
Outrage Update (Agonist)

Post 28550 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: too many updates on this story, cribbed from other blogs.


Oh what a feeling. Toy Yoda!

Post 28526 by gwong deleted for the following reason: oldest doublepost ever



Post 28509 by ifenn deleted for the following reason: already featured on the etc page


This Post Deserves No Clever Title

Post 28427 by archimago deleted for the following reason: dead posts tell no tales, but they do link to earlier tales


I've switched to Mozilla Firebird

Post 28397 by tranquileye deleted for the following reason: um, not exactly interesting.


Name that beer bottle

Post 28380 by lola deleted for the following reason: posted earlier


George & Laura on September 11th: a barrel of fucking laughs

Post 28350 by johnnydark deleted for the following reason: self-link

Clark to enter presidential race

Post 28336 by quirked deleted for the following reason: self-link


Scorecard of Evil

Post 28225 by AstroGuy deleted for the following reason: bush is evil?! get out! (this was posted ages ago, too)

Swedish foreign minister murdered

Post 28218 by tomcosgrave deleted for the following reason: posted the day before


Google Hacked?

Post 28208 by deviant deleted for the following reason: amihackedornot


This war on terrorism is bogus

Post 28133 by idixon deleted for the following reason: posted yesterday


Elmo - Dubya's Right Hand Man?

Post 28038 by turbanhead deleted for the following reason: D is for doublepost, it's good enough for me...