
Longish short

Post 54433 by TRAJAN deleted for the following reason: people think this sucks

One of the last old-time movie greats gone

Post 54418 by blucevalo deleted for the following reason: check the thread from earlier today

Six Degrees of Alternate Reality

Post 54415 by evilgenius deleted for the following reason: take this to ask metafilter - this is not really what mefi is for.

Ever been had

Post 54414 by caddis deleted for the following reason: please put this in the existing AN Wilson thread?

A post crafted as if by God Himself.

Post 54407 by cortex deleted for the following reason: this sucks


Google founder joins Apple

Post 54392 by johnsaunders deleted for the following reason: not interesting news.


Post 54382 by semmi deleted for the following reason: Not Interesting. Newsfilter.NYT

Captain Canuck Legacy

Post 54369 by rinkjustice deleted for the following reason: you can't link to your dad's comic on metafilter, it's too self-linkish


The Luck is gone / the brain is shot / but the liquor we still got.

Post 54353 by ZachsMind deleted for the following reason: a post about rifftrax was good, but one new movie in their catalog? meh

Grape Stomp

Post 54351 by swift deleted for the following reason: this is 4-5 years old, the woman was fine, just knocked the wind out of her. It's from Georgia I think.

kindnapped girl

Post 54350 by johnsaunders deleted for the following reason: um, this isn't an interesting website or story.

Hail to the Chieftains

Post 54340 by growabrain deleted for the following reason: meh, cynical, unsupported op-eds are the suck. Remember when we used to discourage them?


Earn a cool grand for being patriotic!

Post 54327 by whozyerdaddy deleted for the following reason: lame self-link

Yale Shmale

Post 54304 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: just posted this past weekend


Metafilter ... it's almost pretty.

Post 54291 by scblackman deleted for the following reason: previously

How long will it take us to crash it this time?

Post 54286 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: what are you doing? if this is metafilter related, post it to metatalk.

Heck of a way to remember Katrina, no?

Post 54281 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: there are better ways to make this same point, without allcaps


Virtual Blues

Post 54276 by PareidoliaticBoy deleted for the following reason: this is an ad

New York Times poaches metafilter for news

Post 54275 by jacob hauser deleted for the following reason: to metatalk with ye


Prophet of the Holocaust

Post 54251 by No Robots deleted for the following reason: wikipedia link leading to a self link? nah.


Frank Zappa on CNN's

Post 54225 by persona non grata deleted for the following reason: double

Blue power?

Post 54203 by owhydididoit deleted for the following reason: double, poster's request

Farewell Pluto

Post 54201 by A189Nut deleted for the following reason: double

Civilisation Vs. The Middle Ages

Post 54192 by zagszman deleted for the following reason: double also, SELF LINK BANNED


National media editor calls a blog al-Jazeera and it's lead the

Post 54189 by jacob hauser deleted for the following reason: axegrindfilter - posessive its has no apostrophe

All Things Considered - States Sue Federal Gov't Over Forest Protections

Post 54180 by riotgrrl69 deleted for the following reason: ????? - one moment of "comedy genius" is really meh for a fpp


WTF!?!?! So pedophiles have their own jewelry?!?!?

Post 54149 by bobjohnsonmilw deleted for the following reason: subject was covered a few days ago

Crazy Stunt or Legitimate Business Plan?

Post 54146 by ®@ deleted for the following reason: double


Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

Post 54106 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: newsfilter, axegrindfiler. see also: sucks

An interesting take on stereotypes

Post 54105 by rez deleted for the following reason: previously


Is this is how Israel treates its anti-war activists?

Post 54069 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: crappy - please pay attention to the siren

We need one more commandment..

Post 54067 by dirtynumbangelboy deleted for the following reason: posted many times before


Post 54061 by quonsar deleted for the following reason: post as a joke comment in the other thread, no need to go overboard going crazy shitting all over this place.

I am therefore I am

Post 54058 by flapjax at midnite deleted for the following reason: meh, individually, these links aren't that interesting, and together, about the same.


Zombies, the San Francisco treat!

Post 54052 by Brandon Blatcher deleted for the following reason: beaten by mere seconds

I wish I had thought of this in 4th grade

Post 54044 by TheCoug deleted for the following reason: broken. please post this again when there is some real cock in it, thank you.

