

Post 57396 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: we just signified the number of deaths last week, when it surpassed 9/11 tower deaths.


NSFW - unedited footage of Saddam

Post 57375 by A189Nut deleted for the following reason: you can eitehr take your lumps in the currently open thread with this link, or take it elsewhere, thanks.

Chop, don't pop!

Post 57370 by SassHat deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today

Not just Al-Qaeda

Post 57368 by konolia deleted for the following reason: lame anti-islam op-ed screed

where to live in georgia

Post 57364 by lilafain deleted for the following reason: ask metafilter is what you want.


Saddam Hussein is dead

Post 57358 by tranquileye deleted for the following reason: previously. also - one link to CNN front page, really?

Saddam Execution

Post 57356 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: no offense, but this post totally sucks.


Post 57353 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: MetaFilter is about Filtering Links on the web.

James Brown, 1933 - 2006

Post 57340 by analogue deleted for the following reason: yes, he really is still dead.


Couples Singles swept away.

Post 57323 by goodnewsfortheinsane deleted for the following reason: lol ebay jokes have sort of a limited shelf life.

John Edwards Announces.

Post 57322 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: kinda sorta posted about yesterday.


Nevar Forget!

Post 57308 by Tacos Are Pretty Great deleted for the following reason: previously

My God, if I had piece of life.

Post 57303 by Dreama deleted for the following reason: it's a hoax, and no longer what it says.


Clowns To The Left of Me, Jokers to the Right

Post 57294 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: this is a vry nice post -- could you please include these links in the thread that was posted right before it? thank you.

The Ultimate Blog Post for All Blogs

Post 57287 by Riovanes deleted for the following reason: posted a few months ago, when it was new


The night before Xmas

Post 57275 by Steven C. Den Beste deleted for the following reason: metafilter is really not the place to grind your axe on christmas.

Protective tabs for IPod sync Cable?

Post 57272 by edverb deleted for the following reason: please post to ask me, thanks

James Brown, R.I.P.

Post 57269 by bashos_frog deleted for the following reason: still dead, already in meta.


RIP James Brown

Post 57263 by scody deleted for the following reason: tripled in sixty seconds

The Hardest Working Man in Show Business

Post 57262 by Duncan deleted for the following reason: tripled in sixty seconds

AIDS OPV hypothesis, theory or fact?

Post 57253 by mgkaelen deleted for the following reason: conspiracyfilter. This is a very odd xmas eve post coming from someone who hasn't posted AT ALL on the site in over a year.

More Wikipedia Pranks

Post 57250 by Huplescat deleted for the following reason: links to wikipedia pranks that wind up pointing to repaired pages confuse people. Otherwise this might be better on sportsfilter, or maybe here with a little more information and a little less agenda.


All the news that fits

Post 57230 by Mister Bijou deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Numbers alphabetized

Post 57228 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: this is sort of long and perhaps slightly pointless.


Cable and Christmas shows

Post 57224 by PetBoogaloo deleted for the following reason: this post is sort of confusing. If you have a question, please feel free to take it to ask metafilter.

Ahmadinejad & Christmas on his blog

Post 57220 by persia deleted for the following reason: you linked to this same blog a few weeks ago.

(Headline/Title Redacted)

Post 57218 by Flunkie deleted for the following reason: hi -- there is still an open post on a closely related topic from yesterday.

wiis for woots

Post 57216 by ShawnString deleted for the following reason: sorry, a little too pepsi blue.

On the Road Again

Post 57202 by PreacherTom deleted for the following reason: I do not like thee preachertom, the reason why: this post's a bomb, but this I know, go ask my Mom, I do not like thre preachertom.



Post 57191 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: previous



Post 57153 by Steven C. Den Beste deleted for the following reason: this thread could be improved upon in many ways. So many that perhaps this thread as it stands is not very good at all. Please try again tomorrow. Thank you.

Have A Very Vintage Christmas

Post 57152 by jonson deleted for the following reason: pretty much previously. sorry jonson.


Will it Blend?

Post 57143 by commonmedia deleted for the following reason: previously

Nobel Gas

Post 57124 by ubiquity deleted for the following reason: please go grind your axe someplace else.


Jurassic Prick

Post 57108 by Tlogmer deleted for the following reason: previously.

Puttin' on the RIIIIIIITZ!

Post 57104 by lodurr deleted for the following reason: PREVIOUSLY


Man Plans and God Laughs

Post 57090 by lalochezia deleted for the following reason: google news is the best of the web? Couldn't you pick the best articles, provide some background about who this person was, etc?

$276,500,000,000 later...

Post 57089 by travis vocino deleted for the following reason: hi single link axe grindy posts to little yahoo news articles often do not make good posts here, maybe you want to try your own blog? Thank you, happy holidays.


You had to be there.

