
ethnic cleansing and racism

Post 56627 by hard rain deleted for the following reason: Middle EAST LEBANON ISRAEL PALESTINE - please don't do this here.


Post 56624 by Artifice_Eternity deleted for the following reason: LOL BUSH SUPPORTERZ R CRAYZEE! whatever.

Hi! When I was pregnant, I gorged myself until I doubled my body weight.

Post 56614 by rsanheim deleted for the following reason: ugly controversial site certain to start a flamewar


Sinéad O'Connor says

Post 56568 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: meh, it's 14 years old. At this point, it is growing its first moustache

All this and the Dead too

Post 56554 by ardgedee deleted for the following reason: posted previously.


The Arrow of Time

Post 56541 by alona deleted for the following reason: posted before


Greeted as Liberators

Post 56529 by EatTheWeak deleted for the following reason: previously

Hundreds of hand-drawn turkeys!

Post 56524 by dw deleted for the following reason: posted before


Maybe I'm naive, but

Post 56514 by Tuffy deleted for the following reason: poster previously


No really, thanks!

Post 56482 by Citizen Premier deleted for the following reason: last year

Will Thanksgiving blend?

Post 56480 by Doohickie deleted for the following reason: repost



Post 56473 by ubiquity deleted for the following reason: um, yeah, post it at metachat.


“We killed Jesus, we’ll kill you too!”

Post 56446 by cgs deleted for the following reason: Hey, it's an unsourced I/P post!

Test your ear for music.

Post 56438 by jeremy b deleted for the following reason: previously

Revivification and Recrudescence

Post 56431 by Milkman Dan deleted for the following reason: listed as your friend on your personal site http://kev.elbowroomdesign.com/links.htm


News Corp Cancels OJ Simpson's

Post 56419 by shivohum deleted for the following reason: wendell did it.


The Demotivators

Post 56403 by mattoxic deleted for the following reason: this is several years old


Dogs And Cats Living Together

Post 56389 by jonson deleted for the following reason: adorable, but a double

You Have 20 Seconds To Comply

Post 56386 by Artw deleted for the following reason: previously

Simon & Simon:

Post 56381 by Yakuman deleted for the following reason: there is really nothing here, is there?


Post 56362 by tgrundke deleted for the following reason: should this be in AskMe?


Foxy Gray Lady

Post 56330 by metaplectic deleted for the following reason: old news

Fair and Balanced?

Post 56328 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: double

They report, you decide

Post 56317 by kgasmart deleted for the following reason: SLBOE AND ALL CAPS TO BOOT


Fly little kiwi, fly.

Post 56311 by clockworkjoe deleted for the following reason: previously

Don't Be Actin' Silly While ur Ridin'

Post 56310 by jahmoon deleted for the following reason: previously


A Burrito is not a Sandwich

Post 56281 by expriest deleted for the following reason: meh, oddly enough news feeds rarely make interesting posts

(It took him four months to write this?)

Post 56277 by reklaw deleted for the following reason: maddox? really?


The Power of Nightmares

Post 56262 by dydecker deleted for the following reason: previously posted

Out Of Iraq

Post 56257 by anotherpanacea deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today

Kancept Concept

Post 56247 by dirtynumbangelboy deleted for the following reason: spammers over run the comments


AVG Anti Virus free no more, Are there any other Freeware Antivirus software?

Post 56243 by IronWolve deleted for the following reason: go post this on askme, thanks.

Lilly Allen - Smile

Post 56229 by ubnya deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned


This quote is for real.

Post 56222 by MarkO deleted for the following reason: please put this pullquote in one of a zillion other election threads already in progress, thank you.

Life after unwanted celebrity status...part 2

Post 56218 by randomstriker deleted for the following reason: I think the metatalk thread covers it

Keiko's Homepage

Post 56216 by hama7 deleted for the following reason: creepy hoax sex site with no warning or description

Bank of America - One Bank

Post 56212 by Arcaz Ino deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Post 56210 by eyeballkid deleted for the following reason: posted recently


Governator Repeat

Post 56189 by AVandalay deleted for the following reason: not that interesting of a website being linked here, eh? Toss it into one of the other election threads as a comment

hiiiigher standards

Post 56185 by nims deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday

Dems win the Senate!!

Post 56183 by cerebus19 deleted for the following reason: single link to CNN, election saturation point reached.

Shoots, Kills, Seasons.

Post 56171 by ewagoner deleted for the following reason: three times!


51-49 or Fight

Post 56160 by SansPoint deleted for the following reason: did you catch the message on the posting page?

Democrats take the Senate.

Post 56158 by Effigy2000 deleted for the following reason: we have enough election threads to last a while. All filled up. Sorry.

Yee Hoo!

Post 56156 by nj_subgenius deleted for the following reason: SLBOE. there are a few other election threads open, maybe put this in one of them?

Killing two birds, and all that.

Post 56150 by aberrant deleted for the following reason: posted before

Bye bye, Mr. Rumsfeld.

Post 56145 by jne1813 deleted for the following reason: ohfuckdeletethis


Post 56139 by BuddhaInABucket deleted for the following reason: LETS GO FOR FOUR

na-na, na-na na-na, hey hey hey...

Post 56138 by brevator deleted for the following reason: buh-bye


Jew and Black Lead in Election

Post 56128 by jdfalk deleted for the following reason: kinda funny but dunno if it's post-worthy

Voting Advice

Post 56113 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: I'll sum it up for you, this is a youtube post where GWB says "vote democrat" over and over.

It's god's soda can!

Post 56112 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: posted before. no wait I mean HAHAHA LOLZ XTIANS R STOOPID OMGZ

Mission unAccomplished

Post 56102 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: SLBOE grind grind grind


Post 56100 by Brian B. deleted for the following reason: previously

About Those Newspaper Endorsements...

Post 56098 by smrtsch deleted for the following reason: this reads like a personal blog entry. MeFi is about links to the best stuff out there, not a diary.


Post 56097 by four panels deleted for the following reason: posted a couple years back

Can we change our own reality by feeling different?

Post 56083 by PetBoogaloo deleted for the following reason: double, among other things

Get Off My Case

Post 56082 by kimdog deleted for the following reason: NO FRIEND OF THE BAND POSTS KTXBI


whole lotta o's

Post 56055 by progosk deleted for the following reason: eh, not much payoff for such a big buildup


A Thousand Blank White Cards

Post 56051 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: geocities down + third post

Adrienne Shelly found dead

Post 56040 by squidfartz deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday


Post 56034 by Brian B. deleted for the following reason: jesusfilter/atheistfilter - please go fight someplace else.

The contract

Post 56033 by SeeAych4 deleted for the following reason: even though it's an election week in the US, this is not really a great post.

You're Doing a Great Job, Rummy

Post 56032 by Benny Andajetz deleted for the following reason: newsfilter, dailykosfilter.

Ich Bin Ein

Post 56029 by notmtwain deleted for the following reason: google news? meh.

Animated Boobs

Post 56028 by hama7 deleted for the following reason: is there anything notable about this site? looks like another dumb porny site among the millions

No Blind Schizophrenics?

Post 56015 by srs deleted for the following reason: the question was enough dude.



Post 55996 by nofundy deleted for the following reason: grind grind grind grind grind

Mazel tov!

Post 55989 by thirteenkiller deleted for the following reason: telling people to fuck off in the comments to your own post doesn't endear you to people with their fingers on the button.


Martin Scorsese hates America?

Post 55968 by DougieZero1982 deleted for the following reason: metafilter is about *linking* to *other stuff* out on the web, not scans of your mail