Cum eating monkey vid

Post 54043 by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese deleted for the following reason: people really don't like this.


Flash vs. Flash

Post 54022 by TunnelArmr deleted for the following reason: super, but double

Superb indeed!

Post 54021 by Sticherbeast deleted for the following reason: sorry, double

Free, clean and constant energy

Post 54013 by Fence deleted for the following reason: lame

It's on Baby...

Post 53964 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: axe grindy wordy newsfilter. take it down a notch, uu



Can You do this?

Post 53932 by mattoxic deleted for the following reason: EXTREME WALKING posted previously

From Red Tape to Starbucks.

Post 53922 by gottabefunky deleted for the following reason: sorry, posted previously

Breats implants save woman from Hezbollah attack.

Post 53906 by CunningLinguist deleted for the following reason: poster's request.

Inside every fat person...

Post 53905 by AmbroseChapel deleted for the following reason: infectodouble


Lebanon: who won and who lost?

Post 53866 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: please do not taunt happy fun siren.


Kissing Hank's Ass

Post 53849 by ObscureReferenceMan deleted for the following reason: posted previously.


Who told him this would be a good idea?

Post 53833 by Dr. Boom deleted for the following reason: meh

What women want

Post 53832 by friendly1 deleted for the following reason: what the hell is this spam?

Perplex City

Post 53824 by k7lim deleted for the following reason: you can't really link to something that needs to get more hits in order for you to be able to advance through it.

Call to action!!!!!!!!

Post 53810 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: where should I start?



Post 53806 by Dome-O-Rama deleted for the following reason: mostly double

The Religious Canadian Politician

Post 53803 by five fresh fish deleted for the following reason: "pretty much sucks as a post"

BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books

Post 53794 by JPowers deleted for the following reason: posted previously


a mystery that remains unsolved today.

Post 53775 by boo_radley deleted for the following reason: do over, per poster's request.


Post 53764 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: newsfilter


A darker view of nootropia, perhaps.

Post 53756 by Blazecock Pileon deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Bookmooch: New Life for Old Books

Post 53716 by RustyBrooks deleted for the following reason: previously ...

I think Peter Pan is the brains of the operation.

Post 53711 by verb deleted for the following reason: posted before


Sweet dreams are made of this...

Post 53701 by Stauf deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Give GWB a Brain!

Post 53698 by nlindstrom deleted for the following reason: previously

Just say no to mouse buttons

Post 53696 by bigmusic deleted for the following reason: posted previously

We start with a point.

Post 53689 by CRM114 deleted for the following reason: previously

Steak and Cheese

Post 53686 by jsonic deleted for the following reason: not a mistake, not a leak, also a double


If this were a dictatorship...

Post 53670 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: newsfilter, as you said.


History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

Post 53616 by Unregistered User deleted for the following reason: four month old tin foil hat article musses up otherwise good post.


Joe Francis Gone Wild

Post 53598 by rbs deleted for the following reason: he wasn't convicted of rape


Post 53592 by UbuRoivas deleted for the following reason: triple post
Post 53578 by dersins deleted for the following reason: it's just a bookmark dump


Regulate Marijuana Donation Drive

Post 53558 by london escorts deleted for the following reason: not post worthy

Cats That Look Like Hitler

Post 53556 by MiguelCardoso deleted for the following reason: it's ok, he must have been drunk on brandy

Novel Sculptures

Post 53554 by caddis deleted for the following reason: previously

Click survey

Post 53531 by Bobtheordinary deleted for the following reason: you doubled mathowie!



Post 53515 by aberrant deleted for the following reason: this post is worse than hitler

Who is Brigitte Gabriel?

Post 53507 by jmcnally deleted for the following reason: this is sort of an AskMe question, isn't it?

It's funny because it's true.

Post 53503 by empath deleted for the following reason: onionfilter


Pierce Bush, future President

Post 53490 by matkline deleted for the following reason: facebook bush links are sooooo four months ago.

Dude, you look just like Linux...

Post 53488 by WhipSmart deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday
Post 53487 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: previously

Chomsky on the Israel/Lebanon conflict

Post 53483 by dobie deleted for the following reason: sort of double-y.

just what are the odds of this happening?

Post 53464 by pyramid termite deleted for the following reason: all farked up