point reached.

Shoots, Kills, Seasons.

Post 56171 by ewagoner deleted for the following reason: three times!


51-49 or Fight

Post 56160 by SansPoint deleted for the following reason: did you catch the message on the posting page?

Democrats take the Senate.

Post 56158 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: we have enough election threads to last a while. All filled up. Sorry.

Yee Hoo!

Post 56156 by nj_subgenius deleted for the following reason: SLBOE. there are a few other election threads open, maybe put this in one of them?

Killing two birds, and all that.

Post 56150 by aberrant deleted for the following reason: posted before

Bye bye, Mr. Rumsfeld.

Post 56145 by jne1813 deleted for the following reason: ohfuckdeletethis


Post 56139 by BuddhaInABucket deleted for the following reason: LETS GO FOR FOUR

na-na, na-na na-na, hey hey hey...

Post 56138 by brevator deleted for the following reason: buh-bye


Jew and Black Lead in Election

Post 56128 by jdfalk deleted for the following reason: kinda funny but dunno if it's post-worthy

Voting Advice

Post 56113 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: I'll sum it up for you, this is a youtube post where GWB says "vote democrat" over and over.

It's god's soda can!

Post 56112 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: posted before. no wait I mean HAHAHA LOLZ XTIANS R STOOPID OMGZ

Mission unAccomplished

Post 56102 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: SLBOE grind grind grind


Post 56100 by Brian B. deleted for the following reason: previously

About Those Newspaper Endorsements...

Post 56098 by smrtsch deleted for the following reason: this reads like a personal blog entry. MeFi is about links to the best stuff out there, not a diary.


Post 56097 by four panels deleted for the following reason: posted a couple years back

Can we change our own reality by feeling different?

Post 56083 by PetBoogaloo deleted for the following reason: double, among other things

Get Off My Case

Post 56082 by kimdog deleted for the following reason: NO FRIEND OF THE BAND POSTS KTXBI


whole lotta o's

Post 56055 by progosk deleted for the following reason: eh, not much payoff for such a big buildup


A Thousand Blank White Cards

Post 56051 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: geocities down + third post

Adrienne Shelly found dead

Post 56040 by squidfartz deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday


Post 56034 by Brian B. deleted for the following reason: jesusfilter/atheistfilter - please go fight someplace else.

The contract

Post 56033 by SeeAych4 deleted for the following reason: even though it's an election week in the US, this is not really a great post.

You're Doing a Great Job, Rummy

Post 56032 by Benny Andajetz deleted for the following reason: newsfilter, dailykosfilter.

Ich Bin Ein

Post 56029 by notmtwain deleted for the following reason: google news? meh.

Animated Boobs

Post 56028 by hama7 deleted for the following reason: is there anything notable about this site? looks like another dumb porny site among the millions

No Blind Schizophrenics?

Post 56015 by srs deleted for the following reason: the question was enough dude.



Post 55996 by nofundy deleted for the following reason: grind grind grind grind grind

Mazel tov!

Post 55989 by thirteenkiller deleted for the following reason: telling people to fuck off in the comments to your own post doesn't endear you to people with their fingers on the button.


Martin Scorsese hates America?

Post 55968 by DougieZero1982 deleted for the following reason: metafilter is about *linking* to *other stuff* out on the web, not scans of your mail


Why is he in the news?

Post 55950 by shnoz-gobblin deleted for the following reason: what is this about? it's like news news news news news filter


A Boy's Best Friend is his Mother...

Post 55919 by Captain_Tenille deleted for the following reason: meh


The motherload on The Motherload.

Post 55896 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: post this in the still open thread

Yes, it's an ad, but...

Post 55894 by parrot_person deleted for the following reason: what is this doing here?

How to set up dual monitor?

Post 55893 by zackdog deleted for the following reason: this is not the ask metafilter you are looking for


library smut

Post 55887 by signal deleted for the following reason: previously

Tactical nuke explosion in Iraq?

Post 55886 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: debunked all over the place


Elephants: Foe.

Post 55877 by ®@ deleted for the following reason: previously

Go to the internets and use The Google

Post 55858 by dov3 deleted for the following reason: this is like a week old, yo


What would the Flatlanders think?

Post 55826 by ewagoner deleted for the following reason: posted a couple months ago

Spasmodic Dysphonia

Post 55825 by flapjax at midnite deleted for the following reason: previously posted


A clear sky.