Post 57083 by toma deleted for the following reason: axegrindfilter - please save ranty screeds for your own blog and save your awesome weblinks for metafilter. Thank you and have a pleasant holiday season.

Kryptonite weakens? Try Cummingtonite!

Post 57071 by Gratishades deleted for the following reason: previously

Wii in motion.

Post 57066 by econous deleted for the following reason: previously.


ethnocracy or democracy in Israel?

Post 57042 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: these posts do not go well here and unless there is substantive new news, dragging out the same debate and dilemmas is not condusive to sitewide harmony. Thank you and have a happy holiday season.


Hips don't lie...

Post 57033 by skjønn deleted for the following reason: your favorite youtube spoof sucks.

Because they can.

Post 57032 by stewiethegreat deleted for the following reason: Wait... are you trying to say OPEC is a cartel? And it wields a lot of control over oil prices?

Winning hearts and minds.

Post 57030 by basicchannel deleted for the following reason: 18 second video of some kids saying "fuck iraq", really??

The Trial (and re-trial) of America's

Post 57013 by mickeyz deleted for the following reason: you are totally not allowed to do this.

First large aquatic mammal to go extinct since the California monk seal (1950)

Post 57009 by salvia deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a double

Illegal, alien, identityless theivery

Post 57007 by mattbucher deleted for the following reason: previously

Art of the Himalayan Peoples

Post 57005 by Burhanistan deleted for the following reason: previously

One more day to vote for 2006 Weblog Awards

Post 57004 by mogabog deleted for the following reason: this is metatalky and links to fark rarely make good FPPs

Boyle will be missed

Post 57003 by ewkpates deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday

Life Day

Post 56997 by tatnasty deleted for the following reason: DOUBLE - LIKE YOU SAID



I want my MTV (not)

Post 56957 by progosk deleted for the following reason: "please delete as you see fit" okay then!

Just look, maintaining internal silence.

Post 56951 by odinsdream deleted for the following reason: previously

Ask MeFi p0wnage

Post 56935 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: it's on meta.

Pop goes the weasel

Post 56927 by punkfloyd deleted for the following reason: by request


Pinochet finally dead

Post 56911 by serazin deleted for the following reason: um, double
Post 56905 by These Premises Are Alarmed deleted for the following reason: posted on saturday


So Many Dots Representing So Many Planes

Post 56894 by fenriq deleted for the following reason: hey, I posted this first!

Augusto Pinochet dead at the age of 91

Post 56881 by Guerilla deleted for the following reason: STILL DEAD FILM AT 11!!!one!

Celebration in Chile?

Post 56879 by j-urb deleted for the following reason: previously


Watch 'Night Of The Living Dead' (1968)

Post 56861 by vranghel deleted for the following reason: YOU CAN'T DO THIS HERE

Men Without Hats

Post 56860 by vronsky deleted for the following reason: your favorite band sucks and this bad trend stops here.

Michael Jackson finally admits it!

Post 56855 by Vamier deleted for the following reason: a really lame badly edited poor quality video for a joke that's a decade old but somehow still falls flat. Try harder next time.


Post 56854 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Marksman called in to kill Kingston̢۪s pigeons

Post 56836 by cgc373 deleted for the following reason: seen it.


Vholoce: Weather Visualiser

Post 56826 by heliopod deleted for the following reason: it's raining self-links


Post 56823 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: previously

Commercial Censored by Jumpcut.com

Post 56820 by dirvish deleted for the following reason: this post sucks and it's likely your myspace page

Wiimote + MacBook + Starwars = Joy

Post 56814 by jragon deleted for the following reason: post it to projects...

Beatle Juggling

Post 56812 by ZenMasterThis deleted for the following reason: previously


NewsCloud goes open source

Post 56765 by hybernaut deleted for the following reason: you are not allowed to do this here.

Dangling a juicy carrot.

Post 56759 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: a zillion times before.

Vintage Rockabilly On The YouTube

Post 56741 by y2karl deleted for the following reason: um, this is enough, yo. Try something else.


future of the internets

Post 56739 by localhuman deleted for the following reason: this is several years old and was posted here when it first came out.


Post 56732 by cdcello deleted for the following reason: single link gyob chickenfilter

Hot Water Balloons In Space!

Post 56721 by cgc373 deleted for the following reason: previously


First they came for the no-name rock bands and I didn't say anything...

Post 56689 by tsarfan deleted for the following reason: I like you Tony, but this is kind of self-linky.

Zamzar - Great Web 2.0 site

Post 56685 by MichaelWhyley deleted for the following reason: yo man, WHAT?


Who made these art works?

Post 56669 by Ateo Fiel deleted for the following reason: please post this to ask metafilter, thank you.

No, don't do it.

Post 56660 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: people really, really don't like this, the video is pretty boring/awful/unfunny. Not a lot of upside to this, it's just short of animal cruelty on video.