
Dawn Simulator, $25, works!

Post 44714 by hank deleted for the following reason: smells like spam

Warring warehouses...

Post 44711 by daveqat deleted for the following reason: double.

Being President is Hard Work

Post 44701 by tomcosgrave deleted for the following reason: there is already a let the bush bashing begin thread.


Hannity calls Fred Phelps ultra-leftwing liberal

Post 44693 by StormBear deleted for the following reason: again, don't feed the troll

We can kill people too!!!!

Post 44691 by chaschas deleted for the following reason: self-link

Do you often play Flash games?

Post 44681 by cleverusername deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned

Hurricane Olive Oyl

Post 44674 by Rothko deleted for the following reason: this post makes little sense in trying to weave unrelated threads into a related one


New Orleans

Post 44658 by nola deleted for the following reason: two katrina posts still on the front page & sidebar

The Cuddly Menace

Post 44650 by iconomy deleted for the following reason: double

Redeeming States, One at a Time

Post 44649 by juiceCake deleted for the following reason: previously


Why does God hate America?

Post 44643 by caddis deleted for the following reason: don't feed the media troll



Post 44610 by dayvin deleted for the following reason: makes no sense



Post 44601 by Joey Michaels deleted for the following reason: last time, we liked it. double. jcw

Boo! It's Paper!

Post 44576 by taz deleted for the following reason: double


There's something about George

Post 44567 by If I Had An Anus deleted for the following reason: please feel free to keep metachat on metachat, thanks


Concrete Cam

Post 44539 by RonZ deleted for the following reason: meh

This is kinda cool

Post 44524 by tommyc deleted for the following reason: reading mefi is kinda cool


Get the lady a muzzle.

Post 44523 by insomnia_lj deleted for the following reason: don't feel the coulter troll. this isn't a significant new thing she's said, just another dumbass swipe at americans.


Post 44512 by delmoi deleted for the following reason: eh, let's just stick to the original thread

Censorship On The Rise?

Post 44494 by GrooveJedi deleted for the following reason: smells like a hoax


hot girls parking cars

Post 44476 by dov3 deleted for the following reason: no content on the site


RIP Bob Moog

Post 44468 by mrbill deleted for the following reason: already there.

Darn Commies.

Post 44458 by Pretty_Generic deleted for the following reason: no links to crazy racist sites please


Bunny Suicide

Post 44435 by AMWKE deleted for the following reason: double

Kill the president

Post 44416 by flotson deleted for the following reason: .

Family Photo Archiving

Post 44408 by Mroz deleted for the following reason: self link


Foreign Language Penpals

Post 44399 by Edible Energy deleted for the following reason: site requires payment

How Far Will This Right Winger Stoop?

Post 44394 by jackspace deleted for the following reason: a trolling comment elsewhere doesn't make for a good post and one crackpot comment doesn't represent the entire right wing.

Mimes for God

Post 44390 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: somehow, I missed this.


A Story, or tale, if you will...

Post 44359 by Verdant deleted for the following reason: posted back in March


Who Knew?

Post 44347 by benkolb deleted for the following reason: meh, single CNN link?


Post 44342 by pwedza deleted for the following reason: single link to a ... come on now

Movie people have too much money

Post 44325 by cleverusername deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned

For whom does the bell toll? It tolls for freedom.

Post 44320 by frecklefaerie deleted for the following reason: posted a few days back


What's wrong with her Crawford protest

Post 44312 by Steve_at_Linnwood deleted for the following reason: single link to an op-ed?

Redneck montage

Post 44304 by psmealey deleted for the following reason: posted a couple days back


Someone Tell the President the War Is Over

Post 44284 by R. Mutt deleted for the following reason: one link op-ed at the NYT? that sources the LAT?

9/11 Oral Histories

Post 44278 by portage deleted for the following reason: double


Linux Supervillains!

Post 44265 by Gordon Smith deleted for the following reason: Brilliant but, sadly, a double.

temperature map

Post 44253 by indices deleted for the following reason: "the best of the weather?"



Post 44243 by swift deleted for the following reason: meh.

Matt Drudge Busted

Post 44242 by RodgerJ deleted for the following reason: self-link

Advantage for apple?

Post 44224 by bonehead deleted for the following reason: posted already


Parents play WOW, baby dies

Post 44216 by Lynsey deleted for the following reason: double

James Dobson Compared Stem Cell Reserch to Nazi Experiments

Post 44208 by benkolb deleted for the following reason: don't feed the media troll

Channel 4 gets Lost

Post 44197 by mandeville deleted for the following reason: Shill working for PR film with Channel 4 for a client. -- cortex


Floating logos.

Post 44180 by signal deleted for the following reason: double


Rook! I use Googer!

Post 44166 by jonson deleted for the following reason: "how to pirate warez" ain't such a good post, also, tired racist jokes are less funny than they once were

Banksy Bombs West Bank

Post 44162 by larva deleted for the following reason: posted last week


Post 44161 by Guerilla deleted for the following reason: not really mefi worthy at the moment

Kingda Ka Reopens

Post 44153 by nyc stories deleted for the following reason: no self-links, yo

Video game violence decreasing children commiting violent crimes

Post 44150 by cleverusername deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned

Jerry Garcia - 10 Years Gone

Post 44142 by Gankmore deleted for the following reason: no no no


Webcest: Is it happening in your home

Post 44134 by drezdn deleted for the following reason: your neologism was VFD'ed today. I am sorry for your loss.


words fail me

Post 44114 by nanojath deleted for the following reason: "I'm sorry for posting this. It should be deleted...."


Pipe Dreams

Post 44066 by Citizen Premier deleted for the following reason: double


Head shot

Post 44039 by Mr_Zero deleted for the following reason: kinda over done, previously discussed

posting and you

Post 44032 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: double

Flying Spaghetti Monster guy needs a job that won't make his head asplode

Post 44027 by Captain Ligntning deleted for the following reason: delightful, but a double


Sleeping well George?

Post 43981 by three blind mice deleted for the following reason: No rants about Bush (except for the title I guess)


News You Choose (Meta-NewsFilter)

Post 43971 by hybernaut deleted for the following reason: this needs to go away.

Marijuana Party leader arrested following joint raid

Post 43966 by brevity deleted for the following reason: posted a couple days ago


Post 43964 by five fresh fish deleted for the following reason: "this is purely a wanker post, and the MI admits as much"

Dirty Disneyworld

Post 43960 by cleverusername deleted for the following reason: self-link, banned



Post 43936 by brandz deleted for the following reason: uhhh....and?

Those pesky other branches...

Post 43917 by null terminated deleted for the following reason: speedy double delete

strange trends in food

Post 43916 by markovitch deleted for the following reason: double

Arthur Dent? zzzz

Post 43891 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: double