
Exterminate the brutes!

Post 46260 by Smedleyman deleted for the following reason: double

Gentlemen's club

Post 46255 by mediacurse deleted for the following reason: doesn't seem like a good idea for a post


Look at me riding a luck dragon!

Post 46240 by Billistics deleted for the following reason: self-link

They turned a pumpkin into a PC.

Post 46235 by donovan deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today


linux for dummies on sale now...

Post 46214 by jimjam deleted for the following reason: macpcflamefilter

Badmash Bush

Post 46206 by aacheson deleted for the following reason: aw shucks, posted before.

Keystroke Logging

Post 46205 by Edward King deleted for the following reason: hoax, debunked, crazy person.

Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip, Mum Mum Mum Mum

Post 46196 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: fandangy's doing a heck of a job

The Official Krystle Craig Web Site

Post 46193 by Billistics deleted for the following reason: lame, Is it "let's all pick on the weird teen site" day?

Miers Can't Cut It

Post 46188 by stilgar deleted for the following reason: withdrawn


Orange you glad I posted this?

Post 46169 by KevinSkomsvold deleted for the following reason: site insta-hosed

Wal-Mart Memo Suggests Ways to Cut Employee Benefit Costs

Post 46167 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday


Take at a look

Post 46154 by WildThang deleted for the following reason: Kinda flimsy for a full post, better as a comment on an existing thread

2000 dead

Post 46149 by movilla deleted for the following reason: posted earlier. Oh, and also? try being less of an asshole to everyone when you post. But of course you won't. You know you won't. Isn't there something better on the other website?

Rosa Parks passed away at age 92.

Post 46148 by dflemingdotorg deleted for the following reason: dude, go to the back of the bus


Post 46145 by Phantast deleted for the following reason: posted earlier

What the pho?

Post 46141 by Mach3avelli deleted for the following reason: very lame, or as this movie would say, "very rame indeed"


Post 46117 by Extopalopaketle deleted for the following reason: double, but thanks


Bush and Cheney Indictments in CIA/Valerie Plame leak

Post 46080 by Livewire Confusion deleted for the following reason: plese repost when/if this really happens.


Harriet Miers: This is your life

Post 46049 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: enough with Hurrican Miers!


Post 46042 by grateful deleted for the following reason: Not actually an explosion


Post 46036 by mkultra deleted for the following reason: I like the newer one


Post 46030 by punilux deleted for the following reason: posted several times before

Viral Blogger Poker Tournament

Post 46028 by hostile7 deleted for the following reason: spammers get banned


The Lifetime as an an Advocacy Organization

Post 46027 by JPowers deleted for the following reason: Next up on Lifetime: Not with out my website: the Matt Haughey story


Post 46015 by semmi deleted for the following reason: posted earlier today

Incredible long exposure photos

Post 46012 by Brockstar deleted for the following reason: you posted this already?


the documents between us

Post 46001 by The Jesse Helms deleted for the following reason: posted moments before

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

Post 45973 by zouhair deleted for the following reason: double


Iraq Elections Run Like American Elections

Post 45943 by stilgar deleted for the following reason: this is already on your own blog


Zionist hegemony? - not yet.

Post 45885 by cleardawn deleted for the following reason: what a mess


Mixed Media Website Design: Beyond Dreamweaver.

Post 45845 by mrkredo deleted for the following reason: OMFG, THIS POST WAS MADE FROM A VIEWPOINT.COM IP ADDRESS

Nothing Fancy

Post 45829 by InternZ deleted for the following reason: dude don't pimp your friend's site.


Post 45821 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: double


Music from a Tiny Sine Wave

Post 45819 by room deleted for the following reason: old self link wtf -- jessamyn


Sign Petition

Post 45787 by goalyeehah deleted for the following reason: link doesn't work, the vote was three weeks ago, and online petitions... not so much

bad day

Post 45774 by mert deleted for the following reason: double


Troubles with the frog prince

Post 45754 by claus deleted for the following reason: self link.


White Sox

Post 45720 by SeeAych4 deleted for the following reason: if it's about metafilter it belongs in metatalk.

Go fuck a duck

Post 45711 by Kwantsar deleted for the following reason: well, fuck a duck, this has been posted before!

God speaks to Bush

Post 45699 by mountainmambo deleted for the following reason: double

Help! Liberals!

Post 45698 by tommyc deleted for the following reason: double


Another Shakespeare authorship theory

Post 45665 by wilful deleted for the following reason: double


Post 45654 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: omg indeed.

Sedition Act of 1918

Post 45650 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: it's one encyclopedia article?

Why Miers' browneye?

Post 45643 by If I Had An Anus deleted for the following reason: OpEds ahoy!

Rocket Racing

Post 45639 by tbonicus deleted for the following reason: double post

Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man. -Klingon Proverb

Post 45636 by rzklkng deleted for the following reason: Reads like a personal blog post, first link doesn't have much to do with speculation within or the many unrelated diagrams. Proves nothing but the poster's opinion.


Abridging the Freedom of Speech

Post 45620 by badger_flammable deleted for the following reason: ads for books make for crappy posts


Photoshop, protests, Commies, oh my!

Post 45573 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: covered previously