
Daft Punk is playing at my house

Post 39969 by BoringPostcards deleted for the following reason: I don't know what's terribly interesting about this.

Who rules you?

Post 39949 by OpinioNate deleted for the following reason: posted ages ago, more than once.


Post 39933 by onlyconnect deleted for the following reason: posted recently

From Russia with dolls.

Post 39900 by grapefruitmoon deleted for the following reason: posted before

Online Monitor Cleaner

Post 39896 by sciurus deleted for the following reason: posted previously


a poke in the nose with a sharp pin

Post 39877 by MonkeySaltedNuts deleted for the following reason: double double


Cleavage Happens

Post 39849 by adrober deleted for the following reason: I think this is too racy for even fark

Place yer Oscar bets, people

Post 39844 by crunchybird deleted for the following reason: seems like a lame version of TV online. and the rowr is kinda farky, no?


God Bless Jon Stewart

Post 39807 by sourbrew deleted for the following reason: coveted this a day or two ago.


Death Before Unconsciousness

Post 39790 by keswick deleted for the following reason: posted earlier

Petals around the Rose

Post 39778 by sciurus deleted for the following reason: fairly old site, posted previously


But where do they keep their phone cards?

Post 39771 by Faint of Butt deleted for the following reason: lame, just redirects to some porny site.


What's up, Doc? WHAT'S UP TO THE EXTREME!!

Post 39742 by Robot Johnny deleted for the following reason: double

Bush Administration moves

Post 39728 by phewbertie deleted for the following reason: wha?


Matt Haughey picking his nose

Post 39725 by scarabic deleted for the following reason: I don't think this is mefi worthy, honestly. maybe metatalk.


Post 39713 by gnutron deleted for the following reason: posted before, and we probably don't want to go there again.


Amazon's a9 kicks some ass

Post 39672 by ajpresto deleted for the following reason: posted two weeks ago



Post 39637 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: test worked!


On Bullspit

Post 39595 by hank_14 deleted for the following reason: already a post about this.


Post 39589 by semmi deleted for the following reason: we covered this ground on saturday

Apparently, it should be Jacob Doe now ...

Post 39587 by 5MeoCMP deleted for the following reason: just posted a few days ago


Request a visit.

Post 39569 by growabrain deleted for the following reason: and the point is....?


Mozilla not fit for office use ?

Post 39534 by leighm deleted for the following reason: screeds are for your own blog. interesting websites are for metafilter


Who Watches the Watchmen?

Post 39518 by box elder deleted for the following reason: this might eventually be a good site. it is not currently a good site.

Thanks, Mr. Miller

Post 39506 by mcgraw deleted for the following reason: double


Go on, blaspheme...

Post 39487 by dazedandconfused deleted for the following reason: I guess I'm missing why these are good or worth money

freeform on the go

Post 39482 by subpixel deleted for the following reason: better as a comment, really.

BUMBUM ba ba ba BUM

Post 39481 by tr33hggr deleted for the following reason: double

Jimmy Smith has died.

Post 39478 by black8 deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday

Virginians better buckle up

Post 39467 by borq deleted for the following reason: posted moments before



Post 39422 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: testing

Better than ebay!

Post 39411 by modernsquid deleted for the following reason: just posted last month

Porn gone wrong.

Post 39408 by dirtynumbangelboy deleted for the following reason: Not a good idea to post stile wannabe porn sites. there's nothing novel here

T-shirt invasion

Post 39402 by NickDouglas deleted for the following reason: woulda been cool if you linked to three or four stories of recent squid news, and tossed the shirt link in as the punchline.



Post 39380 by armage deleted for the following reason: double post

he crumpled up the original message... and dropped them into the memory hole

Post 39378 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: no need for a new thread, is there?

Vera Drake

Post 39370 by Mutant deleted for the following reason: yeah, weird.


Post 39353 by milkwood deleted for the following reason: hmm, not so hot


Megan$ Law.

Post 39333 by wuchoogundonow deleted for the following reason: this doesn't make any sense at all


Bush Jesus US Politics Religion

Post 39320 by Mean Mr. Bucket deleted for the following reason: meh, unfunny


Bush's SOTU guest

Post 39290 by XQUZYPHYR deleted for the following reason: I like the second one better


Bang Bang Fun Fun

Post 39282 by mudpuppie deleted for the following reason: meh, day old newsfilter


White House Ringers Redux

Post 39229 by digaman deleted for the following reason: double post


Superbowl Ads 2005

Post 39197 by Doohickie deleted for the following reason: please wait a few days