Post 55804 by four panels deleted for the following reason: please stop it. please use the existing Dawkins thread.

It's not against any religion / To want to dispose of a pigeon!

Post 55798 by randomination deleted for the following reason: posted last week


The Death of Shop Class

Post 55777 by stbalbach deleted for the following reason: previously


There's A New Wave Comin' I Warn Ya

Post 55766 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: previously

Boy Scouts can now earn RIAA merit badge

Post 55745 by expriest deleted for the following reason: previously


Post 55742 by cellphone deleted for the following reason: NO


Coalitions of the Unwilling

Post 55725 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: one-link op-ed that you knew kind of sucked


Tactical Nuke Exploding in Baghdad

Post 55719 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: this isn't wildassspeculationfilter


Post 55716 by dmd deleted for the following reason: the newer one is better.

After Pat̢۪s Birthday

Post 55715 by three blind mice deleted for the following reason: posted a couple days ago.


Path to

Post 55683 by expriest deleted for the following reason: posted several times before


Post 55670 by evariste deleted for the following reason: eh, not that interesting of a story, comments barely on topic


What city influences where you live?

Post 55660 by smallerdemon deleted for the following reason: previously


Never search alone again.

Post 55636 by WhipSmart deleted for the following reason: sorry, double

19,250 Planes At Most

Post 55635 by nj_subgenius deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Sony Launched New Bravia Advert Today

Post 55629 by patr1ck deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday


dirty 9 dirty

Post 55594 by nervousfritz deleted for the following reason: we talked about this before. Also, your HTML is borked


Eye of the beholder?

Post 55566 by aisforal deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today

How Do I Grab a Still for .jpg Conversion From an avi File?

Post 55561 by philmas deleted for the following reason: this is not ask metafilter

Internet a messy room?

Post 55558 by matteh deleted for the following reason: please do not mess up the internet.



Post 55526 by five fresh fish deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for metafilter, save your pranking for elsewhere.


Sure, there was radioactivity. What?

Post 55514 by toma deleted for the following reason: yes a double post can say two opposite things, post these in the earlier thread.

Dawkins v God, Woodward v Bush, O'Reilly v common sense

Post 55502 by Mister_A deleted for the following reason: Not another Dawkins post. I don't believe Richard Dawkins actually exists.

Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires

Post 55500 by namespan deleted for the following reason: post these links in the other thread that preceded this one!


Best sellers you'll never see

Post 55491 by Steven C. Den Beste deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Album covers...animated...violently

Post 55489 by liam deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Please revisit Rosa Parks wants you to buy a Chevy!'

Post 55472 by dragonsi55 deleted for the following reason: please don't do this with metafilter, post in the thread that is already open.


Miniature Moscow

Post 55463 by Armitage Shanks deleted for the following reason: previously

in ur vlog breakin ur walls

Post 55454 by reklaw deleted for the following reason: another zefrank link totally derailed by hotlinked inline image.

Car crashes into building in New York on 12/11

Post 55452 by keswick deleted for the following reason: don't fuck with metafilter to make your point.

The Future Is Now.

Post 55449 by thirteen deleted for the following reason: trifecta!

The FBI is complaining

Post 55445 by omnithought deleted for the following reason: posted before a couple times. old news.

Hardest. Contest. Ever.

Post 55443 by empath deleted for the following reason: Not very interesting of a site linked here. Just a contest.


Border Crossing

Post 55433 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: repost to Ask Metafilter

Brains Served Fresh Daily!

Post 55427 by taocow deleted for the following reason: this is an ad for SpikeTV's scream awards, and was posted from a Viacom IP address. Banned.


But is it funnier than Family Circus?

Post 55412 by Second Account For Making Jokey Comments deleted for the following reason: dutch?

Yay! Kim Jong Il Has the Bomb...

Post 55398 by SteveTheRed deleted for the following reason: kim jong does not approve


Bring Back the Elephants!

Post 55396 by homunculus deleted for the following reason: lame

elephant listening project

Post 55392 by dhruva deleted for the following reason: is this day over yet? previous

George and Thomas kill elephants

Post 55391 by grumblebee deleted for the following reason: posted before

It was a good year to hang an elephant.

Post 55390 by quonsar deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Elephant turds

Post 55388 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: nope.

The Nietzsche Family Circus

Post 55381 by blatant gizmo deleted for the following reason: previously

FunnyGrid! Randomized Funny Videos

Post 55380 by proph3t deleted for the following reason: No you fucking didn't. banned.

