
Gitmo executons chechens

Post 47944 by Rancid Badger deleted for the following reason: too. much. text.

Farris Hassan's Not-So-Excellent Adventure

Post 47941 by grapefruitmoon deleted for the following reason: posted previously



Post 47928 by The Jesse Helms deleted for the following reason: this post is ancient shit


Million Dollar web page

Post 47909 by Witty deleted for the following reason: posted previously, sorry this isn't funnier



Post 47892 by Edward King deleted for the following reason: self-link

The Story of Wheat

Post 47890 by shivohum deleted for the following reason: still on the front page

PlayStation Portable Graffiti?

Post 47885 by fixedgear deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Secret Tutorials

Post 47883 by sofocles92 deleted for the following reason: self-link


Vonity-New kind of Online Community

Post 47872 by milos83 deleted for the following reason: er.... self link or something


myspace album

Post 47862 by mingusmingus deleted for the following reason: self-link that doesn't work


AllMusic.com's Tapestry Playlist Generator

Post 47848 by .:DataWhat?:. deleted for the following reason: self link.


Post 47839 by the_bone deleted for the following reason: we've basically seen this before

Happy festivus eve

Post 47838 by Paris Hilton deleted for the following reason: double pole


13th Annual Superheroes Ball

Post 47817 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: too thin for a post, yo.

Google Video Goodness

Post 47814 by thisisdrew deleted for the following reason: apparently self-links


democracy demo

Post 47796 by The Jesse Helms deleted for the following reason: an online poll? seriously?

Tis the Season

Post 47792 by WildThang deleted for the following reason: why all the fuss about pingray?


10 for X

Post 47781 by neo deleted for the following reason: meh, pretty thin reason to post, most likely self-link


Francis Fulford : Why Americas F**cked

Post 47771 by IronWolve deleted for the following reason: a link to tv guide?

id smackdown

Post 47753 by Protocols of the Elders of Awesome deleted for the following reason: DOUBLE

Tony sings...

Post 47752 by R. Mutt deleted for the following reason: and?....

wrestling, you know, for the lord...

Post 47750 by machaus deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Arrr....The Flying Spegetti Monster Wins!

Post 47748 by ShawnString deleted for the following reason: beaten to the punch



Post 47737 by panoptican deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Post 47731 by NotMyselfRightNow deleted for the following reason: I had no idea this was a double when I saw it in AskMe. drat!
Post 47715 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: posted previously



Post 47690 by hortense deleted for the following reason: hoaxnewsfilter. you have been hoped. xo, admin


Bush Won't Tell

Post 47663 by dbiedny deleted for the following reason: one Bush + NSA post on the front page is enough

Lastminute Auction

Post 47653 by vincente deleted for the following reason: crappy site

A Materialist Holday

Post 47652 by Spezzatura deleted for the following reason: this is what mefi projects is for

Who controls Santa Claus?

Post 47650 by jmccorm deleted for the following reason: this is why mefi projects exists


For the season....

Post 47630 by bluesky43 deleted for the following reason: your point is....?


3D murals

Post 47611 by crunchland deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Pure Pwnage Episode 09

Post 47607 by suni deleted for the following reason: site posted before

Like father like daughter

Post 47604 by jeffburdges deleted for the following reason: I dunno, seems like heresay, plus the story is contradicted at times

Is the Pentagon spying on Americans?

Post 47596 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: asked last night


Daily Show Tragedy

Post 47587 by Ignition deleted for the following reason: newsfilter link begets pile-on

The game of life, played with mushrooms

Post 47585 by gottabefunky deleted for the following reason: posted previously

I believe in logic & the laws of the universe.

Post 47570 by dash_slot- deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Tookie Executed

Post 47561 by olbiadle deleted for the following reason: please post this in the open thread

Fuck Christmas

Post 47558 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: was this link supposed to go to a porn site?
Post 47547 by ScottMorris deleted for the following reason: please post in the open thread


Small Crazy Cursor Stealer

Post 47541 by Mr Bluesky deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Who is Billie Anderson?

