
Fortress Tower

Post 43164 by R. Mutt deleted for the following reason: double


The Immoral Relativists of the Bush Administration

Post 43131 by acrobat deleted for the following reason: meh, op-ed


same sex Cannucks

Post 43126 by carmen deleted for the following reason: posted minutes before

Welcome to day number 1384 of the War on Terror!

Post 43117 by insomnia_lj deleted for the following reason: uh, one tiny uninteresting story to support your neverending ax grinding?

The art of science

Post 43112 by Fozzie deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Walmart heir John Walton dies in plane crash

Post 43090 by jonknee deleted for the following reason: famous relative newsfilter

Mad Physics Responds to MeFi Users

Post 43078 by afrooz deleted for the following reason: self-link


Internet Group Solves Free Ipod Mystery

Post 43055 by Mroz deleted for the following reason: pyramid spam scheme


The US war with Iran has begun

Post 42961 by acrobat deleted for the following reason: single link to an op-ed?

Ask Not For Whom the Cluephone Rings

Post 42957 by Heywood Mogroot deleted for the following reason: original thread still on front page, please go comment there.


journey to the center of the earth

Post 42956 by telstar deleted for the following reason: lame

Abandoned Russian Buildings

Post 42939 by signal deleted for the following reason: double


bolton toast

Post 42920 by specialk420 deleted for the following reason: kinda lame

is graffiti art?

Post 42917 by Francesnash deleted for the following reason: self link-y looking, or just bad bad viral "marketing"

Every one of my team just want to give her a big hug.

Post 42910 by heatherann deleted for the following reason: discussed previously

Mark this day

Post 42900 by crasspastor deleted for the following reason: There are many ways to make a good FPP out of the new Downing Street Memo news, but this is not one of them.


attacking fame

Post 42875 by a thousand writers drunk at the keyboard deleted for the following reason: stop it.


Queeny gets six-gigabyte silver iPod

Post 42848 by JPowers deleted for the following reason: kind lame, no?

She turned me into a newt!

Post 42846 by Citizen Premier deleted for the following reason: yahoo news links to pop stories = not good

Former Bush team member speaks out

Post 42845 by spunpup deleted for the following reason: double

Let the woman RIP already!

Post 42843 by shoppingforsanity deleted for the following reason: one link to CNN = teh suck!


Post 42842 by EricBrooksDotCom deleted for the following reason: meh


Countdown to a Meltdown

Post 42829 by mk1gti deleted for the following reason: "This article is viewable only by Atlantic subscribers. "

Building character through nude punishment

Post 42822 by longsleeves deleted for the following reason: as fascinating as nude push-ups are, this needs more than one link to amazon

What's Inside a Girl?

Post 42794 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: double



Post 42788 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: I love big bird as much as the next person, but this is a double

I'll be in my bunk

Post 42786 by kafziel deleted for the following reason: site doesn't work


Oh yeah, so THIS is why I never played with dolls as a child.

Post 42752 by Menomena deleted for the following reason: "Fuck. Google search sucks. Sorry guys."


Is Michael Jackson guilty? Michael Jackson not guilty!

Post 42731 by clgregor deleted for the following reason: How about we wait until his feeding tube is pulled before posting, ok?

The singing StarWars Storm Trooper Nerd

Post 42723 by xistboi deleted for the following reason: self link


8th Wonder of the World?

Post 42718 by Laszlo deleted for the following reason: Laszlo is in new zealand, the lame ebay auction is from NZ, coincidence?

What happens when Posts for companionships go wrong

Post 42715 by filmgeek deleted for the following reason: posted yeterday

Back off, peasants. OUR Internet, preshuss....

Post 42713 by troutfishing deleted for the following reason: double

Darth Vader on

Post 42706 by Mayor Curley deleted for the following reason: posted previously


Google trick

Post 42680 by Brockstar deleted for the following reason: previously posted


Avatar maker

Post 42664 by renesisx deleted for the following reason: self-link!


Military Spending Tops 1 Trillion Dollars for 2004

Post 42618 by mk1gti deleted for the following reason: double

Iran Tracker: Google shows what is really going on in Iran

Post 42614 by hoder deleted for the following reason: self link


So I took a big chance at the high school dance

Post 42575 by fandango_matt deleted for the following reason: rocked previously

Doobie doobie doo...

Post 42573 by Pressed Rat deleted for the following reason: double


Epic 2014 - When the New York Times Goes Offline

Post 42540 by haasim deleted for the following reason: posted before


computer privacy

Post 42484 by robbyrobs deleted for the following reason: posted a few days ago


gAyT&T or Mad Future Robots?

Post 42457 by basicchannel deleted for the following reason: posted previously