Time. Loves. Metafilter.

Post 55377 by scblackman deleted for the following reason: metatalk, please.

The History of the Red Elephant

Post 55376 by nyxxxx deleted for the following reason: sorry.

War Elephants in Carthage

Post 55372 by PercussivePaul deleted for the following reason: sorry, you ruined it.

As if comics didn't waste enough time on their own

Post 55361 by juliarothbort deleted for the following reason: posted last week

Elephant society crackup

Post 55359 by semmi deleted for the following reason: the newer one is better.


Google Update Does Not Change Top Ranked Web Hosts

Post 55344 by aeromit deleted for the following reason: read the fucking rules, douchebag

Justice, Las Vegas Style Redux.

Post 55342 by MsWonderland deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned

Theme Time Radio Hour

Post 55338 by persona non grata deleted for the following reason: self link banned

Cheney claims 'untrue.'

Post 55336 by three blind mice deleted for the following reason: seen it


Google - Where It All Began

Post 55335 by thecashcow deleted for the following reason: slf lnk bdn

Bless me Father, for I have sinned...

Post 55322 by Biblio deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Hubris hurts sometimes.

Post 55314 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: wait til something really happens, or until there's a real story written about it.

Little People

Post 55310 by gottabefunky deleted for the following reason: previously

99 Rooms

Post 55301 by triv deleted for the following reason: previously


two tickets to tehran

Post 55282 by localhuman deleted for the following reason: this is kinda crazy.

213 Things Skippy Can't Do...in the Army

Post 55269 by disclaimer deleted for the following reason: previously


F***king fundies

Post 55258 by forwebsites deleted for the following reason: newsfilter axegrindfilter
Post 55252 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: newsfilter, sloefilter, chest beating filter


Building a Castle with hand tools

Post 55244 by MLIS deleted for the following reason: posted before

Double Standard?

Post 55232 by halekon deleted for the following reason: why is it news when this article is from 2002? why is RICHARD GOLDSTEIN in all caps?

Will the next election be hacked?

Post 55226 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Treat your mother right

Post 55220 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Coming to a corner near you

Post 55219 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: include in post from yesterday?



Post 55186 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: if you are going to be subtle, you need to be clearer.


Listen Up

Post 55177 by Miko deleted for the following reason: posted a while back

Foley To Resign Over Sexually Explicit Messages to Minors

Post 55165 by MythMaker deleted for the following reason: yesterday, this was posted yesterday, you said it, post this IN THE THREAD, from yesterday.

Learn by example - Know the law

Post 55162 by citizenkane deleted for the following reason: please don't link to brickhouse security any more

US Senate approves abuse of prisoners.

Post 55161 by jjb deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday


RiffTrax Riff-Off

Post 55131 by conorlastowka deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned

Taxonomy of Torture

Post 55130 by dead_ deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Let the sunshine in....

Post 55112 by amberglow deleted for the following reason: we have seen this before

What the World Needs Now is More Novelty Rap

Post 55110 by bardic deleted for the following reason: seen it


Post 55106 by jellicle deleted for the following reason: axegrindfilter, newsfilter

Dark chocs

Post 55101 by johnny7 deleted for the following reason: find this post from yesterday

how apple's clean design should also be green

Post 55095 by specialk420 deleted for the following reason: previously


Update on

Post 55089 by MsWonderland deleted for the following reason: suckamo selflinkamo, with metatalk hindsight.

Blimps in a tree!

Post 55085 by yhbc deleted for the following reason: meh
Post 55082 by absalom deleted for the following reason: previously
Post 55080 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: posted a couple days ago.

Schools without Grades

Post 55078 by grumblebee deleted for the following reason: your post needs to not just be a link to a metatalk thread. please try again tomorrow.

Healthy Commitment

Post 55064 by henryw deleted for the following reason: this is not a very good post.


Anousheh Are You Goofing On Elvis

Post 55059 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: posted in a few other places previously.

Selective Enforcement

Post 55052 by adzm deleted for the following reason: already talked about, and not that big of a deal when a network requests removal.

Good luck bad luck

Post 55042 by Mwongozi deleted for the following reason: this makes no sense. please make sense next time.

Hey bud, wassup (buy coke)

Post 55036 by cleverusername deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned


Mexican VW Commercial

Post 55029 by tonygarcia deleted for the following reason: sorry, no

OMG Hypoallergenic kitty!