Post 47538 by Scram deleted for the following reason: should move to mefi projects

Mitch Albom-hater Morrie Is Back!

Post 47529 by ringie78 deleted for the following reason: posting the same site TWICE?!

the impossible dream

Post 47521 by P.O.W. deleted for the following reason: dude. DUDE. dude.


Is Fox falsely advertising for the Family Guy?

Post 47514 by spigoat deleted for the following reason: guh? maybe try your personal site?

Rocky Mountain News says the Christmas Lights Webcam is real this year

Post 47513 by RonZ deleted for the following reason: suspicious link, repeat-self linker?

It's not the camera that'll steal your soul

Post 47509 by LinusMines deleted for the following reason: different blog post on that site was posted before

Imagine there's no heaven

Post 47501 by Finder deleted for the following reason: People don't seem to like it, no sir.

Richard Pryor, RIP

Post 47497 by markovitch deleted for the following reason: for the love of god, try control-F, then put in "pryor" on the front page

Richard Pryor dies

Post 47491 by criticalbill deleted for the following reason: prior post about this



Post 47487 by skjønn deleted for the following reason: uh, not that funny or notable
Post 47485 by ScottMorris deleted for the following reason: double post

Piece of Paper

Post 47476 by augustweed deleted for the following reason: double-double


Just like toilet paper.

Post 47463 by Kickstart70 deleted for the following reason: unsupported, far-fetched


Post 47462 by cedar deleted for the following reason: and 1 other person

take that Shelbyville!

Post 47459 by tsarfan deleted for the following reason: quintuple?

Crude Designs - The rip-off of Iraq's Oil Wealth.

Post 47435 by insomnia_lj deleted for the following reason: posted previously

World Wide Love

Post 47429 by reverenddrjice deleted for the following reason: we already did a iran vs. israel post this week. we're all filled up on them.


Post 47424 by Colloquial Collision deleted for the following reason: already seen in metatalk

Weird Friday Flash Fun

Post 47423 by ClanvidHorse deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Simple toys for simple children

Post 47417 by hypersloth deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Do something nice for the kids stuck over in Iraq

Post 47405 by keptwench deleted for the following reason: posted previously

Complete Guide to Jennifers

Post 47395 by beautifulatrocities deleted for the following reason: self-link


I hate the internet.

Post 47373 by jcterminal deleted for the following reason: 404-ed link

East Timor

Post 47372 by j-urb deleted for the following reason: posted previously, feel free to move your links into that thread

Parsing the State of the Union

Post 47343 by Armitage Shanks deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Finally a product that lives up to its name

Post 47329 by purplesnow deleted for the following reason: self-link apparently.


Winelibrary TV Spot - Not a common commercial

Post 47289 by yonnage deleted for the following reason: self-link


Post 47281 by Paris Hilton deleted for the following reason: double-ish lame applefilter post


Post 47275 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: previously

Read your MetaFilter at Protopage

Post 47268 by drewlondon deleted for the following reason: double


George Best

Post 47239 by movilla deleted for the following reason: double, posted previously

Minipages: YTMND

Post 47238 by Tlogmer deleted for the following reason: posted previously and often.

Mall Christmas Katrina display is back

Post 47236 by wsg deleted for the following reason: please post this update into the open thread still on the main page



Post 47219 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: double

AP story grapples with existentialism

Post 47211 by echodolphin deleted for the following reason: um....

I *heart* the the Internut

Post 47207 by BrodieShadeTree deleted for the following reason: wow, a double-double!

Find 74 bands in this picture

Post 47201 by Lotto deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday

Bad Sex

Post 47196 by athenian deleted for the following reason: double


Post 47195 by Ljubljana deleted for the following reason: double


It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Post 47193 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: seen here before

Project Paperclip v.2

Post 47192 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: double