Post 55021 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: previously


Cooking with naked porn stars

Post 55010 by w0mbat deleted for the following reason: where to begin....?


Post 55001 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: posted a couple days ago.

Her Chariot | Raced at 80 per | THey Hauled Away | What Had | Ben Hur

Post 54998 by of strange foe deleted for the following reason: posted previously, etc



Post 54988 by blue_beetle deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Richard Dawkins tells it like it is

Post 54973 by heylight deleted for the following reason: yeah, he does that a lot

Lorem Ipsum

Post 54972 by grumblebee deleted for the following reason: whatever this was, it isn't there anymore.

MySpace & RSS Obituary Wall Remembers the Dead

Post 54968 by sawthesign deleted for the following reason: thanks for the ok on deletion.



Post 54936 by crunchland deleted for the following reason: posted before


hampster. dance.

Post 54896 by reklaw deleted for the following reason: this is a joke?

When macro photography becomes an addiction

Post 54887 by jacob hauser deleted for the following reason: actually, he isn't.

I have an *autographed get-out-of-jail-free card*[...]You don't have one of these, do you Jack?

Post 54885 by rzklkng deleted for the following reason: axe grind filter - did you really just FPP the constitution?

Where all your hard earned cash goes

Post 54877 by muthecow deleted for the following reason: posted previously

didn't mean to offend? hardly

Post 54874 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: axegrinding newsfilter. LOLPOPES


Noah Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day for Six Years

Post 54867 by leapingsheep deleted for the following reason: posted before

Secret History of Lawn Jockies

Post 54862 by Oriole Adams deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request



Post 54834 by zenzizi deleted for the following reason: oh thank jehu this is a double

God Save Our Queen

Post 54833 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: god save all of us at this point.

who was this Manuel II PALAIOLOGOS?

Post 54828 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: previously


Domania can kiss my shiny metal @ss now

Post 54806 by Heywood Mogroot deleted for the following reason: posted back when it was new

Help out S8TAN!!

Post 54805 by sawthesign deleted for the following reason: meh



Post 54804 by taosbat deleted for the following reason: post new stuff please, not old junk and boring news stories

how to spot a Jap

Post 54794 by reklaw deleted for the following reason: previously posted

The Younts also do

Post 54793 by Iridic deleted for the following reason: what? this is one comic strip about babies?

Are American Security companies supplying terrorists?

Post 54792 by citizenkane deleted for the following reason: this isn't a good mefi post.

Melting, melting... gone!

Post 54784 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: posted already


hacking the election

Post 54776 by mgkaelen deleted for the following reason: previously

E. Coli Breakout via LA Times

Post 54775 by lobstah deleted for the following reason: um, this really isn't the right place for PSAs

Under Construction

Post 54763 by four panels deleted for the following reason: a google search and a dead geocities site, ah I remember the early internets....

People's Park Goes Mobile

Post 54751 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: posted before (by me, last fall)


Stanford Prison Experiment, Stanley Milgram's Obedience Experiment [Google Video]

Post 54721 by MetaMonkey deleted for the following reason: double double post post

Mister Rogers Goes to Washington

Post 54712 by Iridic deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Bush Asks Americans To Forgive His Mistakes and Come Together To Support His Iraq Policy.

Post 54710 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: please take bush sucks lol posts elsewhere. this is a double/axegrind/newsfilter trifecta

Stream TV on the Radio's

Post 54709 by ND¢ deleted for the following reason: this "my favorite thing has a new thing coming out" announcementfilter doesn't scale well.

The State Of Scottish Football

Post 54702 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: sorry, no. or maybe you could take it to sportsfilter?

The Stadanko Brothers, yay!

Post 54698 by RockPaperScissors deleted for the following reason: seriously, if you don't talk about her, she goes away.

Daddy, why the flat face?

Post 54697 by dov3 deleted for the following reason: previously

So cool...

Post 54693 by Tablecrumbs deleted for the following reason: posted before

It's funny 'cause it's true.

Post 54688 by keswick deleted for the following reason: this is what, 3 times now?
Post 54685 by ereshkigal45 deleted for the following reason: please post this into one of the already open threads and then we can skip the self linking issue

September 11, 2006

Post 54682 by wheelieman deleted for the following reason: somehow I missed this thread this morning. ugh.


LIAR!!! Ex-Iranian President Condemns Bin Laden

Post 54678 by sawthesign deleted for the following reason: agenda-axegrindfilter

$480 million gift from Canada to the Republican's election strategy

Post 54677 by Kickstart70 deleted for the following reason: double post

another voice

Post 54654 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: meh, big claims coming from a lukewarm op-ed. OR IS IT CENSORSHIP?!


House of Cosbys

Post 54650 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: posted before, y'see.


How does a shuttlecock brunch?

Post 54624 by spiderwire deleted for the following reason: we have seen this before


strength and vulnerability

Post 54598 by petsounds deleted for the following reason: posted previously

GGW -- Governator Gone Wild

Post 54597 by jne1813 deleted for the following reason: seen it

Superior Stick Safety Suggestions

Post 54585 by karmaville deleted for the following reason: double

The Ultimate Blog Post

Post 54581 by TunnelArmr deleted for the following reason: kinda posted already

steve irwin tribute

Post 54580 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: .

maintaining a health 24/7 computer

Post 54575 by jamjammo deleted for the following reason: you are confused


Maybe now... etc.

Post 54569 by Second Account For Making Jokey Comments deleted for the following reason: the other one is better

Not so quaint.

Post 54561 by EarBucket deleted for the following reason: why don't you wait until this actually happens, otherwise this is just specualtionfilter.

They do, like, politics, too.

Post 54550 by anotherpanacea deleted for the following reason: previously


How'd they do this?

Post 54522 by BitterOldPunk deleted for the following reason: previously

You need a tictac in yo' backpack!

Post 54505 by BeerFilter deleted for the following reason: previously


Here is a very pretty way to overthrow the assailant

Post 54476 by jonson deleted for the following reason: previously


Longish short

Post 54433 by TRAJAN deleted for the following reason: people think this sucks

One of the last old-time movie greats gone

Post 54418 by blucevalo deleted for the following reason: check the thread from earlier today

Six Degrees of Alternate Reality

Post 54415 by evilgenius deleted for the following reason: take this to ask metafilter - this is not really what mefi is for.

Ever been had

Post 54414 by caddis deleted for the following reason: please put this in the existing AN Wilson thread?

A post crafted as if by God Himself.

Post 54407 by cortex deleted for the following reason: this sucks


Google founder joins Apple

Post 54392 by johnsaunders deleted for the following reason: not interesting news.


Post 54382 by semmi deleted for the following reason: Not Interesting. Newsfilter.NYT

Captain Canuck Legacy

Post 54369 by rinkjustice deleted for the following reason: you can't link to your dad's comic on metafilter, it's too self-linkish


The Luck is gone / the brain is shot / but the liquor we still got.

Post 54353 by ZachsMind deleted for the following reason: a post about rifftrax was good, but one new movie in their catalog? meh

Grape Stomp

Post 54351 by swift deleted for the following reason: this is 4-5 years old, the woman was fine, just knocked the wind out of her. It's from Georgia I think.

kindnapped girl

Post 54350 by johnsaunders deleted for the following reason: um, this isn't an interesting website or story.

Hail to the Chieftains

Post 54340 by growabrain deleted for the following reason: meh, cynical, unsupported op-eds are the suck. Remember when we used to discourage them?


Earn a cool grand for being patriotic!

Post 54327 by whozyerdaddy deleted for the following reason: lame self-link

Yale Shmale

Post 54304 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: just posted this past weekend


Metafilter ... it's almost pretty.

Post 54291 by scblackman deleted for the following reason: previously

How long will it take us to crash it this time?

Post 54286 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: what are you doing? if this is metafilter related, post it to metatalk.

Heck of a way to remember Katrina, no?

Post 54281 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: there are better ways to make this same point, without allcaps


Virtual Blues

Post 54276 by PareidoliaticBoy deleted for the following reason: this is an ad

New York Times poaches metafilter for news

Post 54275 by jacob hauser deleted for the following reason: to metatalk with ye


Prophet of the Holocaust

Post 54251 by No Robots deleted for the following reason: wikipedia link leading to a self link? nah.


Frank Zappa on CNN's

Post 54225 by persona non grata deleted for the following reason: double

Blue power?

Post 54203 by owhydididoit deleted for the following reason: double, poster's request

Farewell Pluto

Post 54201 by A189Nut deleted for the following reason: double

Civilisation Vs. The Middle Ages

Post 54192 by zagszman deleted for the following reason: double also, SELF LINK BANNED


National media editor calls a blog al-Jazeera and it's lead the

Post 54189 by jacob hauser deleted for the following reason: axegrindfilter - posessive its has no apostrophe

All Things Considered - States Sue Federal Gov't Over Forest Protections

Post 54180 by riotgrrl69 deleted for the following reason: ????? - one moment of "comedy genius" is really meh for a fpp


WTF!?!?! So pedophiles have their own jewelry?!?!?

Post 54149 by bobjohnsonmilw deleted for the following reason: subject was covered a few days ago

Crazy Stunt or Legitimate Business Plan?

Post 54146 by ®@ deleted for the following reason: double


Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

Post 54106 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: newsfilter, axegrindfiler. see also: sucks

An interesting take on stereotypes

Post 54105 by rez deleted for the following reason: previously


Is this is how Israel treates its anti-war activists?

Post 54069 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: crappy - please pay attention to the siren

We need one more commandment..

Post 54067 by dirtynumbangelboy deleted for the following reason: posted many times before


Post 54061 by quonsar deleted for the following reason: post as a joke comment in the other thread, no need to go overboard going crazy shitting all over this place.

I am therefore I am

Post 54058 by flapjax at midnite deleted for the following reason: meh, individually, these links aren't that interesting, and together, about the same.


Zombies, the San Francisco treat!

Post 54052 by Brandon Blatcher deleted for the following reason: beaten by mere seconds

I wish I had thought of this in 4th grade

Post 54044 by TheCoug deleted for the following reason: broken. please post this again when there is some real cock in it, thank you.

Cum eating monkey vid

Post 54043 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: people really don't like this.


Flash vs. Flash

Post 54022 by TunnelArmr deleted for the following reason: super, but double

Superb indeed!

Post 54021 by Sticherbeast deleted for the following reason: sorry, double

Free, clean and constant energy

Post 54013 by Fence deleted for the following reason: lame

It's on Baby...

Post 53964 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: axe grindy wordy newsfilter. take it down a notch, uu



Can You do this?

Post 53932 by mattoxic deleted for the following reason: EXTREME WALKING posted previously

From Red Tape to Starbucks.

Post 53922 by gottabefunky deleted for the following reason: sorry, posted previously

Breats implants save woman from Hezbollah attack.

Post 53906 by CunningLinguist deleted for the following reason: poster's request.

Inside every fat person...

Post 53905 by AmbroseChapel deleted for the following reason: infectodouble


Lebanon: who won and who lost?

Post 53866 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: please do not taunt happy fun siren.


Kissing Hank's Ass

Post 53849 by ObscureReferenceMan deleted for the following reason: posted previously.


Who told him this would be a good idea?

Post 53833 by Dr. Boom deleted for the following reason: meh

What women want

Post 53832 by friendly1 deleted for the following reason: what the hell is this spam?

Perplex City

Post 53824 by k7lim deleted for the following reason: you can't really link to something that needs to get more hits in order for you to be able to advance through it.

Call to action!!!!!!!!

Post 53810 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: where should I start?



Post 53806 by Dome-O-Rama deleted for the following reason: mostly double

The Religious Canadian Politician

Post 53803 by five fresh fish deleted for the following reason: "pretty much sucks as a post"

BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books

Post 53794 by JPowers deleted for the following reason: posted previously


a mystery that remains unsolved today.

Post 53775 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: do over, per poster's request.


Post 53764 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: newsfilter


A darker view of nootropia, perhaps.

Post 53756 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Bookmooch: New Life for Old Books

Post 53716 by RustyBrooks deleted for the following reason: previously ...

I think Peter Pan is the brains of the operation.

Post 53711 by verb deleted for the following reason: posted before


Sweet dreams are made of this...

Post 53701 by Stauf deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Give GWB a Brain!

Post 53698 by nlindstrom deleted for the following reason: previously

Just say no to mouse buttons

Post 53696 by bigmusic deleted for the following reason: posted previously

We start with a point.

Post 53689 by CRM114 deleted for the following reason: previously

Steak and Cheese

Post 53686 by jsonic deleted for the following reason: not a mistake, not a leak, also a double


If this were a dictatorship...

Post 53670 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: newsfilter, as you said.


History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

Post 53616 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: four month old tin foil hat article musses up otherwise good post.


Joe Francis Gone Wild

Post 53598 by rbs deleted for the following reason: he wasn't convicted of rape


Post 53592 by UbuRoivas deleted for the following reason: triple post